1 - Some Problems in Ghana's Transition to Democratic Governance
Corresponding Author(s) : Kwame A Ninsin
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 18 No 2 (1993): Afrique et développement
Alors que la démocratie libérale peut conduire à la disparition du militarisme et de l'autoritarisme, le populisme quant à lui peut s'accomoder des deux systèmes politiques. Au Ghana , des luttes prolongées des diverses forces sociales ont abouti à des gains politiques comme la liberté de former des associations politiques , la liberté d' expression et le droit de choisir ses représentants politiques à travers des consultations politiques. Cependant en eux-mêmes , ces gains ne garantissent pas une gestion démocratique des affaires. Cette dernière ne peut être obtenue que si la société civile est suffisamment forte et autonome pour imposer sa volonté sur l'Etat et permettre une supervision permanente de l'utilisation du pouvoir d'Etat. La société civile au Ghana est faible bien que le pays dispose d'une classe moyenne suffisamment large et économiquement vigoureuse. Cette faiblesse a été exacerbée par les crises socio-économiques. En outre les capacités de l'Etat à prendre des actions politiques indépendantes ont été améliorées par un flux massif de l'aide par le truchement de l'intervention des institutions financières multilatérales dans l'économie politique du Ghana. Ainsi le régime a pu initier un processus de réforme qui lui a permis de gérer le processus de transition de sorte à garantir des résultats positifs ainsi que sa propre continuité.
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- Bangura, Yusuf and Peter Gibbon, 'Adjustment, Authoritarianism and Democracy: An Introduction to Some Conceptual and Empirical Issues', Adjwstmelll, Awllwritariawm and Democracy: The Politics of Economic Reform, Peter Gibbon, Y Bangura and Arve Ofstad (eds.) Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, forthcoming.
- Brauon, Michael, 'Beyond the Civil Society and Associational life', Africa World Politics. Vol 41, No. 4, April 1989.
- Brauon, Michael and Goran Hyden (eds.), 1992, Governance and Polilics in Africa. Boulder, Lynne and Reinner.
- Beckman, Bjom, 1992, 'Empowerment or Repression: The World Bank and the Politics of African Adjustment', Mimeographed.
- Chazan, Naomi, 'The New Politics of Participation in Tropical Africa', Comparalive Polilics Vol. 14, No. 2, January 1982.
- Chazan, Naomi, 1983, An Anatomy of Ghanaian Politics: Managing Polilical Recession", 1969-1982. Boulder, Westview Press.
- Chazan, Naomi, 1987, 'The Anomalies of Continuity: Perspectives on Ghanaian Elections Since Independence', Elections in /naependelll Africa. Fred, M Hayward (ed.), Boulder, London, Westview Press.
- Chazan, Naomi et al., 1988, Polilics and Society in Colllemporary Africa, Boulder/London, Lynne Rienner.
- Diamond, L, J ], linz and S M, Lipset (eds.) 1988, Democracy in Developillg ColUllries, Vol. Il (Af rica), Boulder/London, Lynne Rienner.
- Guyer, Jane, J, 'Representation Without Taxation: An Essay on Democracy in Rural Nigeria,
- -1990',African Studies Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, April 1992.
- Hansen, Emmanuel, 1987, 'The Siate and Popular Struggles in Ghana, 1982-86', Peter Anyang' Nyong'o
- (ed.), Popular Struggles for Democracy in Africa. London and New Jersey: ZED/UNU.
- Hansen Emmanuel and P Kennedy, 1980, 'The Army, the State and the Rawlings Revolution',
- African Affairs 19 (314).
- Hansen Emmanuel and KA Ninsin (eds.) 1989, The State, Development and Polilics in Ghana,
- Dakar, CODESRIA.
- Hayward, Fred M, 1987, 'Introduction': In Fred M Hayward (ed.) Elections in /Nkpendelll
- Africa, Boulder: Westview Press:
- Herbst, Jeffrey, 1993, Tite Politics of Reforms ill Ghana, 1982-1991, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London,
- University of California Press.
- Huntington, S P and C R Moore (eds.) 1970, Awlhorilarian Polilics in Modern Societies, New York,
- Basic Books.
- Jonah, Kwesi, 1991, 'The Monopolization and Manipulation of the Constitution-making Process in
- Ghana': ln Kwame Ninsin and F K Drah (eds.), Ghana's Transi.lion to Constitwlional Rule, Accra,
- Ghana Universities Press.
- Jordan, Bill, 1986, The State: Authority and Autonomy, New York, Blackwell. Macken7je, W J M, 1958,
- Free Elections, London, George Allen & Unwin.
- Molutsi, P P and John D Holm, 'Developing a Democracy when Civil Society is Weak: The Case of
- Botswana'. In: African Affairs, Vol. 89, No. 359, July 1990.
- Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1985, Political Struggles in Ghana, 1966-1981, Accra, Tornado
- Publications.
- Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1987, 'Ghanaian Politics After 1981: Revolution or Evolution', Canadian Journal
- of African Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1.
- Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1991a, 'The Impact of PNOC's Economie Reform Policies on Ghanaian Politics and
- Society, 1982-88', Legon Journal of the Humanities Vol. S.
Les références
Bangura, Yusuf and Peter Gibbon, 'Adjustment, Authoritarianism and Democracy: An Introduction to Some Conceptual and Empirical Issues', Adjwstmelll, Awllwritariawm and Democracy: The Politics of Economic Reform, Peter Gibbon, Y Bangura and Arve Ofstad (eds.) Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, forthcoming.
Brauon, Michael, 'Beyond the Civil Society and Associational life', Africa World Politics. Vol 41, No. 4, April 1989.
Brauon, Michael and Goran Hyden (eds.), 1992, Governance and Polilics in Africa. Boulder, Lynne and Reinner.
Beckman, Bjom, 1992, 'Empowerment or Repression: The World Bank and the Politics of African Adjustment', Mimeographed.
Chazan, Naomi, 'The New Politics of Participation in Tropical Africa', Comparalive Polilics Vol. 14, No. 2, January 1982.
Chazan, Naomi, 1983, An Anatomy of Ghanaian Politics: Managing Polilical Recession", 1969-1982. Boulder, Westview Press.
Chazan, Naomi, 1987, 'The Anomalies of Continuity: Perspectives on Ghanaian Elections Since Independence', Elections in /naependelll Africa. Fred, M Hayward (ed.), Boulder, London, Westview Press.
Chazan, Naomi et al., 1988, Polilics and Society in Colllemporary Africa, Boulder/London, Lynne Rienner.
Diamond, L, J ], linz and S M, Lipset (eds.) 1988, Democracy in Developillg ColUllries, Vol. Il (Af rica), Boulder/London, Lynne Rienner.
Guyer, Jane, J, 'Representation Without Taxation: An Essay on Democracy in Rural Nigeria,
-1990',African Studies Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, April 1992.
Hansen, Emmanuel, 1987, 'The Siate and Popular Struggles in Ghana, 1982-86', Peter Anyang' Nyong'o
(ed.), Popular Struggles for Democracy in Africa. London and New Jersey: ZED/UNU.
Hansen Emmanuel and P Kennedy, 1980, 'The Army, the State and the Rawlings Revolution',
African Affairs 19 (314).
Hansen Emmanuel and KA Ninsin (eds.) 1989, The State, Development and Polilics in Ghana,
Hayward, Fred M, 1987, 'Introduction': In Fred M Hayward (ed.) Elections in /Nkpendelll
Africa, Boulder: Westview Press:
Herbst, Jeffrey, 1993, Tite Politics of Reforms ill Ghana, 1982-1991, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London,
University of California Press.
Huntington, S P and C R Moore (eds.) 1970, Awlhorilarian Polilics in Modern Societies, New York,
Basic Books.
Jonah, Kwesi, 1991, 'The Monopolization and Manipulation of the Constitution-making Process in
Ghana': ln Kwame Ninsin and F K Drah (eds.), Ghana's Transi.lion to Constitwlional Rule, Accra,
Ghana Universities Press.
Jordan, Bill, 1986, The State: Authority and Autonomy, New York, Blackwell. Macken7je, W J M, 1958,
Free Elections, London, George Allen & Unwin.
Molutsi, P P and John D Holm, 'Developing a Democracy when Civil Society is Weak: The Case of
Botswana'. In: African Affairs, Vol. 89, No. 359, July 1990.
Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1985, Political Struggles in Ghana, 1966-1981, Accra, Tornado
Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1987, 'Ghanaian Politics After 1981: Revolution or Evolution', Canadian Journal
of African Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1.
Ninsin, Kwame, A, 1991a, 'The Impact of PNOC's Economie Reform Policies on Ghanaian Politics and
Society, 1982-88', Legon Journal of the Humanities Vol. S.