8 - NEPAD and the Digital Divide: The Case of Botswana and the Silent Marginalised Minorities
Corresponding Author(s) : Sethunya Tshepho Mphinyane
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 30 No 1-2 (2005): Afrique et développement
Cette contribution pose la question de savoir si le Nouveau partenariat pour le développement de l'Afrique (NEPAD), à travers sa Commission e-Affique et son programme de sciences et technologies pour les TIC, pourrait offrir de nouvelles possibilités aux minorités indigènes africaines marginalisées, qui leur permettraient de s'impliquer activement dans le processus de développement. L'auteur y pose la question de savoir si le NEPAD reconnaît le pouvoir des TIC au-delà du simple accès à l'information, particulièrement leur potentiel à servir de ressources aux opprimés, en leur permettant de mener un combat pour l'autodétermination; la ques tion consiste également à savoir si le NEPAD est prêt à aller au-delà de la question de l'accès, et à aborder la question du pouvoir et de l'Internet, ainsi que l'accès à d'autres TIC. Est-il possible qu'en Afrique les TIC deviennent de nouveaux centres de résistance et d'oppression? Cette présentation laisse penser qu'il est bien évident que pour les minorités ethniques marginalisées, telles que les Basarwa et les San du Botswana, ce nouveau forum et l'Internet en particulier, ne seront qu'un nouvel outil de plus destiné à taire les voix des masses.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Brown, M. M., 2000, 'The Internet and development', CHO/CES Magazine:
- Special Issue on Information and Communications Technologies, June, http:/
- /www.undp.org/dpa/choices/2000/june/june.htm
- Chetty, M., 2003, 'Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Africa's Development',
- Paper written for Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) for the NEPAD Ministerial
- Conferen e on Science and Technology for Development, http://www.nepadst.org/publications/docs/
- doc08_112003e.pdf, November 2003.
- Cisler, S., 1997, 'The Internet and Indigenous Groups' presented at conference on Community Space
- and Cyberspace-What's the Connection? A Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing
- Symposium, University of Washington HUB, USA, http://www.cpsr.org/publications/publicationsgnh.
- html, March 1-2.
- e-Africa Commission Official Website, 2002, NEPAD Task Team Responsible for developing policies and
- strategies and projects at the continental level as well as managing the structured development of
- the ICI sector in the context ofNEPAD, http://www.eafricacommission.org/about-eafrica.htm.
- Grieco, M. and Holmes, L., 1999, 'Electronic governance and commercial development in Africa: The
- grass roots perspective', Paper presented at the Institute for African development, Comell
- University, http://www.geocities. com/margaret_grieco/working/ iad.html.
- Mogae, F., 2004 in 'Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), part of the UN Office for the
- Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs (OCHA)', http:/
- /www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=40200&SelectRegion=Southern_Afiica Mphinyane, S., 2001, 'The
- "dirty" social scientist: Whose advocate, the devil's
- :>r the people's?', in Alan Barnard and Justin Kenrick, eds., Africa's Indigenous
- Peoples: 'Firstpeoples'or 'MarginalisedMinorities'?, Edinburgh: University
- of Edinburgh Press.
- '-IEPAD Document, 2001, The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), Abuja, Nigeria.
- '-IEPAD Draft Executive Summary Short Term Plan, May 2002.
- '-lyamnjoh, F., 2004, 'Reconciling "the Rhetoric of Rights" with Competing Notions of Personhood
- andAgency in Botswana' in Nyamnjoh, F. and Englund, H., eds., Rights and the politics of
- recognition in Africa, Londo11: Zed Books. ynor, N.N., 2003, 'Africa's digital rights' e-Africa
- Programme Commissioner,
- Internet and Software Development, http://www.eafricacommission.org/ presentations/eafrica.pdf
- R.andriamaro, Z., 2002, 'The NEPAD, gender and the poverty trap: the NEPAD and the challenges of
- financing for development in Africa from a gender perspective', A paper presented at the Conference
- on Africa and the DevelopmentChallenges of the New Millennium, ,Accra, Ghana, 23-26April. augestad,
- S., 2001, The lnconvenient lndigenous: Remote Area Development in Botswana, Donor Assistance, and
- the First People of the Kalahari, Uppsala:
- Nordic Africa Institute.
- urvival International Official Website, a worldwide organization supporting tribal peoples,
- http://www.survival-intemational.org/about.html.
- lJNDP Information Technologies (IT) for Development Programme Info21 on line magazine, Official
- website, the http://www.undp.org/info2l/brochure.html, August, 2000.
Les références
Brown, M. M., 2000, 'The Internet and development', CHO/CES Magazine:
Special Issue on Information and Communications Technologies, June, http:/
Chetty, M., 2003, 'Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Africa's Development',
Paper written for Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) for the NEPAD Ministerial
Conferen e on Science and Technology for Development, http://www.nepadst.org/publications/docs/
doc08_112003e.pdf, November 2003.
Cisler, S., 1997, 'The Internet and Indigenous Groups' presented at conference on Community Space
and Cyberspace-What's the Connection? A Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing
Symposium, University of Washington HUB, USA, http://www.cpsr.org/publications/publicationsgnh.
html, March 1-2.
e-Africa Commission Official Website, 2002, NEPAD Task Team Responsible for developing policies and
strategies and projects at the continental level as well as managing the structured development of
the ICI sector in the context ofNEPAD, http://www.eafricacommission.org/about-eafrica.htm.
Grieco, M. and Holmes, L., 1999, 'Electronic governance and commercial development in Africa: The
grass roots perspective', Paper presented at the Institute for African development, Comell
University, http://www.geocities. com/margaret_grieco/working/ iad.html.
Mogae, F., 2004 in 'Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), part of the UN Office for the
Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs (OCHA)', http:/
/www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=40200&SelectRegion=Southern_Afiica Mphinyane, S., 2001, 'The
"dirty" social scientist: Whose advocate, the devil's
:>r the people's?', in Alan Barnard and Justin Kenrick, eds., Africa's Indigenous
Peoples: 'Firstpeoples'or 'MarginalisedMinorities'?, Edinburgh: University
of Edinburgh Press.
'-IEPAD Document, 2001, The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), Abuja, Nigeria.
'-IEPAD Draft Executive Summary Short Term Plan, May 2002.
'-lyamnjoh, F., 2004, 'Reconciling "the Rhetoric of Rights" with Competing Notions of Personhood
andAgency in Botswana' in Nyamnjoh, F. and Englund, H., eds., Rights and the politics of
recognition in Africa, Londo11: Zed Books. ynor, N.N., 2003, 'Africa's digital rights' e-Africa
Programme Commissioner,
Internet and Software Development, http://www.eafricacommission.org/ presentations/eafrica.pdf
R.andriamaro, Z., 2002, 'The NEPAD, gender and the poverty trap: the NEPAD and the challenges of
financing for development in Africa from a gender perspective', A paper presented at the Conference
on Africa and the DevelopmentChallenges of the New Millennium, ,Accra, Ghana, 23-26April. augestad,
S., 2001, The lnconvenient lndigenous: Remote Area Development in Botswana, Donor Assistance, and
the First People of the Kalahari, Uppsala:
Nordic Africa Institute.
urvival International Official Website, a worldwide organization supporting tribal peoples,
lJNDP Information Technologies (IT) for Development Programme Info21 on line magazine, Official
website, the http://www.undp.org/info2l/brochure.html, August, 2000.