4 - Employment and Income Generation in the Petty Commodity Sector of the Urban Economy: The Case of the Central Region of Ghana*
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 8 No 4 (1983): Afrique et développement
* This Paper is based on a research carried out by the author in the Cen tral region of Ghana between September 1977 and April 1978
Dans cet article, l'auteur essaie d'examiner les çaractéristiques de l'emploi et du taux de création de revenus dans le secteur des petits com merces tels qu'on les trouve dans les centres ruraux et urbains de la région centrale du Ghana. Les facteurs responsables des différences remarquées parmi les entreprises, dans divers centres, sont examinés dans une analyse de regres sion, en tenant compte des caractéristiques des entreprises en tant que variables indépendants. Π existe plusieurs facteurs : certains ne sont pas facilement identifiables. Les plus importants seront donc : le cycle du commerce, la qualité du travail, la capacité des entrepreneurs à évaluer les possibilités d'expansion de leurs entreprises dans l'avenir, et surtout les problèmes qu'ils rencontrent dans la gestion de leurs entreprises parti culières. Le pouvoir de ces petites entreprises de créer un nombre d'emplois et des revenus appréciables dépend aussi de l'état de l'économie national.
P.W.K. Yankson is a lecturer at the Department of Geography, University of Ghana, Legon
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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Les références
Allen, H.: «The informal urban industrial sector and growth: some thoughts on modem mythology». ID.S. working paper. University of Nairobi, 1976.
Aryee, G.: Effects of Formal Education and Training on the Intensity of Employment in the Informal Sector: A Case Study ofKumasi. World Employment Programme WEP, 2-18/WP.14 (Geneva, IX.0.1976).
Aryee, G.: Small-scale Manufacturing Activities: A Study of the Interrelationships Between the Formal and Informal Sectors Kumasi, Ghana. I.L.O. WEP 2-19/WP, 23 (Geneva Il.O. 1977).
Bienefeld, M.A.: «The Self-Employed of Urban Tanzania» I.D.S., University of Sussex, Discussion Paper No.54,1974.
Bose, Α.Ν.: The Informal Sector in the Calcutta Metropolitan Economy. W.EP. Urbanization and Employment Research Programme, Working Paper No.5, (Geneva, I.L.O. 1974).
Bromley, R.: «The Urban Informal Sector; why is it worth discussing?» World Development Vol.6 No.9/10 pp.1033-1039. Pergamon 1978. Dasgupta, B.: «Calcutta'sInformal Sector»ID.S. Sussex. Bulletin Vol.5 No.213,1973.
De Wilde, J.: The Development of African Private Enterprise. I.B.R.D. Vol .II, Country Annexes 1971).
Gerry, C.: Petty Producers and the Urban Economy : A Case Study of Dakar, Geneva, I.L.O. W.E.P. Working Paper 1974.
Hart, K.: «Small-scale Entrepreneurs in Ghana and Development Planning» Journal of Development Studies, Vol.6 1970.
Hart, K.: «Informal Income Opportunities and Urban Employment in Ghana» Journal of Modem African Studies Vol II (1 ), 1973.
Johnston, J.: Econometric Methods. McGrawHill 1972.
King, K.: «Kenya's Informal Machine Makers: A Study of Small-scale Industry in Kenya's Emergent Artisan Society» World Development Vol.2 1974.
Koutsoyiannis, Α.: Theory of Econometrics McMillan London, 1977.
Liedholm, C.: Research on Employment. in the Rural Non Farm Sector in Africa. African Rural Employment Paper No.5. Department of Agric. Economics. Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1973.
Liedholm, C and Chuta, Ε.: The Economics of Rural and Urban Small-scale Industries in Sierra Leone. African Rural Employment Paper No.14, East Lansing 1976.
Marris, F. and Somerset, Α.: African Business: A Study of Entrepreneurship Develop ment in Kenya. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London,1971.
Mazumdar, D.: The Urban Informal Sector. World Bank Working Paper No.21 1 July 1975.
Merrick, T.W.: «Employment and Earnings in the Formal Sector in Brazil. The Case of Belo Horizonte» Journal of Developing Areas. Vol.10 April 1976.
Munch, L.: A final demand approach to the informal sector and implication for public policies» ID.S. Univ. of Nairobi, Workshop on the Informal Sector 1977.
Moser, C.O.N.: «Informal Sector or Petty Commodity Production: Dualism or Dependence in Urban Development?» World Development. Vol.6, No.9/10 Sept/ Oct., 1978.
Nafziger, W.E.: «The Relationships between Education and Entrepreneurship in Nigeria» . Journal of Developing Areas. Vol.4 April 1970.
Nie, Ν et al.: S.P.S.S. McGraw Hill, 1970.
Remy, D and Weeks, J.: «Employment, occupation and inequality in a non industrial city» in Karl Wohmuth (ed) Employment Creation in Developing Societies. The situation of labour in dependent economics, Praeger, New York 1973.
Sethuraman, S.V.: «The urban informal sector: concepts, measurement and policy» International Labour Review. Vol.114 No.l July-August, 1976.
Souza P. Tokman V.: «The informal sector in Latin America» International Labour Review. Vol.114, No3, November-December, 1976.
Steel, W.F.: Small-scale Employment and Production in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana. Praeger, New York, 1977.
Webb, R.: The Urban Traditional Sector in Peru IJLRJD. Mimeo 1975.
Weeks, J.: «Policies for expanding employment in the informal sector of developing economies» International Labour Review. Vol III June 1975. «The urban informal sector: critical perspectives». World Development. Vol.6 No.9/10. Sept/Oct. 1978