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Afrique et développement,
Vol. 40 No 3 (2015): Afrique et développement: Numéro spécial sur Transformer les relations internationales pour un monde juste
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- Adebajo, A., 2010, The Curse of Berlin: Africa After the Cold War, London: Hurst.
- Adedeji, A., 2002, From the Lagos Plan of Action to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development and from the Final Act of Lagos to the Constitutive Act: Wither Africa? Keynote address to the African Forum for Envisioning Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 26-29 April 2002.
- Ake, C., 1996, Democracy and Development in Africa, Maryland: Brookings Institution.
- Amin, S., 1972, Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Historical Origin. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 105-120.
- Amin, S.,1972, Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Historical Origin, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 105-120.
- Fanon, F., 1961, The Wretched of the Earth, New York: Grove Press, p. 67.
- Gumede, V., 2011, The Role of Public Policies and Policy Makers in Africa: Responding to Global Economic Crises, in Lee, D. R. and Ndulo, M., The Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa: Origins, Impacts and Policy Implications, CABI International, pp. 247-263.
- Gumede, V., 2013, African Economic Renaissance as a Paradigm for Africa’s Socio-Economic Development, in Kondlo, K., ed., Perspectives in Thought Leadership for Africa’s Renewal, Pretoria: AISA Press, pp. 484-507.
- Harvey, D. 2005, The New Imperialism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Mbembé, A., 2001, On the Postcolony, Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Mkandawire, T., 2001, Social Policy in a Development Context, Social Policy and Development Programme Paper number 7, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.
- Mkandawire, T., 2015, Neopatrimonialism and the Political Economy of Economic Performance in Africa: Critical Reflections, World Politics, May 2015, pp 1 – 50.
- Polanyi, K., 1944, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origin of Our Time, Boston: Beacon Press.
- Rodney, W., 1973, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Dar-es-Salaam: Tanzanian Publishing House.
- Shivji, I., 2009, Accumulation in an African Periphery: A Theoretical Framework, Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.
- Tondi, P., 2005, Pan-African thought and practice, Alternation 2, pp. 301-328.
Les références
Adebajo, A., 2010, The Curse of Berlin: Africa After the Cold War, London: Hurst.
Adedeji, A., 2002, From the Lagos Plan of Action to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development and from the Final Act of Lagos to the Constitutive Act: Wither Africa? Keynote address to the African Forum for Envisioning Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 26-29 April 2002.
Ake, C., 1996, Democracy and Development in Africa, Maryland: Brookings Institution.
Amin, S., 1972, Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Historical Origin. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 105-120.
Amin, S.,1972, Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Historical Origin, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 105-120.
Fanon, F., 1961, The Wretched of the Earth, New York: Grove Press, p. 67.
Gumede, V., 2011, The Role of Public Policies and Policy Makers in Africa: Responding to Global Economic Crises, in Lee, D. R. and Ndulo, M., The Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa: Origins, Impacts and Policy Implications, CABI International, pp. 247-263.
Gumede, V., 2013, African Economic Renaissance as a Paradigm for Africa’s Socio-Economic Development, in Kondlo, K., ed., Perspectives in Thought Leadership for Africa’s Renewal, Pretoria: AISA Press, pp. 484-507.
Harvey, D. 2005, The New Imperialism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Mbembé, A., 2001, On the Postcolony, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Mkandawire, T., 2001, Social Policy in a Development Context, Social Policy and Development Programme Paper number 7, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.
Mkandawire, T., 2015, Neopatrimonialism and the Political Economy of Economic Performance in Africa: Critical Reflections, World Politics, May 2015, pp 1 – 50.
Polanyi, K., 1944, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origin of Our Time, Boston: Beacon Press.
Rodney, W., 1973, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Dar-es-Salaam: Tanzanian Publishing House.
Shivji, I., 2009, Accumulation in an African Periphery: A Theoretical Framework, Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.
Tondi, P., 2005, Pan-African thought and practice, Alternation 2, pp. 301-328.