3 - China and Africa: Human Rights Perspective
Corresponding Author(s) : Adaora Osondu-Oti
Africa Development,
Vol. 41 No. 1 (2016): Africa Development
At the turn of the twenty-first century, China emerged as a major player in Africa’s international relations. This emergence has attracted a lot of attention in literature on what it portends for Africa. Studies have pointed that China’s involvement in Africa undermines human rights. Of important note was China’s support for the Sudanese government even in the face of human rights abuses; its unconditional aid to Angola, that has helped the government to shun accountability and transparency; its support for inhuman practices meted to the citizens of Zimbabwe by the government, among others. Against this background, this paper seeks to examine, in detail, current China-Africa relations from the human rights perspective. It intends to explore China and human rights in Africa and China’s stance on human rights issues. Another important aspect that is mostly ignored in literature is non-classification of those rights that China undermines in Africa. Is it civil and political rights, economic rights or both? This paper seeks to analyse all these in a bid to provide answers.
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- Shah Anup, S., 2010, ‘China and Human Rights’ Global Issues, http://www.globalissues.org (accessed 6 December 2010).
- Ayton-Shenker, D., 1995, ‘The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity’, published by the United Nations Department of Public Information, DPI/1627/HR- March.
- Baehr, 1999, Guide to Human Rights Practice, New York: Transnational Publishers.
- Baseda, H., Y. Wang & J. Whalley, 2008, ‘China’s Growing Ecominc Activity in Afrca’, National Bureau of Ecomonc Research, Working Paper, http://www.nber.org (accessed 6 February 2010).
- Becquelin, N. & C. Chan, 2002, ‘China Leads the Charge to Weaken the UN Human Rights System’, Human Rights in China, http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 15 July 2010).
- Belk, J.L, 2011, ‘China’s Role in Zambian Presidential Elections: Friends or Foe?’, China Elections and Governance, October.
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- Chege, M, ‘Economic Relations Between Kenya and China’, in Cooke, J. (ed.), ‘U.S and Chinese Engagement in Africa: Prospects for Improving U.S-China-Africa Co-operation’, report of a conference on 5-6 December 2007 co-sponsored by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, China Institute for International Studies and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Washington: Centre for Strategic and International Studies Press.
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Ayton-Shenker, D., 1995, ‘The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity’, published by the United Nations Department of Public Information, DPI/1627/HR- March.
Baehr, 1999, Guide to Human Rights Practice, New York: Transnational Publishers.
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He, Q., 2009, ‘Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics is Changing the World’, Human Rights in China.
He, Q., 2007, ‘Human Rights: The True Gold Standard’, China’s Rights Forum, No.3 http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 12 May 2010).
Higgins, R., 1994, ‘Problems and Process: International Law and How to Use It’, New York: Oxford University Press.
Hilsum, L, 2005, ‘We Love China’, Granta, the View of Africa, http://www.granta.com (accessed 8 May 2009).
Hodel, M., no date, ‘The Scramble for Energy: China’s Oil Investment in Africa’, The Journal of International Policy Solutions, Vol. 9.
Holland, M., 2004, ‘Development Policy: Paradigm Shift and the Normalisation of Privileged Partnership?’ in Cowles, M.G and Dinan, D. (ed.), Development in the European Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hom, S., 2005, ‘Trade, Investment and Human Rights: China’s Window of Opportunity’, China Rights Forum, No. 3.
Horta, L., 2010, ‘China in Africa: Soft Power, Hard Results’, Yale Global.
Hu, P., 2009, ‘Massacre and Miracle’ http://www.hrichina.org, (accessed 2 January 2010).
Hui, Q., 2009, ‘China’s Low Human Rights Advantage’, China’s Rights Forum.
Human Rights in China, 2005, ‘China’s Strategic Global Influence’, http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 10 July 2008).
Jacobson, M. and O. Brunn (eds.), 2000, Human Rights and Asian Values, Richmond, Surrey: Curzon.
Jauch and Sakaria, 2009, in Condon, M., ‘China in Africa: What the Policy of Non-Intervention Adds to the Western Development Dilemma’, PRAXIS, the Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol. XXVII, pp 5-25.
Kampf, D., 2007, ‘China’s Rise and Implications for International Human Rights’, China’s Rights Forum, No.1.
Keukeleire, S. and MacNaughtan, J., 2008, ‘The Foreign Policy of EU’, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kwesi, A. & D. Lecoutre, 2009, ‘China Ventures in Africa’, Africa Security Review, 17 (1), Institute for Security Studies.
Large, D., 2007, ‘Arms, Oil and Darfur: The Evolution of Relations between China and Sudan’ Sudan Issue Brief, Small Arms Survey, http://www.smallarmssurvey.org-sudan (accessed 15 August 2009).
Lewis, M.K., 2009, Corruption: Spurring China to Engage in International Law’, Human Rights in China,http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 1 December 2010).
Li, A., 2007. ‘China and Africa: Policy and Challenges’, China Security Vol. 3, No.3, World Security Institute, Summer.
Li, X., 2009, ‘International Attention to China’s Human Rights Practices Post 9/11: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities’ Human Rights in China, http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 5 September 2010).
Manners, I., ‘Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction in Terms?, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 235-258.
Moskow, H.M. and Lemieux, C., 2006, ‘China Up Close: Understanding the Chinese Economy and Financial System’, Chicago: Fed Letter.
Mutasa, C., ‘Aid Effectiveness and the Question of Mutual Accountability’, in Abbas, H. and Niyiragira, Y. (eds.), ‘Aid to Africa: Redeemer or Colonisers? London: Pambazuka Press.
Nathan, A.J. & A. Scobell, 2009, ‘Human Rights and China’s Soft Power Expansion’, Human Rights in China, http://www.hrichina.org (accessed 20 June 2010).
Ndubisi, O., 2007, ‘Who’s Afraid of China in Africa: Towards An African Civil Society Perspective on China-Africa Relations, http://www.fahamu.org (accessed 10 May 2009).
Ness, P. Van (ed.), 1999, Debating Human Rights, London: Routledge.
Parekh, B., 1999, ‘Non-ethnocentric universalism’, in Dunne, T. & Wheeler, N. J., Human Rights in Global Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pollis, A. & Schwab, P. 1979, ‘Human Rights: A Western Concept with Limited Applicability”, in Human Rights: Cultural and Ideological Perspectives, edited by Pollis, A. and Schwab, P., New York: Praege, pp 1-18.
Prasad, A., 2004, ‘Jack Donnelly’s Universal Human Rights Theory and Practice’, Review Article.
Rebol, M., 2009, ‘Unconditional Aid and Accountability: Reassessing Chinese Unconditional Engagement in Africa’, Journal of Research in National Development, Vol. 7, No. 2, December.
Reeves, E., 2007, ‘China, Darfur and the Olympics: Tarnishing the Torch’, http://www.dreamfordarfur.org (accessed 18 December 2007).
Regional Meeting for Africa of the World Conference on Human Rights Tunis, 1992, report of the meeting on 2-6 November 1992.
Rockfeller Foundation, The, 2009, ‘China’s Engagement in African Countries’, http://www.rockfound.org (accessed 18 November 2010).
Sautman, B. and Y. Hairong, 2007, Friends and Interests: China’s Distinctive Links with Africa’, Centre on China Transnational Relations, Working Paper, Vol. 50, No. 3 and No.12.
Schoeman, M., 2007, ‘China in Africa: The Rise of Hegemony?’, Strategic Review for Southern Africa, 29 (2), pp. 74-97.
Shinn, D., 2006, ‘The China Factor in African Ethics’, Publication of Carnegie Council.
Sondermann, F.A., 1977, ‘The Concept of the National Interest’, Orbis, A Journal of World Affairs, Vol. 21, No.1, Spring 1977, pp.121-138.
Taylor, I., 2006, ‘China’s oil Diplomacy in Africa’, International Affairs, Vol. 82, pp. 937-958.
Teke, N., 2007, ‘We Are Just Trying To Do something Good: Contending Perspectives on Contemporary Sino-Africa Relations’, Africafiles At Issue Ezine, Vol. 6.
Thompson, D., 2005, ‘China’s Soft Power: From Beijing Consensus to Health Diplomacy’, China Brief, Vol. 5, Issue 21.
Tull, D.M., 2006, ‘China in Africa: European Perspections and Responses to the Chinese Challenge’, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, http://www.sais-jhu.edu/academics/regional-studies/africa (accessed 10 May 2009).
US Census Bureau, 2008, ‘Country Summary: China’, International Data Base, http://www.census.gov (accessed 5 June 2010).
US Department of State, ‘2008 Human Rights Report: Nigeria’, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour, 25 February 2009 http://www.state.gov (accessed 6 March 2010).
Vanguard Newspaper Online, 2013, ‘Protest of Workers of Dura Pack’ over death of their colleague from electric shock in the course of carrying out repairs at the company. April 18.
Wang, C.K., 2006, ‘Fueling Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur’, China Rights Forum, No. 2.
Weinreb, L.L., 1987, ‘Natural Law and Justice’, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Xinhua, 2007, ‘ADB Meetings Promote Financial Co-operation Between China and Africa’, http://english.cri.cn (accessed 10 May 2008).