3 - Strengthening Peace Research and Peace Education in African Universities
Corresponding Author(s) : Kenneth Omeje
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2015): African Sociological Review
This paper explores the problems and challenges of promoting and embedding conflict-sensitive
peace education in African higher education, especially in the universities. The paper also
proffers some constructive policy recommendations and intervention strategies. Universities
have traditionally been concerned with imparting specialized knowledge and skills in
various fields of study capable of helping beneficiaries to make useful contributions to societal
development and also earn meaningful livelihood from a legitimate occupation. There is
increasing interest in the role of higher education in promoting peace and security at all levels
of society, particularly in volatile conflict-prone and war-affected societies. This research has
been mainly conceived to help strengthen the growing body of policy-relevant knowledge on the
functional application of peace research and peace education in Africa.
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- Abrams, Holly, 2010, ‘Peace studies pioneer dies at 77.’ The Journal Gazette. November, http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20101104/LOCAL/311049973/1002/ LOCAL (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- Alimba, N. Chinyere, 2013, ‘Peace Education, Transformation of Higher Education and Youths Empowerment for Peace in Africa.’ International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research,2:12, pp.338-347.
- Arrighi, Giovanni, 2002, ‘The African Crisis: World Systemic and Regional Aspects.’
- New Left Review. 15, pp. 5-36.
- Ascher, William & Natalia Mirovitskaya, 2013, ‘Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Africa’ in W. Ascher & N. Mirovitskaya eds. The Economic Roots of Conflict and Cooperation in Africa. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-34.
- Bach, C. Daniel, 2011, ‘Patrimonialism and Neopatrimonialism: Comparative Trajectories and Readings,’ Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 49:3, pp. 275-294.
- BBC, 2009, ‘Africa Population Tops a Billion.’ 18th November. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/8366591.stm (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- Brock-Utne, Birgit, 1998, ‘The Role of Higher Education in Africa.’ Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, http://www.africavenir.org/uploads/media/BrockUtneHigherEducation.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- Brown, Gordon, 2012, ‘Forward - South Sudan: Time to Act,’ in Education in South Sudan: Investing in a Better Future. A Special Report of the Gordon and Sarah Brown Education for All Campaign.
- London: The Office of the Gordon and Sarah Brown Ltd., pp. 3-7.
- Burton, John, 1990, Conflict: Resolution and Prevention. New York: St. Martins Press. Chabal, Patrick. and Daloz, Jean-Pascal, 1999, Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument, London: James Currey.
- Cheru Fantu, 2002, African Renaissance: Roadmaps to the Challenge of Globalisation. New : Zed Books.
- Collier, Paul, 2008, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poor Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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- Erekat, Saeb, 2015, Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb and Negotiation. Issues in Peace Research 2015, Division of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. Bradford: University of Bradford Press.
- Fountain, Susan, 1999, ‘Peace Education in UNICEF,’ United Nations Children’s Funds Staff Working Papers, New York.
- Francis, J. David, ed. 2008, Peace and Conflict Studies in Africa. London: Zed Books. Francis, J. David 2009, ‘Universities can play a central role in peace building’ - See more at: http://www.guninetwork.org/resources/guni.talks/david- francis#sthash.4Q3l0FmV.dpuf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- Galtung, Johan, and Carl, G. Jacobsen, 2000, Searching for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND. Pluto Press: London.
- Galtung, Johan, 1996, Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. New York: Sage Books.
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- Hicks, David, 2004, ‘Teaching for Tomorrow: How Can Futures Studies Contribute to Peace Education?’ Journal of Peace Education, 1:2, pp. 165-178.
- Husin, Asna ed. 2002, ‘Peace Education Curriculum.’ Sponsored by UNICEF Non- Violence International AusAID. www.creducation.org/.../Aceh_Peace_Ed_ Curriculum_Indonesian.doc (website accessed on 27th July 2014).
- ICG, 2012, Curbing Violence in Nigeria (1): The Jos Crisis.’ International Crisis Group (ICG), Africa Report No 196 – 17 December.
- Jackson, J. Robert and Jackson, Doreen, 1997, A Comparative Introduction to Political Science, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- Joseph, Richard ed. 1999, State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Kelman, C. Herbert, 2010, ‘Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation: A Social- Psychological Perspective on Ending Violent Conflict Between Identity Groups,’ Landscapes of Violence: 1:1, Article 5. Available at: http://scholarworks.
- l1/iss1/5 (website accessed on 25th July 2014).
- LUGUSI Network Newsletter, 2010-2012, LUGUSI Network Newsletter; a Newsletter of the African Great Lakes DELPHI Project. http://lugusi.usiu.ac.ke/aboutus/ background/lugusi.htm (website accessed on 24th July 2014).
- Matlosa, Khabele, 2003, ‘Political Culture and Democratic Governance in Southern Africa.’ African Journal of Political Science, 8:1, pp. 85-112.
- Moyo, Dambisa, 2009, Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There Is Another Way for Africa. New York: Penguin Books.
- Obi, Cyril, 2009, ‘Economic Community of West African States on the Ground: Comparing Peacekeeping in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, and Cote d’Ivoire, African Security, 2: pp. 119-135.
- Omeje, Kenneth & Tricia, R. Hepner, 2013, ‘Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region,’ in Omeje, Kenneth & Tricia R. Hepner eds. Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Indiana University Press, pp.1-21.
- Omeje, Kenneth, 2015, ‘Promoting Peace and Conflict-Sensitive Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa”, African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 5:2, October.
- Omeje, Kenneth, 2014, ‘Peace Education and Peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Conflict-Sensitive Approach in Higher Education.’ Paper presented at the Fourth European Congress on World and Global History (ENIUGH), held at the École normale supérieure Paris, 4 – 7 September.
- Omeje, Kenneth, 2013, ‘Understanding the Diversity and Complexity of Conflict in the African Great Lakes Region,’ in Omeje Kenneth & Tricia R. Hepner eds. Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Indiana University Press; pp. 25-46.
- Omeje, Kenneth ed., 2009, War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia. Lanham-Maryland: University Press of America.
- Omeje, Kenneth, 2007, ‘Conflicts in West Africa,’ in Walter Feichtinger & Gerald Hainzl eds.
- Sorting Out the Mess: Wars, Conflicts & Conflict Management in West Africa, Vienna, Austria: Druckund Endfertigung, pp. 1-38.
- Page, James, 2004, ‘Peace Education: Exploring Some Philosophical Foundations.”
- International Review of Education, 50:1, pp. 3-15.
- PRB, 2013, ‘World Population Data Sheet 2013.’ Population Reference Bureau (PRB), http://www.prb.org/Publications/Datasheets/2013/2013-world-population- data-sheet/data-sheet.aspx (website accessed on 19th July 2014).
- Ramsbotham, O.,Tom Woodhouse and H. Miall, 2005, Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Cambridge:Polity Press.
- Rogers, Paul and Oliver Ramsbotham, 1999, ‘Then and Now: Peace Research – Past and Future.’ Political Studies: 47:3, pp. 740-754.
- Ross, L. Michael, 2012, The Oil Curse: How Petroleum Wealth Shapes the Development of ceton: Princeton University Press.
- Stiasny, Mary and Tim Gore eds. 2014, ‘Going Global: Identifying Trends and Drivers of International Education,’ Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- UNESCO, 2002, UNESCO: IBE Education Thesaurus (6th edition). Geneva, UNESCO International Bureau of Education.
- UNFPA, 2010, State of the World Population Report 2009. http://unfpa.org/swp/2009/en/pdf/EN_SOWP09.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- WANEP, 2012, ‘Lessons from WANEP’s Peace Education in West Africa since 2001.’
- West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), Accra, Ghana, http://www.wanep.org/wanep/files/pub/peace_education/P_E_Implementation_Guide_en.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- West Africa Insight, 2014, March, www.westafricainsight.org (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- World Bank, 2013, ‘World Population Growth.’ The World Bank. http://www.worldbank.
- org/depweb/beyond/beyondco/beg_03.pdf; see also, ‘Life Expectancy at Birth in Sub-Saharan Africa,’ Trading Economics, http://www.tradingeconomics.com/sub-saharan-africa/life-expectancy-at-birth-total-years-wb-data.html (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
- WPR, 2015, ‘Africa Population 2015’ World Population Review, http://worldpopulationreview.com/continents/africa-population/ (website accessed on 8th July 2015).
- Zinkina, Julia & Andrey Korotayev, 2014, ‘Explosive Population Growth in Tropical Africa: Crucial Omission in Development Forecasts – Emerging Risks and Way Out.’ World Futures, 70: pp. 120–139.
Abrams, Holly, 2010, ‘Peace studies pioneer dies at 77.’ The Journal Gazette. November, http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20101104/LOCAL/311049973/1002/ LOCAL (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
Alimba, N. Chinyere, 2013, ‘Peace Education, Transformation of Higher Education and Youths Empowerment for Peace in Africa.’ International Journal of Scientific and Technological Research,2:12, pp.338-347.
Arrighi, Giovanni, 2002, ‘The African Crisis: World Systemic and Regional Aspects.’
New Left Review. 15, pp. 5-36.
Ascher, William & Natalia Mirovitskaya, 2013, ‘Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Africa’ in W. Ascher & N. Mirovitskaya eds. The Economic Roots of Conflict and Cooperation in Africa. New York. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-34.
Bach, C. Daniel, 2011, ‘Patrimonialism and Neopatrimonialism: Comparative Trajectories and Readings,’ Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 49:3, pp. 275-294.
BBC, 2009, ‘Africa Population Tops a Billion.’ 18th November. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/8366591.stm (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
Brock-Utne, Birgit, 1998, ‘The Role of Higher Education in Africa.’ Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, http://www.africavenir.org/uploads/media/BrockUtneHigherEducation.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
Brown, Gordon, 2012, ‘Forward - South Sudan: Time to Act,’ in Education in South Sudan: Investing in a Better Future. A Special Report of the Gordon and Sarah Brown Education for All Campaign.
London: The Office of the Gordon and Sarah Brown Ltd., pp. 3-7.
Burton, John, 1990, Conflict: Resolution and Prevention. New York: St. Martins Press. Chabal, Patrick. and Daloz, Jean-Pascal, 1999, Africa Works: Disorder as Political Instrument, London: James Currey.
Cheru Fantu, 2002, African Renaissance: Roadmaps to the Challenge of Globalisation. New : Zed Books.
Collier, Paul, 2008, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poor Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cook, A. Sharon, 2008, ‘Give Peace a Chance: The Diminution of Peace in Global Education in United States, United Kingdom and Canada.’ Canadian Journal of Education, 31/4, pp. 889-914.
Deveci, Handan, et al 2008, ‘Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Peace Education.’
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 30, pp. 63-80.
Erekat, Saeb, 2015, Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb and Negotiation. Issues in Peace Research 2015, Division of Peace Studies, University of Bradford. Bradford: University of Bradford Press.
Fountain, Susan, 1999, ‘Peace Education in UNICEF,’ United Nations Children’s Funds Staff Working Papers, New York.
Francis, J. David, ed. 2008, Peace and Conflict Studies in Africa. London: Zed Books. Francis, J. David 2009, ‘Universities can play a central role in peace building’ - See more at: http://www.guninetwork.org/resources/guni.talks/david- francis#sthash.4Q3l0FmV.dpuf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
Galtung, Johan, and Carl, G. Jacobsen, 2000, Searching for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND. Pluto Press: London.
Galtung, Johan, 1996, Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. New York: Sage Books.
Harris, M. Ian 1988, Peace education. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Hicks, David, 1985, Education for Peace: Issues, Dilemmas and Alternatives. Lancaster: St. Martin’s College.
Hicks, David, 2004, ‘Teaching for Tomorrow: How Can Futures Studies Contribute to Peace Education?’ Journal of Peace Education, 1:2, pp. 165-178.
Husin, Asna ed. 2002, ‘Peace Education Curriculum.’ Sponsored by UNICEF Non- Violence International AusAID. www.creducation.org/.../Aceh_Peace_Ed_ Curriculum_Indonesian.doc (website accessed on 27th July 2014).
ICG, 2012, Curbing Violence in Nigeria (1): The Jos Crisis.’ International Crisis Group (ICG), Africa Report No 196 – 17 December.
Jackson, J. Robert and Jackson, Doreen, 1997, A Comparative Introduction to Political Science, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Joseph, Richard ed. 1999, State, Conflict, and Democracy in Africa. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Kelman, C. Herbert, 2010, ‘Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation: A Social- Psychological Perspective on Ending Violent Conflict Between Identity Groups,’ Landscapes of Violence: 1:1, Article 5. Available at: http://scholarworks.
l1/iss1/5 (website accessed on 25th July 2014).
LUGUSI Network Newsletter, 2010-2012, LUGUSI Network Newsletter; a Newsletter of the African Great Lakes DELPHI Project. http://lugusi.usiu.ac.ke/aboutus/ background/lugusi.htm (website accessed on 24th July 2014).
Matlosa, Khabele, 2003, ‘Political Culture and Democratic Governance in Southern Africa.’ African Journal of Political Science, 8:1, pp. 85-112.
Moyo, Dambisa, 2009, Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There Is Another Way for Africa. New York: Penguin Books.
Obi, Cyril, 2009, ‘Economic Community of West African States on the Ground: Comparing Peacekeeping in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau, and Cote d’Ivoire, African Security, 2: pp. 119-135.
Omeje, Kenneth & Tricia, R. Hepner, 2013, ‘Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region,’ in Omeje, Kenneth & Tricia R. Hepner eds. Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Indiana University Press, pp.1-21.
Omeje, Kenneth, 2015, ‘Promoting Peace and Conflict-Sensitive Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa”, African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 5:2, October.
Omeje, Kenneth, 2014, ‘Peace Education and Peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Conflict-Sensitive Approach in Higher Education.’ Paper presented at the Fourth European Congress on World and Global History (ENIUGH), held at the École normale supérieure Paris, 4 – 7 September.
Omeje, Kenneth, 2013, ‘Understanding the Diversity and Complexity of Conflict in the African Great Lakes Region,’ in Omeje Kenneth & Tricia R. Hepner eds. Conflict and Peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region. Indiana University Press; pp. 25-46.
Omeje, Kenneth ed., 2009, War to Peace Transition: Conflict Intervention and Peacebuilding in Liberia. Lanham-Maryland: University Press of America.
Omeje, Kenneth, 2007, ‘Conflicts in West Africa,’ in Walter Feichtinger & Gerald Hainzl eds.
Sorting Out the Mess: Wars, Conflicts & Conflict Management in West Africa, Vienna, Austria: Druckund Endfertigung, pp. 1-38.
Page, James, 2004, ‘Peace Education: Exploring Some Philosophical Foundations.”
International Review of Education, 50:1, pp. 3-15.
PRB, 2013, ‘World Population Data Sheet 2013.’ Population Reference Bureau (PRB), http://www.prb.org/Publications/Datasheets/2013/2013-world-population- data-sheet/data-sheet.aspx (website accessed on 19th July 2014).
Ramsbotham, O.,Tom Woodhouse and H. Miall, 2005, Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Cambridge:Polity Press.
Rogers, Paul and Oliver Ramsbotham, 1999, ‘Then and Now: Peace Research – Past and Future.’ Political Studies: 47:3, pp. 740-754.
Ross, L. Michael, 2012, The Oil Curse: How Petroleum Wealth Shapes the Development of ceton: Princeton University Press.
Stiasny, Mary and Tim Gore eds. 2014, ‘Going Global: Identifying Trends and Drivers of International Education,’ Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
UNESCO, 2002, UNESCO: IBE Education Thesaurus (6th edition). Geneva, UNESCO International Bureau of Education.
UNFPA, 2010, State of the World Population Report 2009. http://unfpa.org/swp/2009/en/pdf/EN_SOWP09.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
WANEP, 2012, ‘Lessons from WANEP’s Peace Education in West Africa since 2001.’
West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), Accra, Ghana, http://www.wanep.org/wanep/files/pub/peace_education/P_E_Implementation_Guide_en.pdf (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
West Africa Insight, 2014, March, www.westafricainsight.org (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
World Bank, 2013, ‘World Population Growth.’ The World Bank. http://www.worldbank.
org/depweb/beyond/beyondco/beg_03.pdf; see also, ‘Life Expectancy at Birth in Sub-Saharan Africa,’ Trading Economics, http://www.tradingeconomics.com/sub-saharan-africa/life-expectancy-at-birth-total-years-wb-data.html (website accessed on 29th July 2014).
WPR, 2015, ‘Africa Population 2015’ World Population Review, http://worldpopulationreview.com/continents/africa-population/ (website accessed on 8th July 2015).
Zinkina, Julia & Andrey Korotayev, 2014, ‘Explosive Population Growth in Tropical Africa: Crucial Omission in Development Forecasts – Emerging Risks and Way Out.’ World Futures, 70: pp. 120–139.