7 - Hidden Processes of Reconciliation in Mozambique: The Entangled Histories of Truth-seeking Commissions held between 1975 and 1982
Corresponding Author(s) : Maria Paula Meneses
Africa Development,
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2016): Africa Development
The southern Africa region has witnessed, over the last 50 years, several episodes of violent conflicts, and Mozambique is no exception. The dominant perspective of the Global North on transition to democracy insists on reinforcing a eurocentric version of modernity, symbolized by a linear transition towards a single legal system and nationhood. This dominant international model of justice reproduces violence in the form of epistemicide and privatization of violence. If courts cannot end civil wars, what are the alternatives? This article, which is focused upon Mozambique and based upon interviews and archival data, aims to explore the extent to which the multiple, almost invisible and silenced processes of national reconciliation can find expression within methodologies of national reconciliation processes. Specific emphasis is placed upon the analysis of initiatives (in the 1970s and 1980s) to deal with ‘traitors of the revolution’ in open organized meetings that produced little-known practices of national reconciliation. It is in such a context where the limits of the discourse about ‘universal jurisdiction’ and criminalization of perpetrators of violence are arguably best understood, and where alternatives can find their strongest manifestations and most radical expressions.
Maria Paula Meneses, Centre for Social Studies, Colégio de Sao Jerónimo, Coimbra University, Portugal. Email: mpmeneses@gmail.com
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Meneses, M.P., 2011, ‘Images Outside the Mirror? Mozambique and Portugal in World History’, Human Architecture, Vol. IX, p. 121-137.
Meneses, M.P., 2012, ‘Powers, Rights and Citizenship: The ‘return’ of the traditional authorities in Mozambique’, in T. Bennett et al., ed., African Perspectives on Tradition and Justice, Cambridge: Intersentia. p. 67-94.
Meneses, M.P., 2015, ‘Xiconhoca, o inimigo: Narrativas de violência sobre a construção da nação em Moçambique’, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, Vol. 106, p. 9-52.
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Ncomo, B., 2003, Uria Simango, Um Homem, Uma Causa, Maputo: Edições Novafrica.
Pachinuapa, R., ed., 2011, Memórias da Revolução 1962-1974, Maputo: Centro de Pesquisa da História da Luta de Libertação Nacional e Associação Nachingwea.
Peixoto, C. and Meneses, M.P., 2013, ‘Domingos Arouca: um percurso de militância nacionalista em Moçambique’, Topoi, Vol. 14, No. 26, p. 86-104.
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Ricoeur, P., 2006, Memory, History, Forgetting, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Roth-Arriaza, N. and Mariezcurrena, J., eds, 2006, Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth Versus Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Santos, B.S., 1998, ‘The Fall of the Angelus Novus: beyond the modern game of roots and options’, Current Sociology, Vol. 46, No. 2, p. 81-118.
Santos, B.S., 2004a, The World Social Forum: a User’s Manual. (http:// www.ces.uc.pt/bss/documentos/fsm_eng.pdf.), 20 June 2013.
Santos, B.S., 2004b, ‘A Critique of the Lazy Reason: against the Waste of Experience’, in Wallerstein, I., ed., The Modern World-System in the Long Durée, London: Paradigm Publishers. p. 157-197.
Santos, B.S. and Avritzer, L., 2007, ‘Introduction: Opening Up the Canon of Democracy’, in B.S. Santos, ed., Democratizing Democracy, London: Verso Press. p. xxxiv-lxxiv. S/a, 1977, Tortura na colónia de Moçambique: 1963-1974, Porto: Afrontamento.
Teitel, R., 2003, ‘Transitional Justice Genealogy’, Harvard Human Rights Journal, Vol. 16, p. 69-94.
Thomaz, O., 2008, ‘‘Escravos sem dono’: a experiência social dos campos de trabalho em Moçambique no período socialista’, Revista de Antropologia da USP, Vol. 51, No. 1, p. 177- 214.
Trouillot, M.-R., 1995, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History, Boston: Beacon Press.
West, H., 2003, ‘Voices Twice Silenced: betrayal and mourning at colonialism’s end in Mozambique’, Anthropological Theory, Vol. 3, p. 343-365.
Wieviorka, A., 2006, The Era of the Witness, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.