5 - Intricate Entanglement: The ICC and the Pursuit of Peace, Reconciliation and Justice in Libya, Guinea, and Mali
Corresponding Author(s) : Siba N. Grovogui
Africa Development,
Vol. 40 No. 2 (2015): Africa Development: Special Issue on International Criminal Justice
International justice is not merely a function of legislation and adjudication. It depends on the extent to which it is viewed as legitimate by litigants and others based on perceptions of the relationships of the operations of existing regimes of dispensation of justice. This is a reflection of the operations of the institutions of justice and those of the international order: including but not limited to the actions of judicial authorities and other judicial auxiliaries and intermediaries who give effect to justice through their interpretation and application of the law. From this perspective, justice extends beyond the ability of courts to specify the legal, material and moral dimensions of an offence. International justice has social ends that are easily undermined by self-interested attempts to delegitimize judicial institutions – a charge often levelled at the African Union – but also by the desire of others to preserve, as a matter of political inherency, their own sovereign spaces. Above all, the social ends of social justice, which is the end of international justice, is undermined by elevating judicial or punitive justice over larger social goals – as the examples in this article suggest.
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- Amnesty International, 2010, 010,ty Internationalhat the RS needs to be supplemented to include considerae International Criminal Court Amnesty International Publications Index IOR 53/017/2010.
- Clarke, K. M., 2014, , 2014,K.IOR 53/017/20Africa inappropriately or are there sound reasons and justifications for why all of the situations currently under investigation or prosecution happen to be in Africa?’u ICC Africa Forum. International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, March 2013–January 2014, available at http:// iccforum.com/africa
- Deguzman, M. M., 2012, 2012,erious are international crimes? The gravity problem in international criminal law’, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 51 (18).
- Grewal, K., 2012, 2012, The challenge of defining rape’, Journal of International Criminal Justice 373 (96).
- Grovogui, S.N., 2010, ‘Your blues ain’t my blues: how “international security” breeds conflicts in Africa’, in P. Soyinka-Airewele and R. K. Edozie, eds, Re-Imagining Africa, CQ Press.
- Grovogui, S.N., 2011, 2011,ssnieyond spring for the season: an African Perspective on the world order after the Arab revolt’, Globalizations 8 (5), October.
- Halakhe, A.B., 2014, , 2014, ‘Does the ICC have an African Problem: Kenya trials key to future of court’s relations with continent’ 7 February, available at http://america. aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/2/kenya-trials-keytoiccafricarelations.html.
- International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, 2007, tice, Offiper on the Interest of Justicer, September, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/ asp_docs/library/organs/otp/ICC-OTP-InterestsOfJustice.pdf.
- International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, 2010, tice, Officer on Preliminary Examinationtor4 October, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/ rdonlyres/9FF1EAA1-41C4-4A30-A202-174B18DA923C/282515/OTP_ Draftpolicypaperonpreliminaryexaminations04101.pdf.
- International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor, 2013, Press Release, 16 January, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/en_menus/icc/press%20and%20media/ press%20releases/news%20and%20highlights/Pages/pr869.aspx).
- Iverson, J.M., 2012, 2012,ontinuing functions of Article 98 of the Rome Statutes/ Göttingen Journal of International Law 4 (1): 131–51.
- Jurdi, N.N., 2010, 2010,N.of International Lawnity for the International Criminal Court Review Conferenceit South African Yearbook of International Law IS, 15, February.
- Mariam, A. riam, Anternationictators from the ICC’, Open Salon, 6 October, available at http://open.salon.com/blog/almariam/2013/10/06/saving_african_dictators_ from_the_icc.
- Maunganidze, O.A., 2012, 2012,idze, O.on.com/blog/almariam/2013/10/0nal Court and Africa: taking ownership of international criminal justicear Bokamoso Leadership Forum, 19 June, available at http://bokamosoafrica.org/2012/06/the- curious-case-of-the-international-criminal-court-and-africa-taking-ownership-of- international-criminal-justice.html.
Amnesty International, 2010, 010,ty Internationalhat the RS needs to be supplemented to include considerae International Criminal Court Amnesty International Publications Index IOR 53/017/2010.
Clarke, K. M., 2014, , 2014,K.IOR 53/017/20Africa inappropriately or are there sound reasons and justifications for why all of the situations currently under investigation or prosecution happen to be in Africa?’u ICC Africa Forum. International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, March 2013–January 2014, available at http:// iccforum.com/africa
Deguzman, M. M., 2012, 2012,erious are international crimes? The gravity problem in international criminal law’, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 51 (18).
Grewal, K., 2012, 2012, The challenge of defining rape’, Journal of International Criminal Justice 373 (96).
Grovogui, S.N., 2010, ‘Your blues ain’t my blues: how “international security” breeds conflicts in Africa’, in P. Soyinka-Airewele and R. K. Edozie, eds, Re-Imagining Africa, CQ Press.
Grovogui, S.N., 2011, 2011,ssnieyond spring for the season: an African Perspective on the world order after the Arab revolt’, Globalizations 8 (5), October.
Halakhe, A.B., 2014, , 2014, ‘Does the ICC have an African Problem: Kenya trials key to future of court’s relations with continent’ 7 February, available at http://america. aljazeera.com/opinions/2014/2/kenya-trials-keytoiccafricarelations.html.
International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, 2007, tice, Offiper on the Interest of Justicer, September, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/ asp_docs/library/organs/otp/ICC-OTP-InterestsOfJustice.pdf.
International Criminal Justice, Office of the Prosecutor, 2010, tice, Officer on Preliminary Examinationtor4 October, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/ rdonlyres/9FF1EAA1-41C4-4A30-A202-174B18DA923C/282515/OTP_ Draftpolicypaperonpreliminaryexaminations04101.pdf.
International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor, 2013, Press Release, 16 January, available at http://www.icc-cpi.int/en_menus/icc/press%20and%20media/ press%20releases/news%20and%20highlights/Pages/pr869.aspx).
Iverson, J.M., 2012, 2012,ontinuing functions of Article 98 of the Rome Statutes/ Göttingen Journal of International Law 4 (1): 131–51.
Jurdi, N.N., 2010, 2010,N.of International Lawnity for the International Criminal Court Review Conferenceit South African Yearbook of International Law IS, 15, February.
Mariam, A. riam, Anternationictators from the ICC’, Open Salon, 6 October, available at http://open.salon.com/blog/almariam/2013/10/06/saving_african_dictators_ from_the_icc.
Maunganidze, O.A., 2012, 2012,idze, O.on.com/blog/almariam/2013/10/0nal Court and Africa: taking ownership of international criminal justicear Bokamoso Leadership Forum, 19 June, available at http://bokamosoafrica.org/2012/06/the- curious-case-of-the-international-criminal-court-and-africa-taking-ownership-of- international-criminal-justice.html.