3 - Bureaucratic Corruption in Zimbabwe: Causes and Magnitude of the Problem
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 19 No 3 (1994): Afrique et développement
Après 1980, le Zimbabwe indépendant voit se développer une petite bourgeoisie. Mais le viol de l'éthique politique permis par une domination politique et administrative attira la critique et l'oppression populaire ainsi que des enquêtes et condamnations par le biais du bureau de l' «Ombudsman». L'auteur repère des causes économiques, politiques, sociales et culturelles à la corruption; il suggère la création d'une commission permanente, l'amélioration des conditions de travail, des procédures de gestion rigoureuses et la réduction des subventions du gouvernement, pour palier ses méfaits.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Agarah, T, 1990, ·'Checks and Balances of Bureaucratie Excesscs and Corruption in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Public Complaints Commission', African Administrative Studies, No. 35: 27-44.
- Aina, S, 1982, 'Buraucratic Corruption in Nigeria: The Continuing Search for Causes and Cures', lntemational Review of Administrative Sciences, 48.1: 7 76 (70).
- Caiden, G, E, and Caiden, N, J, 1977, 'Administrative Corruption', Public Administration Review, 37.3: 306-307.
- Dwivedi, 0, P, 1978, 'Public Seivice Ethics',lnternational Reviewof Administrative Sciences, p.8.
- Gould, D, J, 1980, Bureaucratie Corruption and Underdevelopment in the Third World· the Case of Zaire, Pergamon, New York:
- Jabbra, J, G, and Jabbra, N, W, 1983, 'Public Service Ehics in the Third World', in K, Kemaghan and 0, P, Dwivedi, (eds) Ethics in the Public Service: Comparative Perspectives, International Association of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration, Brussels. 131-172.
- Makumbe, J, Mw, 1990, 'The 1990 Zimbabwe Elections: Implications for Democracy', in Mandaza, I, and Sachikony L, (eds) The One-Party State and Democracy: the Zimbabwe Debale, Sapes Trust, Harare, 179-189. (180).
- Makumbe, John Mw, 1992, 'Economie Cisis and Administrative Incapacity in Zimbabwe,' in Kaarsholm,
- P, (ed) Institutions, Culture and change at Local Comnunity Level, International Development Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark, 103-125, (119).
- Report of the Public Seivice Review Commission of Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe, 1989, Volume I Main Report, Harare, p. 18.
- Seventh Annual Report of the Ombudsman, Republic of Zimbabwe, 1991, Harare, The Report covers the period January to December, 1989, p. 64.
- Southern Political and Economic Monthly (SAPEM 1990) Editorial, 'Zimbabwe's First Decade: What of the Next?' 3.6: p.2.
- Stoneman, Colin and Oiffe, Lionel, 1989,Zimbabwe: Politics, Economics amd Society Pinter, London, New York, p. 81.
- Sunday Tunes, 1992, 9 February.
- United Nations Economie Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM), (1991) Ethics and Accountability in African Public Seivices, Senior Policy Seminar, Arusha, Tanz.ania, pp. 7-8.
Les références
Agarah, T, 1990, ·'Checks and Balances of Bureaucratie Excesscs and Corruption in Nigeria: An Assessment of the Public Complaints Commission', African Administrative Studies, No. 35: 27-44.
Aina, S, 1982, 'Buraucratic Corruption in Nigeria: The Continuing Search for Causes and Cures', lntemational Review of Administrative Sciences, 48.1: 7 76 (70).
Caiden, G, E, and Caiden, N, J, 1977, 'Administrative Corruption', Public Administration Review, 37.3: 306-307.
Dwivedi, 0, P, 1978, 'Public Seivice Ethics',lnternational Reviewof Administrative Sciences, p.8.
Gould, D, J, 1980, Bureaucratie Corruption and Underdevelopment in the Third World· the Case of Zaire, Pergamon, New York:
Jabbra, J, G, and Jabbra, N, W, 1983, 'Public Service Ehics in the Third World', in K, Kemaghan and 0, P, Dwivedi, (eds) Ethics in the Public Service: Comparative Perspectives, International Association of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration, Brussels. 131-172.
Makumbe, J, Mw, 1990, 'The 1990 Zimbabwe Elections: Implications for Democracy', in Mandaza, I, and Sachikony L, (eds) The One-Party State and Democracy: the Zimbabwe Debale, Sapes Trust, Harare, 179-189. (180).
Makumbe, John Mw, 1992, 'Economie Cisis and Administrative Incapacity in Zimbabwe,' in Kaarsholm,
P, (ed) Institutions, Culture and change at Local Comnunity Level, International Development Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark, 103-125, (119).
Report of the Public Seivice Review Commission of Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe, 1989, Volume I Main Report, Harare, p. 18.
Seventh Annual Report of the Ombudsman, Republic of Zimbabwe, 1991, Harare, The Report covers the period January to December, 1989, p. 64.
Southern Political and Economic Monthly (SAPEM 1990) Editorial, 'Zimbabwe's First Decade: What of the Next?' 3.6: p.2.
Stoneman, Colin and Oiffe, Lionel, 1989,Zimbabwe: Politics, Economics amd Society Pinter, London, New York, p. 81.
Sunday Tunes, 1992, 9 February.
United Nations Economie Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM), (1991) Ethics and Accountability in African Public Seivices, Senior Policy Seminar, Arusha, Tanz.ania, pp. 7-8.