Résumé: L'objet de cet article est d'évaluer le programme d'ajustement structurel tel qu' il est appliqué au Lésotho. Le programme a été mis en place en 1988 par le gouvernement du Lésotho et le Fonds Monétaire International et devait , dans sa première phase , couvrir la période 1988-1991. Il avait pour objectifs de réduire les dépenses budgétaires, d'augmenter la production et de promouvoir les exportations. Le programme a été rendu nécessaire par les déficits chroniques de la balance des paiements et du budget. La grande faiblesse du programme réside dans le fait qu'il ne fait pas état des mécanismes par lesquels l'économie s'ajustera et, dans ces conditions, il est très peu probable que les déficits seront résorbés. Les politiques les plus crédibles sont celles qui restructureront le budget de telle sorte que les mécanismes de feed-back des dépenses du budget et de la balance des paiements deviennent modérés. En outre, à moins qu'un désinvestissement ne soit opéré et que le gouvernement consacre plus de temps à l'élaboration de la politique et qu'il reconsidère l'accord de l'union douanière de l'Afrique australe dans le but de le restructurer profondément, les perspectives d'industrialisation du Lésotho ne sont pas bonnes.
Bethuel Setai, University of Lesotho
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Bethuel Setai 1991. 1 - Structural Adjustment Program in Lesotho: par Bethuel Setai. Afrique et développement. 16, 1 (janv. 1991). DOI:https://doi.org/10.57054/ad.v16i1.2739.
Dr. Bethuel Pitori Setai was born on 30 April in 1939 at Shannon, Bloemfontein to Moeketsi Abraham and Jacobeth Setai. He was the second born child into a family of 10 children, namely Mahlomola, Paula, Lisetle, Pompe and Thabiso and was predeceased by Mahase and Tshele, Malekoa, and Nthabiseng who passed away as a child. His early childhood was spent in Bloemspruit just outside of Bloemfontein, and he attended Estoire Primary School, which was renamed, Bethuel Setai Intermediate School in 1998 in honour of him and in recognition of his contributions to his community. He went on to attend Bantu High School in Bloemfontein.
In 1960 Dr Setai left home as a member of the ANC Youth League having heeded the call of the ANC leadership to continue the fight for freedom from outside of the country. This was the beginning of what was to be a long and daunting, yet adventure filled, journey from Bloemfontein through Botswana, Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia), Malawi (then Northern Rhodesia) and finally Tanzania (Tanganyika), where he remained for two years at the Buguruni camp. It was here that Dr Setai had the privilege of being introduced to the great O.R. Tambo, who took him under him wing and became his mentor, and whom Dr Setai regarded as a father-figure. During his stay in Tanzania Dr. Setai was identified as one of the individuals for deployment to the United States to further his studies in order to prepare for a free South Africa.
In 1962 Dr. Setai travelled to the USA where he enrolled at Lincoln University before transferring to Columbia University in 1963 where he completed a Bachelor of Science in Economics (1966). This achievement was soon followed by a Masters in Education (1968), a Masters in Arts in Economics (1969) and finally a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (1973), all attained from New York University. Dr Setai was one of the first black South Africans to have attained a PhD in Economics.