2 - Analyse de la diversification des recettes fiscales en Afrique
Corresponding Author(s) : Nimonka Bayale
Africa Development,
Vol. 49 No. 1 (2024): Africa Development
Recent economic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, illustrated the fragility of public policies built around concentrated revenue sources. The need for a more diversified tax structure is an important concern in developing countries. This article analyses the Tax Revenues Diversification (TRD) in 39 African countries over the period 2005-2019, distinguishing between resource-rich and resource-poor countries. An index for monitoring TRD is constructed. The results indicate that the average value of this index in Africa is 0.846, reflecting weak performance in terms of TRD. Moreover, factors that determine TRD are analyzed using the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) approach, the Generalized Moment Method (GMM) and the Least Squares Dummy Variable Corrected (LSDVC). The results show that economic development and diversification, promotion of the industrial sector, trade, education, and financial development and digitalization enhance TRD, whereas informal economy, natural resources, corruption, and political instability inhibit TRD. Thus, the government policies should focus on economic diversification, digitalization development, gradual taxation of the informal sector, and improving the quality of institutions to diversify and increase tax revenue mobilization.
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Bayale, N., Tchagnao, A. F., Nagou, M., & Tchila, P., 2023, “Beneficial impact of tax reforms on tax revenue performances in Togo: Myth or reality?”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 75, p. 1323–343.
Bayale, N., Ali, E., Tchagnao, A. F., and Nakumuryango, A., 2021, “Determinants of renewable energy production in WAEMU countries: New empirical insights and policy implications”, International Journal of Green Energy 18(6), p. 602–614. Bayale, N., and Kouassi, B. K., 2022, “The Devil is in the Details: On the Robust Determinants of Development Aid in G5 Sahel Countries”, Comparative Economic Studies, p. 1–35.
Bayes, T., 1763, “Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics: IX. Thomas Bayes’s Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances”, Biometrika 45, p. 296–315.
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Cazachevici, A., Havranek, T., and Horvath, R., 2020., “Remittances and economic growth: A meta-analysis”, World Development 134, 105021.
Cariolle, J., Geourjon, A.M., et de Ubeda, A.A., 2019, « L’engagement dans l’intégration commerciale donne-t-il des résultats tangibles ? Principes et application à l’UEMOA d’un indice d’engagement des États », Revue d’économie du développement, 27(1), p. 73-112.
Chebochok, M.C., & Bayale, N., 2023, “Effects of financial inclusion on tax revenue mobilization: Evidence from WAEMU countries”, African Development Review, 35(2), p. 226-238.
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Building: Insights from a New Tax Revenue Diversification Index, IMF WP No. 20/194.
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Ebeke, C., and Ehrhart, H., 2012, “Tax revenue instability in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consequences and remedies”, Journal of African Economies 21(1), p. 1–27.
Fama E. F., and French K. R., 1995, “Size and Book-to-Market Factors in Earnings and Returns”, Journal of Finance, 50.
Fonds monétaire international, 2021, Government Finance Statistics, GFS database. Fonds monétaire international, 2020, Financial Development Index.
Fonds monétaire international, 2018, « Mobilisation des recettes fiscales en Afrique subsaharienne : quelles sont les possibilités ? » Perspectives économiques régionales : Afrique subsaharienne, Washington, DC.
FMI 2017, Regional Economic Outlook: Sub‐Saharan Africa. Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Diversification, Washington, D.C.
Frumkin, P., and Keating, E. K., 2011, “Diversification reconsidered: The risks and rewards of revenue concentration”, Journal of social entrepreneurship 2(2), p. 151–164.
Giri, R., Quayyum, M.S.N., and Yin, R., 2019, Understanding export diversification: Key drivers and policy implications, IMF WP No. 19/105.
Gupta, A.S., 2007, Determinants of tax revenue efforts in developing countries, IMF WP No. 07/184.
Gygli, S., Haelg, F., Potrafke, N., and Sturm, J., 2019, “The KOF Globalisation Index – Revisited”, Review of International Organizations 14(3), p. 543–574.
Hirschman, A.O., 1964, “The paternity of an index”, The American Economic Review, 54(5), p. 761–762.
Hung, C., and Hager, M.A., 2019, “The impact of revenue diversification on nonprofit financial health: A meta-analysis”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48(1), p. 5–27.
International Monetary Fund 2016, “Diversifying Government Revenue in the GCC: Next Steps”, GCC, Annual Meeting of Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors, Riyadh.
Jordan, M.M., Yan, W., and Hooshmand, S., 2017, “The Role of State revenue structure in the occurrence and magnitude of negative revenue variance”, The American Review of Public Administration, 47(4), p. 469–478.
Jordan, M.M., and Wagner, G.A., 2008, “Revenue Diversification in Arkansas cities: The budgetary and tax effort impacts”, Public Budgeting and Finance 28(3), p. 68–82.
Kilby, K., 2014, Does Tax Revenue Diversification Help States Weather Economic Downturns? Evidence from the Great Recession, MPA/MPP Capstone Projects 12. Laffer, A., 2004, “The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and Future”, https://www.heritage.org/taxes/report/the-laffer-curve-past-present-and-future.
Laffer, A.B., 1981, “Supply-Side Economics”, Financial Analysts Journal, 37(5), p. 29–44.
Laplace P.S., 1774, « Mémoire sur la Probabilité des Causes par les Événements », Savants étranges, 6, p. 621-656.
Markowitz H., 1959, Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments, New York, John Wiley & Sons.
Markowitz H., 1952, “Portfolio Selection”, Journal of Finance, 7(1), p. 77–91.
Medina, L., and Schneider, F., 2018, Shadow economies around the world: what did we learn over the last 20 years? IMF WP No. 18/17.
Modigliani, F., and Miller, M.H., 1958, “The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment”, American Economic Review, 48(3), p. 261–297.
Ndikumana, L., and Abderrahim, K., 2010, “Revenue Mobilization in African Countries: does natural resource endowment matter?”, African Development Review 22(3), p. 351–365.
OCDE 2021, « Recettes fiscales, indicateur », doi : 10.1787/2907dcbf-fr Shannon, C.E., 1948, “A mathematical theory of communication”, Bell System Technical Journal 27, p. 79–423.
Shannon, C.E., and Wiever, W., 1949, The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois Press, Urbana.
Sharpe, W.F., 1964, “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk”, The Journal of Finance 19(3), p. 425–442.
Simpson, E.H., 1949, “Measurement of diversity”, Nature 163(688).
Slime, B., and Hammami, M., 2016, “Concentration Risk: The Comparison of the Ad-Hoc Approach Indexes”, Journal of Financial Risk Management, 5(1), p. 43–56.
Suyderhound, J., 1994, “State-Local Revenue Diversification, Balance, and Fiscal Performance”, Public Finance Review 22(2), p. 168–194.
Theil, H., 1972, Statistical decomposition analysis, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. Chapter IV.
World Bank, 2014, Introduction to poverty analysis, World Bank WP No. 90288, Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
Yan, W., 2012, “The impact of revenue diversification and economic base on State revenue stability”, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management 24(1), p. 58–81.
Yohou H.D., Goujon M., and Ouattara W., 2016, “Heterogeneous Aid Effects on Tax Revenues: Accounting for Government Stability in WAEMU Countries”, Journal of African Economies 25(3), p. 468–498.
Zeugner, S., and M. Feldkircher, 2015, “Bayesian model averaging employing fixed and flexible priors: The BMS package for R”, Journal of Statistical Software 68(4), p. 1–37.