AD, Volume 47, n° 1, 2022 - Numéro Complet
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 47 No 1 (2022): Afrique et développement: Special Issue from the Post-Colonialisms Today Project Lessons to Africa from Africa: Reclaiming Early Post-Independence Progressive Policies
Introduction: Early Post-Independence Progressive Policies – Insights for our Times
Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei, Aishu Balaji, Adebayo Olukoshi & Anita Nayar..........1
Variations in Postcolonial Imagination: Reflection on Senghor, Nyerere and Nkrumah
Jimi O. Adesina......................................31
The Rocket in the Haystack: Between Nasser’s Developmental Vision and the Neo-Imperialist Mission
Kareem Megahed & Omar Ghannam.......................59
Post-Independence Development Planning in Ghana and Tanzania: Agriculture, Women and Nation-building
Akua O. Britwum.........................................105
Economic Decolonisation and the Role of the Central Bank in Postcolonial Development in Tunisia
Chafik Ben Rouine......................................135
Radical Regionalism: Feminism, Sovereignty, and the Pan-African Project
Sara Salem..................................................159
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