3 - The Legal Profession in Nigeria's Démocratisation Processes (1984-1992)
Africa Development,
Vol. 23 No. 1 (1998): Africa Development
Les facteurs qui alimentent les luttes démocratiques en Afrique varient d'un pays à un autre. Certains de ces facteurs sont d'origine interne, tandis que d'autres viennent de l'extérieur. On peut dire que l'intérêt pour la démocratisation en Afrique s'est généralisé. Au Nigeria, des institutions ont décidé de se mettre au service de la démocratie populaire. Les praticiens du droit au Nigeria, à travers leur association, le Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), ont joué un rôle prépondérant dans les processus de démocratisation. La question à laquelle cet article tente d'apporter une réponse est: pourquoi la profession juridique? En plus de l'examen de quelques questions théoriques, nous nous proposons également d'étudier les contraintes qui pèsent sur le rôle des hommes de loi dans la démocratie, de même que la réaction de l'Etat face à ce rôle actif du NBA.
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Adewoye, 0.,1977, The legal Profession in Nigeria, Nigeria, Longman.
- Aguda, A., 1992, The Judicial Process and the Third Republic, Lagos, F and A Publishers Limited.
- Austin, J., 1979, 'The Province of Jurisprudence Determined', Lord Lloyd (ed.),
- Introduction to Jurisprudence, London, Stevens and Sons.
- Benn, T., 1981, Arguments for Democracy, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd.
- Ekoko, A. E., 1980, 'Bauchi, Bomo, Kaduna and Kano States', Oyeleye Oyediran' (ed.) Nigerian Legislative Houses, Which Way, Ibadan, University of Ibadan Consultancy Unit.
- Fawehinmi, G., 1988, Bench and Bar in Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria Law Publications.
- Frank, G., 1970, 'The Development of Underdevelopment', Rhodes, RI. (ed.)Imperialism and Underdevelopment, London, Monthly Review Press.
- Fuller, L. L., 1958, 'Positivism and Fidelity to Law: A Reply to Professor Hart', Harvard Law Review No. 4, Vol. 71.
- Hart, H. L. A., 1958, 'Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals',Harvard Law Review, No. 4, Vol. 71.
- Lipset, S. M., 1981, Political Man, The Social Bases of Politics, Maryland, Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Marx, K., 1976, Capital Vol. 1, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books Ltd.
- Nyong' o, P. A., 1991, Democratisation Processes in Africa, AAPS Research Agenda 1991-93 No. 1).
- Oculi, O., 1982, 'The Political Economy of the Planning: The Bakalori Irrigation Project,
- -1980', Y. B. Usman (ed.) Political Oppression in Nigeria, Zaria, Gaskiya Corporation Ltd.
- Olurode, Lai, 1984, 'The Sociology of Political Transition', Journal of Business and Social Studies, Vol.7 No.l.
Adewoye, 0.,1977, The legal Profession in Nigeria, Nigeria, Longman.
Aguda, A., 1992, The Judicial Process and the Third Republic, Lagos, F and A Publishers Limited.
Austin, J., 1979, 'The Province of Jurisprudence Determined', Lord Lloyd (ed.),
Introduction to Jurisprudence, London, Stevens and Sons.
Benn, T., 1981, Arguments for Democracy, Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd.
Ekoko, A. E., 1980, 'Bauchi, Bomo, Kaduna and Kano States', Oyeleye Oyediran' (ed.) Nigerian Legislative Houses, Which Way, Ibadan, University of Ibadan Consultancy Unit.
Fawehinmi, G., 1988, Bench and Bar in Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria Law Publications.
Frank, G., 1970, 'The Development of Underdevelopment', Rhodes, RI. (ed.)Imperialism and Underdevelopment, London, Monthly Review Press.
Fuller, L. L., 1958, 'Positivism and Fidelity to Law: A Reply to Professor Hart', Harvard Law Review No. 4, Vol. 71.
Hart, H. L. A., 1958, 'Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals',Harvard Law Review, No. 4, Vol. 71.
Lipset, S. M., 1981, Political Man, The Social Bases of Politics, Maryland, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Marx, K., 1976, Capital Vol. 1, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books Ltd.
Nyong' o, P. A., 1991, Democratisation Processes in Africa, AAPS Research Agenda 1991-93 No. 1).
Oculi, O., 1982, 'The Political Economy of the Planning: The Bakalori Irrigation Project,
-1980', Y. B. Usman (ed.) Political Oppression in Nigeria, Zaria, Gaskiya Corporation Ltd.
Olurode, Lai, 1984, 'The Sociology of Political Transition', Journal of Business and Social Studies, Vol.7 No.l.