5 - Analysis of Frames Used by Namibian Newspapers in their Reportage of the San Community
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020): African Sociological Review
Thisstudy involves an analysis of the representation of San people of Namibia in news stories published in The Namibian, New Era, Inf ormanté, The Southern Times, The Villager, The Windhoek Observer and Namibian Sun newspapers over a two-year period - January 2012 to December 2013. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the stories. Content analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA) were used to analyse data and point out binaries and dichotomies inherent in selected articles. Thestudy found that balanced reportage of issues that affect San people is conspicuously absent. Much of the reportage is event-driven, lacking analysis and balance. Thestudy recommends new media discourses that shift from stereotyping to a discourse that restores and upholds the identity of San people.
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Aday, S. (2009). The frame-setting effects of news: An experimental test of advocacy versus objectivist frames. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 83, 767–784.
Akpabio, E. (2011). Framing them in order to hang them? Content analysis of the reporting of Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans in Botswana print media. The Journal of International Communication, 17(1), 37-50.
Anaya, J. (2005). Indigenous peoples’ participatory rights in relation to decisions about natural resource extraction: The more fundamental issue of what rights indigenous peoples have in lands and resources. Ariz. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 22, (1) 7-27.
Avison, S. & Meadows, M. (2000). Speaking and hearing: Aboriginal newspapers and the public sphere in Canada and Australia. Canadian Journal of Communication, 25(3), 34-66.
Biesele, M., & Hitchcock, R.K. (2008). Writing in the San/d: Autoethnography among Indigenous southern Africans. Collaborative Anthropologies, 1, 201-205.
Dan, V., Mchombu, K., & Mosimane, A. (2010). Indigenous medicinal knowledge of the San people: The case of Farm Six, Northern Namibia. Information Development, 26 (2), 129 -140.
De Vreese, C.H. (2005). News framing: Theory and typology. Information Design Journal+ Document Design, 13(1), 51-62.
Dieckmann, U.(2007). Hai||om in the Etosha region: A history of colonial settlement, ethnicity and nature conservation. Basel, Switzerland: Basler Afrika Bibliographienne.
Entman, R.M. (2004). Projections of power: Framing news, public opinion, and U.S. foreign policy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Entman, R.M. (2007). Framing bias: Media in the distribution of power. Journal of Communication, 57, 164-173.
Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing discourse: Textual analysis of social research, New York, NY: Routledge.
Gordon, R. (1992). The Bushman myth: The making of a Namibian underclass. Oxford, England: Westview Press.
Graig, A. (2013, August 8). The failure of law and politics. Informante. Retrieved from http://www.lac.org.na/news/inthenews/archive/2013/news-20130808.html
Happer, C., & Philo, G. (2013). The role of the media in the construction of public belief and social change. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 1(1), 321–336.
Kazondovi, L. (2013, June 21). Namibia: Police to act on Tsumkwe invaders. New Era.Retrieved from https://allafrica.com/stories/201306210874.html
Kitzinger, J. (2007). Framing and frame analysis. In E. Devereux (Ed.). Media studies: Key issues and debates. London, England: Sage.
Machin, D., & Mayr, A. (2012). How to do Critical Discourse Analysis: A multimodal approach. London, England: Sage.
McCarthy, M. (1994). Discourse analysis for language teachers. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
McCombs, M.E., Shaw, D.L., & Weaver, D.L. (1997). Communication and democracy: Exploring the intellectual frontiers in Agenda-Setting Theo y. Mahwah: N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum.
McCombs, M., & Ghanem, S. I., (2001). The convergence of agenda setting and framing. In S.D. Reese, O. Gandy, & A. E. Grant (Eds.). Framing public life (pp. 67 -82). Mahwah: N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. Mills, S. (1995). Feminist stylistics. New York, NY: Cengage.
New Era. (2012, July 30). Namibia: Pohamba joins mourners at !kung San chief ’s burial. Retrieved from https://allafrica.com/stories/201207300427.html
New Era. (2013, September 24). UNAM donates mattresses to community hostel. New Era. Retrieved from https://neweralive.na/posts/unam-donates-mattresses- community-hostel Shidhudhu, T. (2013, October, 10). Schools receive computers, solar panels. New Era. Retrieved from https://neweralive.na/posts/schools-receive-computers-solar- panels Pushparaj, A., (2012). An essay on the role of the media. Retrieved from www.publishyourarticles.net/eng/.../an-essay-on-the-role-of-media.
Reese, S. D. (2007). The framing project: A bridging model for media research revisited. Journal of Communication, 57(1), 148-154.
Richardson, J.E. (2007). Analysing newspapers: An approach from critical discourse analysis. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sanzila, G. (2012). Namibia: HuntAfrica hosts successful tournament for San. Retrieved from https://allafrica.com/stories/201212190959.html
Shaanika, L (2013a, April 11). San kindergarten in desperate need of help. New Era. Retrieved from https://kundana.com.na/posts/san-kindergarten-desperate Shaanika, L. (2013b,
November 18). San at Ombili settlement in dire need of water. New Era. Retrieved from https://neweralive.na/posts/san-ombili-settlement-dire-water Suzman, J. (1995). In the margins: A qualitative assessment of the status of farmworkers in the Omaheke Region. Research Report Series, No. 1. Windhoek, Namibia: Farmworkers Project, Legal Assistance Centre.
Suzman, J. (2000). Thin s from the bush. Basel, Switzerland: P. Schlettwein Publishing. Suzman, J. (2001). An assessment of the status of TheSan in Namibia. Windhoek, Namibia: Legal Assistance Centre.
Sylvain, R. (2002). Land, water and truth: San identity and global indegenism. American Anthropologist. 104 (4), 1074 – 1085.
The Namibian. (2012, February 5). Namibia’s Bushmen profit from nature. Retrieved from https://www.dw.com/en/namibias-bushmen-profit-from-nature/a-15694418.
Wallace, M. (2014). A history of Namibia: From the earliest times to 1990. London, England: Hurst Publishers.
Winterfeldt, V., Fox, T., & Mufune, P., (2002). Namibian society. Windhoek, Namibia: University of Namibia Press.