4 - A Mulher guineense como sujeito e objecto do debate histórico contemporâneo: Excertos da história de vida de Teodora Inácia Gomes
Africa Development,
Vol. 41 No. 3 (2016): Africa Development
The armed struggle conducted in Guinea-Bissau promoted profound changes in the social formation, particularly in terms of cultural, social and administrative structures (education, health and justice). However, the building of a new society fell far short from the real expectations of the Bissau-Guinean people after the independence. Based on the method of oral History, this study discusses the first results of a wider research on one of the Bissau-Guinean Women figures who embody the practical application of Amilcar Cabral’s thought, Teodora Inácia Gomes. The research make use of some fragments of Teodora’s life history, of the Amilcar Cabral’s discourse on Women condition, of the PAIGC’s documents and of the literature on the subject.
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- Cabral, A.,1976, ‘Os princípios do Partido e a prática política’, Andrade, M. (Org.), A arma da teoria-Unidade e luta (Obras escolhidas de Amilcar Cabral), vol.I, Lisboa, Seara Nova, 1976, pp. 172-175.
- Chabal, P., 2003, Amilcar Cabral: revolutionary leadership and people’s war, African World Press.
- Chaliand, G., 1969, Armed struggle in Africa: with the guerrillas in “Portuguese” Guinea, Monthly Review Press.
- Davidson, B., 1979, Unity and struggle: speeches and writings of Amilcar Cabral, Monthly Review Press.
- Forrest, J., 2003, Lineagesof State fragility, rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau, Athens: Ohio University Press.
- Gaitskell, D., 1983, “Housewives, maids or mothers: some contradictions of domesticity for Christian women in Johannesburg, 1903-1939”, Journal of African History, vol. 24, n. 2, pp. 241-257.
- Godinho Gomes, P., 2010, Os fundamentos de uma nova sociedade. O PAIGC e a luta armada na Guiné-Bissau (1963-1973), Torino, l’Harmattan Italia.
- Godinho Gomes, P., 2013, ‘From theory to practice. Amilcar Cabral and Guinean women in the fight for emancipation’, Manji, F., Fletcher JR. B., Eds, ‘Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral’, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press, pp. 279-294.
- Gomes, P., 2004, ‘Guinea Bissau e isole di Cabo Verde: partecipazione femminile alla lotta politica’, Carcangiu B.M., Org., Donna e Potere nel continente africano, Torino, l’Harmattan, pp. 192-244.
- Gomes, P., Mwewa, M., Fernandes, G. (Orgs.), 2009, Sociedades desiguais. Genero, cidadania e identidades, Sao Leopoldo, Nova Harmonia, pp. 61-87.
- Hay, M. J., 1988, ‘Queens, prostitutes and peasants: historical perspectives on African women, 1971-1986’, Canadian Journal of Africa Studies, vol.22, n.3, pp. 430-447.
- Hay, M. J. e Stitcher, S. (Eds), 1984, African women south of the Sahara, London/New York, Longman.
- Kinsman, M., October 1983, ‘Beasts of burden: the subordination of southern Tswana women, ca. 1800-1840’, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol.10 ( Special Issue on women in Southern Africa) n.1, pp. 39-54.
- Ly, A., 2015, ‘Promise and betrayal: women fighters and national liberation in Guinea-Bissau’, Feminist Africa, p. 24-42, http://agi.ac.za/journals.
- Manji, F., Fletcher JR. B., Eds, 2013, ‘Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral’, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press.
- Mendy, P., 1999, Guinea-Bissau: State Decay and Factional Struggles, 1973-1998, Sapen May.
- Miller, J., 1975, ‘Nzinga of Matamba in a New Perspective’, Journal of African History, vol. 16, n. 2, pp. 201-216.
- Nicoué Gaybor, T., 2011, Sorces orales. Histoire africaine, Paris, L’Harmattan.
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- Oyewumi, O., ‘Visualizing the body: Western theories and the African subject’, Oyewumi, O., Ed., African Gender Studies. A reader (2005), Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-21.
- Pekka Roos, J., 1991, ‘Biografie, autobiografie, vite reali: il metodo delle storie di vita’, La Critica Sociologica, n. 99 (ottobre-dicembre), pp. 1-14.
- Robertson, C., Berger I., (Eds), 1986, Women and class in Africa, New York, Holmes and Meier.
- Sheldon, K., Feo Rodrigues, I., 2008, “‘Outras vozes’: Women’s writings in Lusophone Africa”, Africa and Asia Studies, n.7, pp. 423-445.
- Thompson, P., 1992, A voz do passado: história oral, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.
- Urdang, S., ‘But we have to fight twice. Reflexions on the contribution of Amilcar Cabral to the liberation of women, in Firoze MANJI, Bill FLETCHER JR., Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press, 2013, pp. 273-278.
- Vansina, J., 1977, La tradizione orale. Saggio di metodo storico, Roma, Officina Edizioni.
Cabral, A.,1976, ‘Os princípios do Partido e a prática política’, Andrade, M. (Org.), A arma da teoria-Unidade e luta (Obras escolhidas de Amilcar Cabral), vol.I, Lisboa, Seara Nova, 1976, pp. 172-175.
Chabal, P., 2003, Amilcar Cabral: revolutionary leadership and people’s war, African World Press.
Chaliand, G., 1969, Armed struggle in Africa: with the guerrillas in “Portuguese” Guinea, Monthly Review Press.
Davidson, B., 1979, Unity and struggle: speeches and writings of Amilcar Cabral, Monthly Review Press.
Forrest, J., 2003, Lineagesof State fragility, rural civil society in Guinea-Bissau, Athens: Ohio University Press.
Gaitskell, D., 1983, “Housewives, maids or mothers: some contradictions of domesticity for Christian women in Johannesburg, 1903-1939”, Journal of African History, vol. 24, n. 2, pp. 241-257.
Godinho Gomes, P., 2010, Os fundamentos de uma nova sociedade. O PAIGC e a luta armada na Guiné-Bissau (1963-1973), Torino, l’Harmattan Italia.
Godinho Gomes, P., 2013, ‘From theory to practice. Amilcar Cabral and Guinean women in the fight for emancipation’, Manji, F., Fletcher JR. B., Eds, ‘Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral’, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press, pp. 279-294.
Gomes, P., 2004, ‘Guinea Bissau e isole di Cabo Verde: partecipazione femminile alla lotta politica’, Carcangiu B.M., Org., Donna e Potere nel continente africano, Torino, l’Harmattan, pp. 192-244.
Gomes, P., Mwewa, M., Fernandes, G. (Orgs.), 2009, Sociedades desiguais. Genero, cidadania e identidades, Sao Leopoldo, Nova Harmonia, pp. 61-87.
Hay, M. J., 1988, ‘Queens, prostitutes and peasants: historical perspectives on African women, 1971-1986’, Canadian Journal of Africa Studies, vol.22, n.3, pp. 430-447.
Hay, M. J. e Stitcher, S. (Eds), 1984, African women south of the Sahara, London/New York, Longman.
Kinsman, M., October 1983, ‘Beasts of burden: the subordination of southern Tswana women, ca. 1800-1840’, Journal of Southern African Studies, vol.10 ( Special Issue on women in Southern Africa) n.1, pp. 39-54.
Ly, A., 2015, ‘Promise and betrayal: women fighters and national liberation in Guinea-Bissau’, Feminist Africa, p. 24-42, http://agi.ac.za/journals.
Manji, F., Fletcher JR. B., Eds, 2013, ‘Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral’, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press.
Mendy, P., 1999, Guinea-Bissau: State Decay and Factional Struggles, 1973-1998, Sapen May.
Miller, J., 1975, ‘Nzinga of Matamba in a New Perspective’, Journal of African History, vol. 16, n. 2, pp. 201-216.
Nicoué Gaybor, T., 2011, Sorces orales. Histoire africaine, Paris, L’Harmattan.
Oyewumi, O., ‘Conceptualizando el género: los fundamentos eurocêntricos de los conceptos feministas y el reto de la epistemologia africana’, Africaneando. Revista de actualidad y esperiencias, Núm.04, 4º Trimestre 2010, 11 p., disponível em www.africaneando.org.
Oyewumi, O., ‘Visualizing the body: Western theories and the African subject’, Oyewumi, O., Ed., African Gender Studies. A reader (2005), Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-21.
Pekka Roos, J., 1991, ‘Biografie, autobiografie, vite reali: il metodo delle storie di vita’, La Critica Sociologica, n. 99 (ottobre-dicembre), pp. 1-14.
Robertson, C., Berger I., (Eds), 1986, Women and class in Africa, New York, Holmes and Meier.
Sheldon, K., Feo Rodrigues, I., 2008, “‘Outras vozes’: Women’s writings in Lusophone Africa”, Africa and Asia Studies, n.7, pp. 423-445.
Thompson, P., 1992, A voz do passado: história oral, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra.
Urdang, S., ‘But we have to fight twice. Reflexions on the contribution of Amilcar Cabral to the liberation of women, in Firoze MANJI, Bill FLETCHER JR., Claim no easy victories. The legacy of Amilcar Cabral, Dakar, CODESRIA/Daraja Press, 2013, pp. 273-278.
Vansina, J., 1977, La tradizione orale. Saggio di metodo storico, Roma, Officina Edizioni.