3 - The Emerging Ideological Trend in the Non-Aligned Movement: Some Reflections on the Havana Conference *
Corresponding Author(s) : Clifford EDOGUN
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 6 No 2 (1981): Afrique et développement
* Originally presented at the International Conference on the Non- Aligned Movement, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, January 23-25, 1980.
Dans ce document l'auteur veut montrer que le changement inter venu dans l'approche par les Non-Alignes des Relations lntemationales au plan ideologique au cours de la decennie des annees 70, a atteint son point culminant lors de la conference des Non-Alignes a la Havane, en Septembre 1979. Alors que la tendance generale de la perspective ideologique du Mouvement reflete des idees et des principes apropos de la maniere par laquelle et des raisons pour lesquelles la communaute mondiale devrait partager equitablement les ressources globales, la Conference de la Havane legitimait une double approche de la tendance ideologique naissante du Mouvement. Elle essaya d'abord de reiterer lucidement les problemes fondamentaux
(i) de la souverainete sur les ressources, (ii) de l'exploitation multina tionale des pays du Tiers-Monde, (iii) des relations commerciales decrois santes entre le Tiers-Monde et les pays de l'OCDE et (iv) du racisme et de l'apartheid. Ensuite, ce qui est peut-etre plus realiste compte tenu de l'actuelle deterioration economique mondiale, la conference de la Havane insis ta sur la necessite de compter encore plus sur eux-memes. Ainsi, la politique de la self-reliance a pris un autre elan digne de foi au sein d'un mouvement qui doit encore demontrer une capacite collective provenant des enormes res sources dont il dispose.
Clifford EDOGUN, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of Port Harcourt. Nigeria.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- I. Anabtawa, Samin N., «Neutralists and Neutralism», Journal of Politics, Vol. 27,No. 2 (May 1965),pp. 351-61. •
- Balwin, R., Non Tariff Distortions of International Trade (Washington D.C.: The Bookings Institution, 1970).
- Barkenbus,-Jack N., «Slowed economic growth and Third World Welfare», in Dennis Clark Pirages (ed.), The Sustainable Society (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977).
- Conference of Non-Aligned States, «Cooperation Against Poverty», Paper by the United Republic of Tanzania (Lusaka: September,1970).
- Curzon, G. and V. Gurzon-Price, «The Undermining of the World Trade Order», ORDO, Vol. 30 (1979).
- Documents of the Catherings of Non-Aligned Countries, 1961-1978 (Belgra de, 1978).
- Fifth Conference of Heads of States of Government of the Non-Aligned Countries, Address of Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (Colombo: August 17, 1976).
- Galtung, J., «A Structural Theory of Imperialism», Journal of Peace Re search, Vol. 8,(1971),pp. 81-117.
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GAIT Activities (Geneva: various issues).
- IFDA., A United Nations Development Strategy for the eighties and Beyond (Nyon: IFDA,January 1978).
- Jansen, G.H.,Afro-Asia and Non-Alignment (London, 1966).
- Laszlo, Ervin., «Introduction: The objectives of the New International Eco nomic Order in historical and global perspective», in Ervin Laszlo et al, The Objectives of the New International Economic Order (New York: Perga mon for UNITAR, 1978).
- Leontief, Wassily et al., The Future of the World Economy: A United Nations Study (Oxford University Press, 1977).
- Long, 0., «The Protectionist threat to world trade relations», Inter Econo mics (November-December 1977).
- Mates, Leo., Non-Alignment Theory and Cu"ent Policy (Belgrade, 1972).
- Myrdal, Gunnar., The Challenge of World Poverty: A World Anti-Poverty Programme in Outline (Penguin, 1970).
- Rahman, M. M., The Politics of Non-Alignment (New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1969).
- Rosenstein-Roadn, P.N., «The Haves and the Have-nots around the year 2000», in Jagdish N. Bhagwati (ed.), Economic and World Order from the 1970's to the 1990's (London: Macmillan, 1972).
- Rothstein, Robert L., «Foreign Policy and development policy: from non alignment to international class warn, International Affairs, 52 (4), October 1978,pp. 598-616.
- The Conference of Heads of States of Governments of Non-Aligned Countries,
- (Belgrade), September 1-6, 1961.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «Growing protectionism and the strandstill on trade barriers against imports from developing countries», TD/B/C.2/ 194 (Geneva: March 1978a).
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Handbook of Inter national Trade and Development Statistics (Geneva: United Nations, various issues).
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «Programme for the liberalization of quantitative restrictions and other non-tariff barriers in developed countries on products of export interest to developing countries», TD/ 120/Supp. l (Geneva:January 1972).
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «The flow of finan cial resources», TD/B/C.3/150 (Geneva: September 1978b).
- United Nations, Economic and Social Consequences of the Armaments Race and its extremely harmful effects on World Peace and Security, Report of the Secretary-General, New York, 12 August, 1977.
- United Nations, International Development Strategy: Action Programme of the General Assembly for the Second United Nations Development Decade (NewYork: 1971).
- Willetts, Peter., The Non-Aligned Movement: The origins of a Third World alliance {London: Frances Pinder, 1978).
- World Bank, World Development Report, 1978 {Washington D.C.: August
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- Yeats, A. J., Trade Barriers Facing Developing Countries (London: Mac millan, 1979).
Les références
I. Anabtawa, Samin N., «Neutralists and Neutralism», Journal of Politics, Vol. 27,No. 2 (May 1965),pp. 351-61. •
Balwin, R., Non Tariff Distortions of International Trade (Washington D.C.: The Bookings Institution, 1970).
Barkenbus,-Jack N., «Slowed economic growth and Third World Welfare», in Dennis Clark Pirages (ed.), The Sustainable Society (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977).
Conference of Non-Aligned States, «Cooperation Against Poverty», Paper by the United Republic of Tanzania (Lusaka: September,1970).
Curzon, G. and V. Gurzon-Price, «The Undermining of the World Trade Order», ORDO, Vol. 30 (1979).
Documents of the Catherings of Non-Aligned Countries, 1961-1978 (Belgra de, 1978).
Fifth Conference of Heads of States of Government of the Non-Aligned Countries, Address of Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (Colombo: August 17, 1976).
Galtung, J., «A Structural Theory of Imperialism», Journal of Peace Re search, Vol. 8,(1971),pp. 81-117.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GAIT Activities (Geneva: various issues).
IFDA., A United Nations Development Strategy for the eighties and Beyond (Nyon: IFDA,January 1978).
Jansen, G.H.,Afro-Asia and Non-Alignment (London, 1966).
Laszlo, Ervin., «Introduction: The objectives of the New International Eco nomic Order in historical and global perspective», in Ervin Laszlo et al, The Objectives of the New International Economic Order (New York: Perga mon for UNITAR, 1978).
Leontief, Wassily et al., The Future of the World Economy: A United Nations Study (Oxford University Press, 1977).
Long, 0., «The Protectionist threat to world trade relations», Inter Econo mics (November-December 1977).
Mates, Leo., Non-Alignment Theory and Cu"ent Policy (Belgrade, 1972).
Myrdal, Gunnar., The Challenge of World Poverty: A World Anti-Poverty Programme in Outline (Penguin, 1970).
Rahman, M. M., The Politics of Non-Alignment (New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1969).
Rosenstein-Roadn, P.N., «The Haves and the Have-nots around the year 2000», in Jagdish N. Bhagwati (ed.), Economic and World Order from the 1970's to the 1990's (London: Macmillan, 1972).
Rothstein, Robert L., «Foreign Policy and development policy: from non alignment to international class warn, International Affairs, 52 (4), October 1978,pp. 598-616.
The Conference of Heads of States of Governments of Non-Aligned Countries,
(Belgrade), September 1-6, 1961.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «Growing protectionism and the strandstill on trade barriers against imports from developing countries», TD/B/C.2/ 194 (Geneva: March 1978a).
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Handbook of Inter national Trade and Development Statistics (Geneva: United Nations, various issues).
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «Programme for the liberalization of quantitative restrictions and other non-tariff barriers in developed countries on products of export interest to developing countries», TD/ 120/Supp. l (Geneva:January 1972).
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, «The flow of finan cial resources», TD/B/C.3/150 (Geneva: September 1978b).
United Nations, Economic and Social Consequences of the Armaments Race and its extremely harmful effects on World Peace and Security, Report of the Secretary-General, New York, 12 August, 1977.
United Nations, International Development Strategy: Action Programme of the General Assembly for the Second United Nations Development Decade (NewYork: 1971).
Willetts, Peter., The Non-Aligned Movement: The origins of a Third World alliance {London: Frances Pinder, 1978).
World Bank, World Development Report, 1978 {Washington D.C.: August
Yeats, A. J., Trade Barriers Facing Developing Countries (London: Mac millan, 1979).