8 - Revue des livres: G. Aforka NWERE: Harmonization of African Foreign Policies, 1955 1975: the political economy of African diplomacy (Boston: Boston Univer sity African Studies Center, 1980. African Research Studies Number 14) x, 285 pp. / 10.
Corresponding Author(s) : Timothy M. SHAW
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 5 No 4 (1980): Afrique et développement
Timothy M. SHAW, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada.
SHAW, T.M. 1980. 8 - Revue des livres: G. Aforka NWERE: Harmonization of African Foreign Policies, 1955 1975: the political economy of African diplomacy (Boston: Boston Univer sity African Studies Center, 1980. African Research Studies Number 14) x, 285 pp. / 10. Afrique et développement. 5, 4 (déc. 1980). DOI:https://doi.org/10.57054/ad.v5i4.3359.
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