4 - Interfacing the State and the Voluntary Sector for African Development: Lessons from Kenya
Corresponding Author(s) : Fredrick O. Wanyama
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 31 No 4 (2006): Afrique et développement
L’objectif de cet article est d’étudier la possibilité de construire un rôle complémentaire entre l’état et le secteur du bénévolat, en guise de cadre alternatif favorable au développement africain, étant donné qu’aucun de ces acteurs n’est parvenu à produire une action efficace, chacun de son côté. Sur la base d’une étude des organisations communautaires (CBO) – en tant que composantes du secteur du bénévolat – à l’Ouest du Kenya, l’auteur affirme que même si ces organisations jouent un rôle clé dans la fourniture de services que l’état est incapable de délivrer, leur efficacité a cependant été ralentie par certaines lacunes. Les lacunes des CBO sont la raison pour laquelle l’état devrait être ramené dans le processus de développement et amené à construire des synergies avec ces organisations, plutôt que de les coopter dans sa machinerie, comme ce fut le cas dans le passé.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- Ake, C., 1996, Democracy and Development in Africa, Washington DC: The Brookings Institute.
- Barkan, J. D., 1994, ‘Divergence and Convergence in Kenya and Tanzania: Pressures for Reform’, in
- J. D. Barkan, ed., Beyond Capitalism vs. Socialism in Kenya and Tanzania, Nairobi: East African
- Educational Publishers.
- Barkan, J. D., 1992, ‘The Rise and Fall of a Governance Realm in Kenya’, in Goran Hyden and M.
- Bratton, eds., Governance and Politics in Africa, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Barkan, J.D., 1985, ‘Legislators, Elections and Political Linkage’, in J. D. Barkan, ed., Politics
- and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania, (Revised Edition), Nairobi: Heinemann.
- Barkan, J.D. and Holmquist, F., 1989, ‘Peasant – State Relations and the Social Base of Self-Help
- in Kenya’, World Politics, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 359-380.
- Beckman, B., 1992, ‘Empowerment or Repression? The World Bank and the Politics of African
- Adjustment’, in P. Gibbon et al., eds., Authoritarianism, Democracy and Adjustment, Uppsala:
- Scandinavian Institute of African Studies.
- Blunt, P. and Warren D. M., 1996, ‘Introduction’, in P. Blunt and D. M. Warren, eds., Indigenous
- Organizations and Development, London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
- Chitere, P. O., 1994, ‘Harambee Self-Help Movement in Kenya’, in Preston O. Chitere, ed., Community
- Development: Its Conceptions and Application with
- Emphasis on Africa, NairoCoburn, D., 2003, ‘Globalization, Neoliberalism, and Health’, in Richard Sandbrook, ed., Civilizing
- Globalization: A Survival Guide, Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Department of Social Services, 1999a, ‘Busia District Annual Report, 1999’, Busia: District Social
- Development Office.
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- Development Office.
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- Fukuyama, F., 1992, The End of History and the Last Man, New York: Free Press. Ghai, D., 1988,
- ‘Participatory Development: Some Perspectives from Grassroots
- Experience’, Geneva: UNRISD Discussion Paper No. 5.
- Government of Kenya, 2003, Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation,
- -2007, Nairobi: Ministry of Planning and National Development.
- Heywood, A., 1998, Political Ideologies: An Introduction (Second Edition), London: Macmillan Press Ltd.
- Holmen, H. and Jirstrom, M., 1994, ‘Old Wine in New Bottles? Local Organization as Panacea for
- Sustainable Development’, in Hans Holmen and M. Jirstrom, eds., Ground Level Development: NGOs,
- Co-operatives and Local Organizations in the Third World, Lund: Lund University Press.
- Holmquist, Frank, 1984, ‘Class Structure, Peasant Participation and Rural Self- help’, in J. D.
- Barkan, ed., Politics and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania, Nairobi: Heinemann.
- Howell, J. and Pearce, J., 2001, Civil Society and Development: A Critical Exploration, Bolder, CO:Lynne Rienner.
- Hyden, G., 1994, ‘Changing Ideological and Theoretical Perspectives on Development’, in Ulf
- Himmelstrand et al., eds., African Perspectives on Development: Controversies, Dilemmas and
- Openings, London: James Currey. Kanyinga, K., 1995, ‘The Changing Development Space in Kenya:
- Socio-Political Change and Voluntary Development Activities’, in Peter Gibbon, ed., Markets,
- Civil Society and Democracy in Kenya, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikaintitutet.
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- Masime, K. and Kibara, G., 2003, ‘Regime Transitions and the Institutionalization of Democracy in
- Kenya: The December 2002 Elections and Beyond’, The East African Journal of Human Rights and
- Democracy, Vol. 1, No. 1.
- Michael, S., 2004, Undermining Development: The Absence of Power among Local NGOs in Africa,
- Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press; and London: James Currey.
- Mkandawire, T. and Soludo, C. C., 1999, Our Continent, Our Future: African Perspectives on
- Structural Adjustment, Dakar: CODESRIA.
- Muigai, G., 1995, ‘Ethnicity and the Renewal of Competitive Politics in Kenya’, in
- H. Glickman, ed., Ethnic Conflict and Democratization in Africa, Atlanta: The Africa Association Press.
- Ngau, P., 1987, ‘Tensions in Empowerment: The Experience of the Harambee Self- Help Movement in
- Kenya’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 35, No. 3.
- Ng’ethe, N., 1978, ‘Harambee and Development Participation in Kenya’, PhD Dissertation, Carleton University, Canada.
- Okumu, J.J. and Holmquist, F. 1984, ‘Party and Party-State Relations’, in Joel D. Barkan, ed.,
- Politics and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania, (Revised Edition), Nairobi: Heinemann.
- Oyugi, W. O., 2002, ‘The Role of NGOs in Fostering Development and Good Governance at the Local
- Level: The Experience of Kenya’, in Walter O. Oyugi, ed., The Role of Non-governmental
- Organizations in Fostering Good Governance and Development in Africa, Nairobi: United Nations
- Centre for Regional Development, Africa Office.
- Powell, F and Geoghegan, M., 2004, The Politics of Community Development, Dublin: A. & A. Farmar.
- Purvis, Martin and Grainger, Alan eds., 2004, Exploring Sustainable Development, London: Earthscan
- Publications Ltd.
- Rapley, J., 2002, Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World, Boulder,
- Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Republic of Kenya, 2004, The Constituencies Development Fund Act, 2003, Nairobi: Government Printer.
- Republic of Kenya, 2002, National Development Plan 2002-2008, Nairobi: Government Printer.
- Republic of Kenya, 2001, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper For the Period
- –2004, Nairobi: Ministry of Finance and Planning.
- Robinson, M. and White, G. 2001, ‘The Role of Civic Organizations in the Provision of Social
- Services: Towards Synergy’, in G. Mwabu, U. Ugaz and G. White, eds., Social Provision in Low-Income
- Countries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rodney, W., 1972, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Publishing House.
- Sandbrook, R., 2000, Closing the Circle: Democratization and Development in Africa, London & New
- York: Zed Books Ltd.
- Schmale, M., 1993, The Role of Local Organizations in Third World Development, Aldershot: Avebury.
- Scot, J., 1995, ‘The Role of Theory in Comparative Politics: A Symposium’, World Development, Vol. 48, pp. 1-49.
- Scoones, I., 1998, ‘Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Framework for Analysis’, IDS Working Paper No.
- , Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
- Sen, A., 1999, Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A. Knopf Inc. Thomas, B., 1985, Politics,
- Participation and Poverty: Development through
- Self-help in Kenya, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
- Tripp, A.M., 2003, ‘Forging Development Synergies between States and Associations’, in Nicolas van
- de Walle et al., eds., Beyond Structural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African
- Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- UNDP, 2002, Kenya Human Development Report 2001: Addressing Social and Economic Disparities for
- Human Development, Nairobi: UNDP Kenya.
- UNRISD, 2000, Invisible Hands: Taking Responsibility for Social Development, Geneva: UNRISD.
- Uphoff, N., 1993, ‘Grassroots Organizations and NGOs in Rural Development: Opportunities with
- Diminishing States and Expanding Markets’, World Development, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 607-622.
- Van de Walle, N., 2003, ‘Introduction: The State and African Development’, in Nicolas van de Walle
- et al., eds., Beyond Structural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African Development, New
- York: Palgrave Macmillan. Wanyama, F. O., 2003a, ‘Local Organizations for Sustainable Development:
- The Political Environment of Community-Based Organizations in Western Kenya’,
- Ph.D. Thesis, Maseno University, Kenya.
- Wanyama, F.O., 2003b, ‘Civil Society and the Lopsided Democratization Process: The Unfulfilled
- Expectations of Community-Based Organizations in Rural Kenya’, The East African Journal of Human
- Rights and Democracy, Vol. 1, No. 1.
- Wanyama, F.O., 2001, ‘Grassroots Organization for Sustainable Development: The Case of
- Community-Based Organizations in Western Kenya’, Regional Development Studies, Vol. 7.
- Young, I., 2000, Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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