7 - Power-sharing and Conflict Management in Africa: Nigeria, Sudan and Rwanda
Corresponding Author(s) : R.T. Akinyele
Africa Development,
Vol. 25 No. 3-4 (2000): Africa Development
The nature of conflicts in Africa has continued to attract the attention of scholars. This is largely because most of the violent conflicts currently witnessed in the world are taking place on the continent. This article attributes the ethnic character of most of the conflicts to the capacity of ethnicity to modify or feed on other forms of conflicts. Using Nigeria, Sudan and Rwanda as case studies, the article proposes the adoption of Rotational Presidency and the Zoning of important State offices as a solution to the fear of sectional domination which is at the centre of many conflicts
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- Akinyele, R. T., 1992 (b), 'Sectarian Balancing and Unity in Diversity in Nigeria', Oye, Ogun Journal of Arts, v. pp. 77-86.
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Adamolckun, L. and Kincaid, J., 1991, 'The Fcderal Solution: Assessment and prognosis for Nigeria and Africa', The journal of Federation, 21(4), pp. 173-188.
Adams, H. and Galiomee, H., 1979, Ethnie Po,ver Mobi/ised: Can S011th Africa Change?, London, Yale University Press.
Ade-Ajayi, J. F., 1992, 'The National Question in Historical Perspective', paper delivered at the Fifth Guardian Lecture, Lagos, NIIA.
Ake, C., 1986, 'Theoretical Notes on the National Question in Nigeria', Papcr presented at the National Conference on the National Question: Its Historical Origins and Contemporary Dimensions, Abuja, 4-9th August.
Akinyele, R. T., 1990, 'State Creation and Boundary Adjustments in Nigeria, 1900-1987: A Study on the Approach to the Problcms of Ethnie Minority Groups in Nigeria', Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Lagos.
Akinyele, R. T., 1992 (a), 'A Western Niger Province or Constitutional Safeguards: The Search for an Effective Remcdy to the Fears of the Igbo West of the Niger, 1941-54', Immigrants and Minorities, 11(2), pp. 156-170.
Akinyele, R. T., 1992 (b), 'Sectarian Balancing and Unity in Diversity in Nigeria', Oye, Ogun Journal of Arts, v. pp. 77-86.
Akinycle, R. T., 1998, 'The Democratic process in Nigeria: The Responsc of African-Americans to the Political Crisis' in Ogunba O. cd., Govcrnance and the Electoral process: Nigeria and the United States of America, Lagos, Americail Studies Association and United States Information Service, pp. 593-610.
Alier, A., 1973, 'The Southern Sudan Question', in Dunstan M. Wai cd., The Southern Sudan: The Problem of National Integration, London: Frank C
Bates, R. H., 1973, Ethniciry in Contemporary Africa, New York, Eastern African Studies, Syracuse University Press.
Birth, F., 1969, Ethnie Croups and Bo11ndaries, Boston, Little, Brown and coy. Bozman, A. B., 1976, Conflict in Africa: Concepts and Realities, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.
Fredrich Ebert Foundation, 1996, Constitutions and Federalism: Proceedings of the Conference on Constitutions and Federalism, Lagos.
Inikori, J. E., and Thomas-Emeagwali, G., 1986, 'The National Question as a Dominant Form of Inter-Group Contradictions: A Thcoretical Analysis': Paper presented at the National Conference on the National Question: Its Historical Origin and Contemporary Dimensions, Abuja, 4-9th August.
Joseph, R. A., 1991, Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: the Rise and Fall of the Second Republic, Cambridge, The University Press.
King, M. B., 1956, The Minority Course', American Sociological Review, 21(1). Kirk-Green, A. H. M., 1971, Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria: A Documentary Source Book, London, Oxford University Press.
Lake, D., and Rotchild, D., 1996, 'Containing Fear: The Origins and Management of Ethnie Conflicts', International Security, 21(2).
Mangvwat, M. Y., 1987, 'History, Oass and the National Question': Paper presentcd at the 32nd Congress of the Historical Society of Nigeria, Jos, 10-15 May.
Marden, C. F. and Meyer, G., 1962, Minorities in American Society, New York, American Books Coy.
Mazrui, A. A. and Rotberg, R.I., 1970, Protes! and Power in Black Africa, New York, Oxford University Press.
Mazrui, A. A., 1980, The African Condition: A Political Diagnosis, London, Cambridge University Press.
McNulty, M., 1997, France's Role in Rwanda and External Military Intervention: A Double Discrediting, International Peacekecping, 4 (3), pp. 24
Nigeria, 1995, Report of the Constitutional Conference Containing the Resolutions and Recommendations, Vol. Il.
Nnoli, O., 1989 (a), Ethnie Polities in Afriea, Ibadan: Vantage.
Nnoli, O., 1989 (b), Ethnie Conflicts in Afriea, CODESRIA Working Paper 1/89, Dakar.
Obi, C., 1997, 'Globalisation and Local Resistance: The Case of the Ogoni versus Shell', New Political Economy 2(1).
Okafor, F. U., cd., 1997, New Strategies for Curbing Ethnie and Religious Conflicts in Nigeria, Enugu, Fourth Dimension.
Okupe, D., 1988, 'The New Breed anè Political Stability', Proceedings of the National Conference on Stability in the Third Republic, Lagos, N.I.I.A. Olorunsola, V. A. cd., 1972, The Polities of Cultural Sub-Nationalism in Afriea, NewYork: Anchor Books, doubleday.
Omotoso, K. cd., 1991, Fellow Nigerians: First Famous Words of Nigerian Coup Makers, 1966-1990, Akure, Nigerian House of Books.
Osaghae, E. E., 1994, Ethnicity and its Management in Africa: The Democratisation Llnk, Lagos, Malthouse Press Ltd.
Otite, O., 1979, 'Ethnicity and Class in a Plural Society: Nigeria' in Marrett, C.B. and Leggon;
Otite, O., 1990, Ethnie Pluralism and Ethnicity in Nigeria, Ibadan, Shaneson. Rupesinghe, K. cd., 1989, Confliet &solution in Uganda, Oslo, IPRI.
Sanda, A. O. cd., 1979, Ethnie Relations in Nigeria, Ibadan, University Press. 'Scherrer, C. P., 1997, 'Intra-State Conflict, Ethnicity and Mass Violence', Working Paper 22, Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI).
Schmitt, N., 1996, 'History of Constitution-Making: European and Australasian Experience' in Friedrich Ebert Foundation Constitutions and Federalism, Lagos, pp. 19-72. .
Tekle, A., 1996, 'International Relations in the Horn of Africa, 1991-1996',
Review of African Politieal Econonry, 70, pp. 499°509.
Toyo, E. A., 1986, A Theoi:y of the National Question and Ethni.city': Paper presented at the National Conference on the National Question: Its Historical Origins arid Contemporary Dimensions, Abuja, 4-9th August.
Zartmann, W. cd., 1992, Resolving Regional Conflicts: International Perspectives, London, Sage.