Afrique et développement,
Vol. 4 No 2-3 (1979): Afrique et développement
Cet article décrit comment le Nigéria a intégré le Système Capita liste Mondial après la colonisation britannique. L'Etat Nigérian de l'après-indépendance est resté néo-colonial, instable politiquement et économiquement dépendant. La domination de l'économie par les étrangers a été facilitée par la naissance d'une bourgeoisie nationale, une classe bureaucratique et commerçante. Les bureaucrates dépendants culturels et les commerçants parasites économiques ont été les princi paux acteurs de la formulation et de l'exécution de la politique. L'inca pacité des hommes d'affaires nigérians à changer leur rôle d'agents des entreprises commerciales étrangères pour devenir des investisseurs dans les entreprises industrielles a permis la domination de l'économie par les étrangers et l'absence d'une transformation structurelle significative du secteur industriel, deux décennies après l'indépendance. Les autres fac teurs responsables de l'échec de la stratégie d'industrialisation du Nigéria sont l'état de développement très pauvre des facilités d'infrastructures ainsi que la corruption des hauts fonctionnaires aussi bien dans le secteur privé que dans le secteur public. Etant donné les mesures d'austérité appliquées dans le passé à des efforts pour l'industrialisation de l'économie nigérianne et l'actuel environnement économique international défavorable dominé par les entreprises multinationales des pays de l'impérialisme mondial, l'état Nigérian doit participer activement à la soi-disant sous-division straté gique du secteur industriel pour le re-structurer et moderniser ainsi l'économie nationale dans l'intérêt du peuple Nigérian.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
- Colin Leys: The «Overdeveloped» Post Colonial State: A Re
- evaluation. Review of African Political Economy (RAPE), No. 5, 1976, u. K.
- Sorne of the characterization of the «State in this essay is based on the concepts of the
- neo-colonial states in Africa that were presented in the articles published in RAPE, No. 5.
- O. Obasanjo, The «1979/80» Budget Speech given as the Head of the Federal Military Government of
- Nigeria.. Further references to General Obasanjo are in the context of the Budget Speech.
- Walter Rodney: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Tanzanian Publishing House, Dar-es-Salaam,
- Mahdi Adamu: The spread of the Hausa Culture in West Africa,
- Savanna, June, 1976 Vol.5, No. pp. 3-13.
- Judith Marshall, The State of Ambivalence: füght and Left Options in Ghana, RAPE, Vol. 5, 1976.
- Dr. P. Okigbo: IdeologicalPerspectives of Public Sector Role in the Nigerian Economy, Paper
- presented at the Nigerian Economie Society Annual Conference, Lagos, February, 1979.
- O. Onoge, The Indigenisation Degree and Economie Independence: Another Case of Bourgeois
- Utopianism: Proceedings of the 1974 Symposium organized by the Nigerian Economie Society. Published
- by the Society, pp. 57-67.
- The First (1962-68), Second (1970-75), Third (1975-80) National Development Plans. Central
- Planning Office, Lagos.
- lO. A. Fadahunsi, «A Review of Nigeria's Public Sector Industrial Development Policy: 1960-78,
- Paper presented at a Seminar or ganized by CODESRIA on Public Sector Development Policy in Africa,
- Dakar Senegal, December, 1978.
- Sorne of the further comments in section III of this essay are based on this paper whieh the author
- presented in Dakar.
- ll. Edwin Dean, Plan Implementation in Nigeria, 1962-66, OUP, Ibadan 1972.
- l2. John Saul, The Unsteady State: Uganda, Obote and Gen. Amin
- lMPE Vol. 5, 1976.
- P.F. Wilmot, Multinational Corporations in the Third World: A
- Threat to National Independence. Text of a Symposium at the [nstitute of Administration, Ahmadu
- Bello University, Zaria, 1978. The data on UAC activities were compiled from this paper and some
- publications of Nigerian «Business Times».
- Ernest Mandel
- Oyovbaire, The Responsibility of Political Science in Nigeria,
- Paper presented at the Annual Conf erence of the Nigerian Political 3cience Association, University
- of Benin, March, 1979.
- rui Mazrui, Political Values and Educated Glass in Africa, Berkeley University of California Press
- quoted in S. Oyovbaire Ibid.
- Bade Onimode, Imperialism and Multinational Corporation: A Case Study of Nigeria. An unpublished
- paper, Economies Depart ment University of Ibadan.
Les références
Colin Leys: The «Overdeveloped» Post Colonial State: A Re
evaluation. Review of African Political Economy (RAPE), No. 5, 1976, u. K.
Sorne of the characterization of the «State in this essay is based on the concepts of the
neo-colonial states in Africa that were presented in the articles published in RAPE, No. 5.
O. Obasanjo, The «1979/80» Budget Speech given as the Head of the Federal Military Government of
Nigeria.. Further references to General Obasanjo are in the context of the Budget Speech.
Walter Rodney: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Tanzanian Publishing House, Dar-es-Salaam,
Mahdi Adamu: The spread of the Hausa Culture in West Africa,
Savanna, June, 1976 Vol.5, No. pp. 3-13.
Judith Marshall, The State of Ambivalence: füght and Left Options in Ghana, RAPE, Vol. 5, 1976.
Dr. P. Okigbo: IdeologicalPerspectives of Public Sector Role in the Nigerian Economy, Paper
presented at the Nigerian Economie Society Annual Conference, Lagos, February, 1979.
O. Onoge, The Indigenisation Degree and Economie Independence: Another Case of Bourgeois
Utopianism: Proceedings of the 1974 Symposium organized by the Nigerian Economie Society. Published
by the Society, pp. 57-67.
The First (1962-68), Second (1970-75), Third (1975-80) National Development Plans. Central
Planning Office, Lagos.
lO. A. Fadahunsi, «A Review of Nigeria's Public Sector Industrial Development Policy: 1960-78,
Paper presented at a Seminar or ganized by CODESRIA on Public Sector Development Policy in Africa,
Dakar Senegal, December, 1978.
Sorne of the further comments in section III of this essay are based on this paper whieh the author
presented in Dakar.
ll. Edwin Dean, Plan Implementation in Nigeria, 1962-66, OUP, Ibadan 1972.
l2. John Saul, The Unsteady State: Uganda, Obote and Gen. Amin
lMPE Vol. 5, 1976.
P.F. Wilmot, Multinational Corporations in the Third World: A
Threat to National Independence. Text of a Symposium at the [nstitute of Administration, Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria, 1978. The data on UAC activities were compiled from this paper and some
publications of Nigerian «Business Times».
Ernest Mandel
Oyovbaire, The Responsibility of Political Science in Nigeria,
Paper presented at the Annual Conf erence of the Nigerian Political 3cience Association, University
of Benin, March, 1979.
rui Mazrui, Political Values and Educated Glass in Africa, Berkeley University of California Press
quoted in S. Oyovbaire Ibid.
Bade Onimode, Imperialism and Multinational Corporation: A Case Study of Nigeria. An unpublished
paper, Economies Depart ment University of Ibadan.