1 - The new International Economic Order and Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : K.C. MORRISON
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 9 No 1 (1984): Afrique et développement
Les démarches entreprises aux fins de mettre en place un Nouvel Ordre Economique Mondial (NOEM) sont actuellement bien avancées ; cependant parmi les défis lancés en vue d'un changement , seul un petit nombre été entièrement relevé . Cette étude examine le défi posé pour l'Afrique en particulier. Elle développe la thèse selon laquelle il conviendrait de percevoir le NOEM comme une réponse à ce que les peuples d'Afrique et du Tiers Monde considèrent comme une situation de dépendance politique et économique vis-à-vis des anciennes puissances coloniales. Vu sous cet angle par les Africains , le NOEM constitue par conséquent un autre aspect de la «question nationale» suivante : comment forger l'indépendance nationale compte tenu de la complexité des liens unissant l'Afrique aux puissances capitalistes européennes ? Ces liens , pour les Africains, nuisent à l'indépendance fondamentale de l'Afrique ; raison pour laquelle ce mouvement cherche à réorienter les politiques en vue de mettre en valeur , encore une fois , l'importance capitale des intérêts africains et de compenser , dans cer- tains cas , les effets nocifs de la domination passée. L'analyse démontre que même a la lumiere du reform>isme qui caractérisé essentiellement les reclamations d'un NOEM , les puissances occidentales ont fait preuve de beaucoup d'opposition et que très peu a été fait dans le sens d'un Nouvel ordre.
K.C. MORRISON, Department of Afro-American Studies - Syracuse University . Sprins 1983
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Africa Yearbook and Who's Who, 1977 (1976). London: Africa Journal Ltd.
- Balandier, George (1965). «The Colonial Situation», in Pierre van den Berghe ed. Africa: Social Problems of Change and Conflict. San Francisco: Chandler, pp. 36-57.
- Bean, Richard (1974). «A Note on the Relative Importance of Slaves and Gold in West African Exports» . Journal of African History. VI 5, #= 3, pp. 351-356.
- Card, Emily (1975). «The Political Economy of Ghana». In Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York : Schenckman, pp . 49-9 1 .
- Cowell, Alan (1982). New York Times. Section E, March 14, 1982.
- Dale, William (1976). «The IMF's Special Facilities...» In Pierre Uri, ed. North-South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 26-28.
- David, Wilfred (1977). «Dimensions of the North-South Confrontation», in William G. Tyler (1977). Issues and Prospects for the New International Economic Order. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, pp. 25-44.
- Denoon, David (1979). The New International Economic Order. New York: New York University.
- Fitch, Robert and Mary Oppenheimer (1966). Ghana: End of an Illusion. New York: Monthly Review.
- Fordham, Paul (1972). The Geography of African Affairs. 3rd Edition. Middlesec, England: Penguin
- Frank, André Gunder (1975). Quoted in Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York: Schenckman, pp. 1-47.
- Gardner, Richard (1976). «New Proposals for Development». In Pierre Uri, ed. North- South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 19-25.
- Guernier, Maurice (1976). «The Food Situation Prospects». In Pierre Uri, ed. North- South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 14-19.
- Gwin, Catherine (1977). «The Seventh Special Session: Toward a New Phase of Relations Between the Developed and Developing States». In Karl P. Sauvant and Hajo Hasenpflug, eds. The New International Economic Order. Boulder: West- view, pp. 20-35.
- Harris, Richard (1975). «The Political Economy of Africa: Underdeveloped or Revolution». In Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York : Schenckman, pp . 1 -47 .
- Holbik, Karel (1977). «The Financial Challenge of the New International Economic Order». In William G. Tyler (1977). Issues and Prospects for the New International Economic Order. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, pp. 45-57.
- Killick, Tony (1966). «Economics of Cocoa». In Walter Birmingham, et. al., eds. A Study of Contemporary Ghana V. I. London: George Allen and Unwin, pp.365- 390.
- Kiwanuka, Kataroogo (1982). «Jamaica, Tanzania and the IMF». Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. Mimeo, p. 34.
- Legum, Colin (1977). Africa Contemporary Record 1975-76. New York: Africana.
- Morrison, Minion KC (1982). Ethnicity and Political Integration: The Case of Ashanti Ghana. Syracuse : Africa Monograph Series, Syracuse University.
- Myrdal, Gunnar(1968). AsianDrama , Vol. I, New York: Pantheon.
- Myrdal, Gunnar (1970). The Challenge of World Poverty . New York: Vintage.
- Nabudere, D. Wadada (1977). Imperialism , The Social Sciences and the National Question. Dar-Es-Salaam : Tanzania Publishing House . New York Times , October 1 1 , 1981 , p. 24.
- New York Times , PE- 6, March 5, 1982. Newsweek (1981). August 26, 1981, p. 39.
- Nkrumah, Kwame (1965). «African History Through African Eyes». In Ruppert Emerson and Martin Kilson. The Political Awakening of Africa. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, pp. 22-26.
- Nkrumah, Kwame (1965). Neo-Colonialism. New York: International Publishers.
- Rodney, Walter (1974). How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Washington: Howard University Press.
- Rubin, Leslie and Brian Weinstein (1974). Introduction to African Politics. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich.
- Sauvant, Karl, ed. (1981). Third World Without Superpowers , Group of 77. 2nd Series, V. I. - VI. New York: Oceania Publications, Inc.
- Seventh Special Session, United Nations in Sauvant, 1977, p. 3 1 .
- Southard, Frank, Jr. (1979). «The Evolution of the International Monetary Fund». In '.Essays in International Finance. #135. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-44.
- Tinbergen, Jan, et. al., (1965). Reshaping the International Order. New York: Dutton.
- UI Hag, Mahb (1977). «Toward a New Framework for International Resource Trans- fers». In Karl Sauvant and Hajo Hasenpflug, eds., The New International Economic Order. Boulder : Westview, pp. 248-257.
- U.N. Commodity Trade Statistics (1970). Adapted from Arkhurst, Frederick (1975). The U.S. Policy Toward Africa. New York: Praeger, pp. 239-249.
- United Nations, General Assembly (1975). Resolution 3362 (S- VII), «Development and International Economic Cooperation», 16 Septembre 1975.
- USLA (1974). Topic , * 79. Washington, D.C.
- World Bank (1981). Annual Report 1981. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Young, Crawford (1982). Ideology and Development in Africa. New Haven: Yale.
Les références
Africa Yearbook and Who's Who, 1977 (1976). London: Africa Journal Ltd.
Balandier, George (1965). «The Colonial Situation», in Pierre van den Berghe ed. Africa: Social Problems of Change and Conflict. San Francisco: Chandler, pp. 36-57.
Bean, Richard (1974). «A Note on the Relative Importance of Slaves and Gold in West African Exports» . Journal of African History. VI 5, #= 3, pp. 351-356.
Card, Emily (1975). «The Political Economy of Ghana». In Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York : Schenckman, pp . 49-9 1 .
Cowell, Alan (1982). New York Times. Section E, March 14, 1982.
Dale, William (1976). «The IMF's Special Facilities...» In Pierre Uri, ed. North-South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 26-28.
David, Wilfred (1977). «Dimensions of the North-South Confrontation», in William G. Tyler (1977). Issues and Prospects for the New International Economic Order. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, pp. 25-44.
Denoon, David (1979). The New International Economic Order. New York: New York University.
Fitch, Robert and Mary Oppenheimer (1966). Ghana: End of an Illusion. New York: Monthly Review.
Fordham, Paul (1972). The Geography of African Affairs. 3rd Edition. Middlesec, England: Penguin
Frank, André Gunder (1975). Quoted in Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York: Schenckman, pp. 1-47.
Gardner, Richard (1976). «New Proposals for Development». In Pierre Uri, ed. North- South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: the Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 19-25.
Guernier, Maurice (1976). «The Food Situation Prospects». In Pierre Uri, ed. North- South: Developing a New Relationship. Paris: Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, pp. 14-19.
Gwin, Catherine (1977). «The Seventh Special Session: Toward a New Phase of Relations Between the Developed and Developing States». In Karl P. Sauvant and Hajo Hasenpflug, eds. The New International Economic Order. Boulder: West- view, pp. 20-35.
Harris, Richard (1975). «The Political Economy of Africa: Underdeveloped or Revolution». In Richard Harris, ed. (1975). The Political Economy of Africa. New York : Schenckman, pp . 1 -47 .
Holbik, Karel (1977). «The Financial Challenge of the New International Economic Order». In William G. Tyler (1977). Issues and Prospects for the New International Economic Order. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, pp. 45-57.
Killick, Tony (1966). «Economics of Cocoa». In Walter Birmingham, et. al., eds. A Study of Contemporary Ghana V. I. London: George Allen and Unwin, pp.365- 390.
Kiwanuka, Kataroogo (1982). «Jamaica, Tanzania and the IMF». Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. Mimeo, p. 34.
Legum, Colin (1977). Africa Contemporary Record 1975-76. New York: Africana.
Morrison, Minion KC (1982). Ethnicity and Political Integration: The Case of Ashanti Ghana. Syracuse : Africa Monograph Series, Syracuse University.
Myrdal, Gunnar(1968). AsianDrama , Vol. I, New York: Pantheon.
Myrdal, Gunnar (1970). The Challenge of World Poverty . New York: Vintage.
Nabudere, D. Wadada (1977). Imperialism , The Social Sciences and the National Question. Dar-Es-Salaam : Tanzania Publishing House . New York Times , October 1 1 , 1981 , p. 24.
New York Times , PE- 6, March 5, 1982. Newsweek (1981). August 26, 1981, p. 39.
Nkrumah, Kwame (1965). «African History Through African Eyes». In Ruppert Emerson and Martin Kilson. The Political Awakening of Africa. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, pp. 22-26.
Nkrumah, Kwame (1965). Neo-Colonialism. New York: International Publishers.
Rodney, Walter (1974). How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Washington: Howard University Press.
Rubin, Leslie and Brian Weinstein (1974). Introduction to African Politics. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich.
Sauvant, Karl, ed. (1981). Third World Without Superpowers , Group of 77. 2nd Series, V. I. - VI. New York: Oceania Publications, Inc.
Seventh Special Session, United Nations in Sauvant, 1977, p. 3 1 .
Southard, Frank, Jr. (1979). «The Evolution of the International Monetary Fund». In '.Essays in International Finance. #135. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-44.
Tinbergen, Jan, et. al., (1965). Reshaping the International Order. New York: Dutton.
UI Hag, Mahb (1977). «Toward a New Framework for International Resource Trans- fers». In Karl Sauvant and Hajo Hasenpflug, eds., The New International Economic Order. Boulder : Westview, pp. 248-257.
U.N. Commodity Trade Statistics (1970). Adapted from Arkhurst, Frederick (1975). The U.S. Policy Toward Africa. New York: Praeger, pp. 239-249.
United Nations, General Assembly (1975). Resolution 3362 (S- VII), «Development and International Economic Cooperation», 16 Septembre 1975.
USLA (1974). Topic , * 79. Washington, D.C.
World Bank (1981). Annual Report 1981. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Young, Crawford (1982). Ideology and Development in Africa. New Haven: Yale.