1 - The Land Act (1998) and Land Tenure Reform in Uganda
Corresponding Author(s) : Juma Anthony Okuku
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 31 No 1 (2006): Afrique et développement
Dans les sociétés agraires, la terre ne représente pas uniquement le principal moyen de génération de revenus, mais également un outil d’accumulation et de transfert de richesses entre les différentes générations. En Ouganda, elle constitue une source majeure de ressources alimentaires, d’emploi ; elle représente un impor- tant outil agricole ainsi qu’un important déterminant de l’accès des paysans aux autres ressources productives. La nature de la terre a de ce fait d’énormes impli- cations sur le processus de développement des nations. Comme le démontre l’expérience historique de l’Europe, de l’Asie, de l’Amérique Latine et de l’Afrique, le régime foncier peut soit freiner soit faciliter un changement socioéconomique dans une société donnée. La Land Act (1998) – loi relative au régime foncier dont l’objectif est de réformer le système foncier en Ouganda, constitue donc une des législations les plus complètes promulguées par le Gouvernement du Mouvement de Résistance Nationale (NRM). Ce nouveau système vise à apporter un certain soutien au développement agricole à travers l’instauration d’un marché foncier, qui assurerait ainsi une certaine sécurité foncière ainsi qu’une utilisation viable de la terre, afin de faciliter le processus de développement. Cet article aborde trois points majeurs. Tout d’abord il explique dans quelle mesure la nouvelle Land Act (1998) peut garantir la sécurité foncière à une majorité de paysans de ce pays. Il aborde également la question de la capacité de cette loi à résoudre le long conflit entre les propriétaires terriens mailo et les fermiers à bail bibanja. Troisièmement, cet article affirme que les ambiguïtés et les difficultés auxquelles cette loi est confrontée doivent être prises en compte. Cet article est basé sur une analyse textuelle des différentes législations foncières de l’histoire de l’Ouganda. La littérature exploitée révèle un certain nombre de contraintes et d’ambiguïtés concernant le processus de réforme foncière de ce pays.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Barrows and Roth, 1990, Land Tenure and Investment in African Agriculture: Theory and Evidence,
- Journal of Modern African Studies, 28:2.
- Bazaara, N., 2000, Civil Society and the Struggle for Land Rights for Marginalised Groups: The
- Contribution of the Uganda Land Alliance to the Land Act, 1998, Paper presented to a workshop on
- ‘Civil Society and Governance’, held at the Centre for Basic Research (CBR), Kampala, May 31-June 1.
- Bazaara, N., 1992, Land Policy and Evolving Forms of Land Tenure in Masindi District, Uganda,
- Centre for Basic Research, Working Paper, No.28.
- Bazaara, N., Muhereza, F., and Ddungu, E., 1992, A Synopsis of the Dynamics of the Land Question in
- Uganda, Centre for Basic Research, Kampala, mimeo. Brenner, Robert, 1982, Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism, Past and Present, No. 97.
- Bromley, D.W., and Cornea, M.M., 1989, Management of Common Property Natural Resources: Some
- Conceptual and Operational Fallacies, Discussion Paper, No.57, The World Bank.
- Bruce, J.W., 1986, Land Tenure Issues in Project Design and Strategies for Agricultural Development
- in Sub-Saharan Africa, Land Tenure Centre, Wisconsin, Land Tenure Centre Paper, No.128.
- Ddungu, E., 1991, A Review of the MISR-Wisconsin Land Tenure Study on Land Tenure and Agricultural
- Development in Uganda, Centre for Basic Research, (CBR), Working Paper, No. 11.
- Deininger, K., and Feder, G., 1999, Land Institutions and Land Markets, Internet, mimeo.
- Dowall, D.E., 1991, The Land Market Assessment: A New Tool for Urban Management, UNDP/UNHS, (Urban
- Management Programme).
- Hodgson, G. M., 1988, Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics, Oxford, Polity Press.
- Izumi, K., 1998a, ‘Economic Liberalisation and the Land Question in Tanzania’ Unpublished Ph.D
- Dissertation, International Development Studies, Rosklide University, Denmark.
- Izumi, K., 1998b, Process and Structure on the Land Question in Africa: Some Theoretical Issues,
- Working Paper, No.8. Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo.
- Juma, Okuku A., 2000, ‘Dynamics of Land Markets in Peri-Urban Kampala, Uganda, A preliminary
- research paper presented at The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, under the Research
- Programme, ‘The Political and Social Context of Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa’, 12
- April, mimeo.
- Juma, Okuku A., 1998, ‘Land Tenure and Development in Uganda: A Contribution to the Debate on the
- Land Bill’ 1997, Department of Political Science, Makerere University, Discussion Paper, No. 10, 30
- April.
- Juma, Okuku A., 1997, ‘Institutions and Industrial Policy in South Korea: What Lessons for Uganda’,
- Makerere Political Science Review, Vol.1 No.1.
- Juma, Okuku A., 1996, ‘Rapporteur Report on ‘The Draft Tenure and Control of Land Bill’, Makerere
- Institute of Social Research (MISR), Workshop, Jinja, 4-6, September.
- Kiapi, A., 1975 ‘Legal Obstacles to Rural Development in Colonial Uganda’ Mawazo, Vol.4. No.3.
- Lipton, M., 1991, ‘Towards a Theory of Land Reform’, mimeo.
- Mafeje, A., 1973, Agrarian Revolution and the Land Question in Buganda’, Institute of Social
- Studies, (ISS), Occasional Papers, The Hague.
- Makubuya, K., 1981, ‘Land Law Reform and Rural Development in Uganda, in Nsibambi’, A., and
- Katorobo, J., (eds.), Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Proceedings of the Conference on Rural
- Rehabilitation and Development, held at Makerere University, September 14-18.
- Mamdani, M., 1976, Politics and Class Formation in Uganda, New York: Monthly Review Press.
- Mijumbi, P. B., 2000, ‘The Land Act Implementation of and Issues to Consider in Advocacy for a Land
- Policy in Uganda’, 29 May, mimeo.
- MISR-Wisconsin Study, 1989, ‘Land Tenure and Agricultural Development in Uganda’, Kampala: Makerere
- Institute for Social Research, (MISR), January. Mukubwa-Tumwine, 1977, ‘The Economic and Political Basis of Land Law and
- Policy in Buganda, 1900-1966’, Makerere Law Journal, Vol.1.No.1.
- Mukwaya, A. B., 1953, Land Tenure in Buganda: Present Day Tendencies, Nairobi and Kampala: The
- Eagle Press.
- Nsabasagani, X., 1997, Land Privatisation, Security of Tenure and Agricultural Production: The
- Uganda Experience, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Working Paper Series, No.263, November.
- Obol-Ochola, 1970, ‘Customary Law and Development in Uganda, LMM Dissertation, University of Dar es
- Salaam.
- Okoth-Ogendo, 1982, ‘The Perils of Land Tenure Reform’, Paper presented at a Workshop on Land
- Policy and Agricultural Production in Eastern and Southern African Countries, Gaborone, Botswana.
- Platteau, J.P., 1995, Reforming Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues of Efficiency and Equity,
- UNRISD, Discussion Paper, No.60, Geneva.
- Parliament of Uganda, 1997, The Land Bill, 1997, Kampala.
- Republic of Uganda, 1998, The Land Act, 1998, Entebbe: Uganda Government
- Printing and Publishing Corporation.Republic of Uganda, 1995, The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, Entebbe: Uganda Government
- Printing and Publishing Corporation.
- Republic of Uganda, 1975, The Land Reform Decree, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and
- Publishing Corporation.
- Republic of Uganda, 1969, The Public Land Act, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and Publishing
- Corporation.
- Republic of Uganda, 1962, The Public Land Act, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and Publishing
- Corporation.
- Skarstein, R., 1990, Agriculture, Not the Leading but the Crucial Sector in Economic Development:
- Some Reflections on Experience and Theory, Department of Economics, University of Trondheim,
- Denmark, September, mimeo.
- Trout, Elizabeth, 1994, ‘Land Markets in Central Province, Uganda’, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department
- of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- West, Henry, T., 1972, Land Policy in Buganda, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- White, G., 1993, Towards a Political Analysis of Markets, IDS Bulletin, Vol.24, No.3, July.
Les références
Barrows and Roth, 1990, Land Tenure and Investment in African Agriculture: Theory and Evidence,
Journal of Modern African Studies, 28:2.
Bazaara, N., 2000, Civil Society and the Struggle for Land Rights for Marginalised Groups: The
Contribution of the Uganda Land Alliance to the Land Act, 1998, Paper presented to a workshop on
‘Civil Society and Governance’, held at the Centre for Basic Research (CBR), Kampala, May 31-June 1.
Bazaara, N., 1992, Land Policy and Evolving Forms of Land Tenure in Masindi District, Uganda,
Centre for Basic Research, Working Paper, No.28.
Bazaara, N., Muhereza, F., and Ddungu, E., 1992, A Synopsis of the Dynamics of the Land Question in
Uganda, Centre for Basic Research, Kampala, mimeo. Brenner, Robert, 1982, Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism, Past and Present, No. 97.
Bromley, D.W., and Cornea, M.M., 1989, Management of Common Property Natural Resources: Some
Conceptual and Operational Fallacies, Discussion Paper, No.57, The World Bank.
Bruce, J.W., 1986, Land Tenure Issues in Project Design and Strategies for Agricultural Development
in Sub-Saharan Africa, Land Tenure Centre, Wisconsin, Land Tenure Centre Paper, No.128.
Ddungu, E., 1991, A Review of the MISR-Wisconsin Land Tenure Study on Land Tenure and Agricultural
Development in Uganda, Centre for Basic Research, (CBR), Working Paper, No. 11.
Deininger, K., and Feder, G., 1999, Land Institutions and Land Markets, Internet, mimeo.
Dowall, D.E., 1991, The Land Market Assessment: A New Tool for Urban Management, UNDP/UNHS, (Urban
Management Programme).
Hodgson, G. M., 1988, Economics and Institutions: A Manifesto for a Modern Institutional Economics, Oxford, Polity Press.
Izumi, K., 1998a, ‘Economic Liberalisation and the Land Question in Tanzania’ Unpublished Ph.D
Dissertation, International Development Studies, Rosklide University, Denmark.
Izumi, K., 1998b, Process and Structure on the Land Question in Africa: Some Theoretical Issues,
Working Paper, No.8. Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo.
Juma, Okuku A., 2000, ‘Dynamics of Land Markets in Peri-Urban Kampala, Uganda, A preliminary
research paper presented at The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, under the Research
Programme, ‘The Political and Social Context of Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa’, 12
April, mimeo.
Juma, Okuku A., 1998, ‘Land Tenure and Development in Uganda: A Contribution to the Debate on the
Land Bill’ 1997, Department of Political Science, Makerere University, Discussion Paper, No. 10, 30
Juma, Okuku A., 1997, ‘Institutions and Industrial Policy in South Korea: What Lessons for Uganda’,
Makerere Political Science Review, Vol.1 No.1.
Juma, Okuku A., 1996, ‘Rapporteur Report on ‘The Draft Tenure and Control of Land Bill’, Makerere
Institute of Social Research (MISR), Workshop, Jinja, 4-6, September.
Kiapi, A., 1975 ‘Legal Obstacles to Rural Development in Colonial Uganda’ Mawazo, Vol.4. No.3.
Lipton, M., 1991, ‘Towards a Theory of Land Reform’, mimeo.
Mafeje, A., 1973, Agrarian Revolution and the Land Question in Buganda’, Institute of Social
Studies, (ISS), Occasional Papers, The Hague.
Makubuya, K., 1981, ‘Land Law Reform and Rural Development in Uganda, in Nsibambi’, A., and
Katorobo, J., (eds.), Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Proceedings of the Conference on Rural
Rehabilitation and Development, held at Makerere University, September 14-18.
Mamdani, M., 1976, Politics and Class Formation in Uganda, New York: Monthly Review Press.
Mijumbi, P. B., 2000, ‘The Land Act Implementation of and Issues to Consider in Advocacy for a Land
Policy in Uganda’, 29 May, mimeo.
MISR-Wisconsin Study, 1989, ‘Land Tenure and Agricultural Development in Uganda’, Kampala: Makerere
Institute for Social Research, (MISR), January. Mukubwa-Tumwine, 1977, ‘The Economic and Political Basis of Land Law and
Policy in Buganda, 1900-1966’, Makerere Law Journal, Vol.1.No.1.
Mukwaya, A. B., 1953, Land Tenure in Buganda: Present Day Tendencies, Nairobi and Kampala: The
Eagle Press.
Nsabasagani, X., 1997, Land Privatisation, Security of Tenure and Agricultural Production: The
Uganda Experience, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Working Paper Series, No.263, November.
Obol-Ochola, 1970, ‘Customary Law and Development in Uganda, LMM Dissertation, University of Dar es
Okoth-Ogendo, 1982, ‘The Perils of Land Tenure Reform’, Paper presented at a Workshop on Land
Policy and Agricultural Production in Eastern and Southern African Countries, Gaborone, Botswana.
Platteau, J.P., 1995, Reforming Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues of Efficiency and Equity,
UNRISD, Discussion Paper, No.60, Geneva.
Parliament of Uganda, 1997, The Land Bill, 1997, Kampala.
Republic of Uganda, 1998, The Land Act, 1998, Entebbe: Uganda Government
Printing and Publishing Corporation.Republic of Uganda, 1995, The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, Entebbe: Uganda Government
Printing and Publishing Corporation.
Republic of Uganda, 1975, The Land Reform Decree, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and
Publishing Corporation.
Republic of Uganda, 1969, The Public Land Act, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and Publishing
Republic of Uganda, 1962, The Public Land Act, Entebbe: Uganda Government Printing and Publishing
Skarstein, R., 1990, Agriculture, Not the Leading but the Crucial Sector in Economic Development:
Some Reflections on Experience and Theory, Department of Economics, University of Trondheim,
Denmark, September, mimeo.
Trout, Elizabeth, 1994, ‘Land Markets in Central Province, Uganda’, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department
of Agricultural Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
West, Henry, T., 1972, Land Policy in Buganda, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
White, G., 1993, Towards a Political Analysis of Markets, IDS Bulletin, Vol.24, No.3, July.