2 - Healthcare Delivery and the Limits of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : Alex E. Asakitikpi
Africa Development,
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2016): Africa Development
Health reforms that target universal coverage have intensified in Nigeria since the dawn of the twenty-first century, and the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), in particular, has been hailed as the panacea and appropriate framework for achieving the desired health for all by 2015. A few months to the target goal however, the reality is bleak and the task of reaching the goal more daunting than ever. This article provides a historical analysis of healthcare delivery in Nigeria Explanations for the difficulties in meeting health targets are discussed, pointing to weak governance, economic challenges, and socio-cultural contexts as important interacting factors slowing down the process. The aricle concludes by outlining some important emerging possibilities for strengthening the health system, including the liberalization of the health sector, enhancing public-private partnership, and suggestions for improving the National Health Insurance Scheme by recognizing key socio-cultural factors for inclusion in achieving health targets.
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Federal Ministry of Health, 1986, National Health Policy and Strategy to Achieve Health for All Nigerians, Lagos: Federal Ministry of Health.
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Kannan, K.P., Thankappan, K.K., Kutty, V.R. & Aravindan, K.F., 1991, Health and Development in Rural Kerala, Kerala: Kerala Sahityn Parished.
Lambo, E., 1991, ‘Health for all Nigerians: Some Revolutionary Management Dimension’, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 6: p. 89-108.
Lanre-Abass, B.A., 2008, ‘Poverty and Maternal Mortality in Nigeria: Towards a More Viable Ethics of Modern Medical Practice’, International Journal for Equity in Health, 7: p. 75-81.
Maiga, Z., Nafo, F.T. and Abassi, A.E., 2003, Health Sector Reform in Mali, 1989-1996, Antwerp: ITG Press.
Manuwa-Olumide, A., 2009, Addressing the Human Resource Challenges in Primary Health Care in Nigeria, paper presented at the National Health Conference, Uyo, Nigeria.
McKenzie, A., Sokpo, E. & Ager, A., 2014, ‘Bridging the Policy-implementation Gap in Federal Health Systems: Lessons from Nigeria’, Journal of Public Health in Africa, 5: p. 82-87.
Mwabu, G., Wang’ombe, J., Nganda, B. & Gakuru, O., 2002, ‘Financing Medical Care through Insurance: Policy Lessons from Household- and Community-Level Analysis in Kenya’, African Development Bank, Vol. 14(1), p. 75- 97.
National Population Commission (NPC) [Nigeria] and ICF Macro, 2009, Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2008, Abuja, Nigeria: National Population Commission and ICF Macro.
NHIS, 2007, National Health Insurance Scheme: Mandates and Achievements 1999-2007 http://www.nhis.gov.org. Accessed 16 January 2008.
Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), 2009, Lagos: Nigeria.
Ogunbekun, I., Ogunbekun, A. and Oraton, N., 1999, ‘Private Health Care in Nigeria: Walking a Tightrope’, Health Policy and Planning 14: p. 174-81.
Ogundeji, M.O., 2002, Background and Status of PHC Activities in Nigeria, Ibadan: XANFUN Limited.
Ogunkelu, B., 2002, ‘The State of Health in Nigeria: A Focus on Women and Children’, statement on Advocacy Day, 29th Annual Conference, Global Health Council, Washington DC, USA, by the Minister, Cooperation and Integration in Africa, Federal Government of Nigeria.
Olukoshi, A., 1993, Introduction: From Crisis to Adjustment in Nigeria. In A. Olukoshi (ed.) The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Nigeria, Ibadan: Heinemann, p. 1-15.
Quaye, R. K., 2004, ‘Paying for Health Services in East Africa: A Research Note’, Social Theory & Health, Vol. 2: p. 94-105.
UNDP, 2006, MDG: Meeting the Millennium Goals in Nigeria. http://www.undp.org/modules. Accessed 17 August 2007.
United Nations Population Fund, 2011, The state of the world’s midwifery. Accessed 11 August 2013.
Wang’ombe, J., 1997, ‘Cost Recovery Strategies: the Sub-Saharan Africa Experience’, paper presented at the international conference of the World Bank in Washington DC, March 10-11.
WHO, 2005, World Health Report, 2004: Changing History, Geneva: WHO.
WHO, 2011, World Health Statistics, Geneva, WHO.