7 - Gender Inequality in the Division of Household Labour in Tanzania
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2010): African Sociological Review
Cette étude a examiné les normes de genre et le langage utilisé pour rationaliser l'inégalité entre les sexes concernant la division du travail des ménages en Tanzanie. Des étudiants universitaires et des étudiants du secondaire tanzaniens ont participé à des entretiens, des groupes de discussion et des enquêtes pour cette étude. Les résultats suggèrent que les hommes tanzaniens ont des attentes très traditionnelles concernant les rôles de genre tandis que les femmes tanzaniennes ont des attentes plus progressistes. Certaines normes de genre, y compris l'attente selon laquelle les femmes devraient être responsables des enfants et devraient faire plus de travail que les hommes en général, ont été démontrées. naturalisation, la tentative de justifier une inégalité telle que le sexisme en prétendant quela disparité est tout simplement naturelle, a été utilisée pour expliquer les inégalités ; comme l'était la minimisation, la tentative de justifier une inégalité en réduisant l'importance du problème. Enfin, le sexisme culturel a tenté de justifier l'inégalité entre les sexes en expliquant les différences entre les sexes par des pratiques culturelles plutôt que par le sexisme.
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- Appelrouth, S., Edles, LD., 2007. Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era. Pine Forge Press. CA.
- Babbie, E., 2005. The Basics of Social Research. Wadsworth. Canada. Baxter, J., 1997. Gender equality and Participation in housework: A Cross-national Perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Autumn. 28.3: 220-247.
- Bonilla-Silva, E., 2006. Racism without Racists. Second Edition. Rowman and Littlefield. Oxford.
- Ferber, AL., 2007. Color-Blind Racism and Post-Feminism: The Contemporary Politics of inequality. PP 551-556. Roxbury Publishing.
- Healey, JF., 2006. Race ethnicity, Gender, and Class. Pine Forge Press. CA. Local Community Competence Building (LCCB) and HIV/AIDSPrevention Programme in Tanzania (2006).
- Human Rights and Gender Equality. Arusha, Tanzania. Local Community Competence Building (LCCB) and HIV/AIDSPrevention Programme in Tanzania (Dec. 2006).
- Traditional Customs, Human Rights, Gender, and HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. A Research Report. European Union.
- Morinaga, Yasuko, Frieze, Irene Hanson, Ferligoj, Anuska. “Career Plans and Gender-Role Attitudes of College Students in the united States, Japan, and Slovenia.” Sex Roles. 1993.
- Newman, M, SASI Group (University of Sheffield) 2006. Gender Empowerment. http://www.worldmapper.org/posters/worldmapper_map181_ver5.pdf Retrieved March 18, 2008.
- Rao, VV, Prakasa RVN 1985. Sex-Role Attitudes Across Two Cultures: United Status and India. Sex Roles.
- Rogers, SG., 1983. Efforts Toward Women’s Development in Tanzania: Gender Rhetoric vs. Gender Realities. Women in Developing Countries: A Policy Focus. 23-41.
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2008. Human Development Reports. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/279.html Retrieved Mar 18, 2008.
Appelrouth, S., Edles, LD., 2007. Sociological Theory in the Contemporary Era. Pine Forge Press. CA.
Babbie, E., 2005. The Basics of Social Research. Wadsworth. Canada. Baxter, J., 1997. Gender equality and Participation in housework: A Cross-national Perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Autumn. 28.3: 220-247.
Bonilla-Silva, E., 2006. Racism without Racists. Second Edition. Rowman and Littlefield. Oxford.
Ferber, AL., 2007. Color-Blind Racism and Post-Feminism: The Contemporary Politics of inequality. PP 551-556. Roxbury Publishing.
Healey, JF., 2006. Race ethnicity, Gender, and Class. Pine Forge Press. CA. Local Community Competence Building (LCCB) and HIV/AIDSPrevention Programme in Tanzania (2006).
Human Rights and Gender Equality. Arusha, Tanzania. Local Community Competence Building (LCCB) and HIV/AIDSPrevention Programme in Tanzania (Dec. 2006).
Traditional Customs, Human Rights, Gender, and HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. A Research Report. European Union.
Morinaga, Yasuko, Frieze, Irene Hanson, Ferligoj, Anuska. “Career Plans and Gender-Role Attitudes of College Students in the united States, Japan, and Slovenia.” Sex Roles. 1993.
Newman, M, SASI Group (University of Sheffield) 2006. Gender Empowerment. http://www.worldmapper.org/posters/worldmapper_map181_ver5.pdf Retrieved March 18, 2008.
Rao, VV, Prakasa RVN 1985. Sex-Role Attitudes Across Two Cultures: United Status and India. Sex Roles.
Rogers, SG., 1983. Efforts Toward Women’s Development in Tanzania: Gender Rhetoric vs. Gender Realities. Women in Developing Countries: A Policy Focus. 23-41.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2008. Human Development Reports. http://hdrstats.undp.org/indicators/279.html Retrieved Mar 18, 2008.