3- The Intellectual Dimensions of Corruption in Nigeria
Corresponding Author(s) : J. Shola Omotola
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2007): African Sociological Review
Against the background of the deepening crisis of the Nigerian academy, this paper undertakes a critical analysis of the intellectual dimensions of corruption in Nigeria. It argues that the incorporation of the academy, particularly its intellectual components, into the ‘corruption enterprise’ has impacted on corruption discourses and analyses – most notably the polarisation into two realms, the public and the private. This characterisation represents in itself a distinct dimension of intellectual corruption, apart from its other forms as analysed in the paper. This development has had negative implications for both state and society, particularly on their democratisation and developmental drives through the reversal and perversion of routinised academic culture of quality teaching, research and publication. Unless critical measures are taken to sanitise the Nigerian academy within a broader framework of a reformist state, the crisis of the academy being a reflection of the deepening crisis of the state, the paper submits that corruption analysis and their outcomes may not advance the anti-corruption crusade of government.
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Fayankinnu, E. A., 2004, ‘Ethics and Sexual Harassment in Staff/Students Relations: Who Harasses Who?’, The Nigerian Social Scientist, 7 (2), pp. 13-18.
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Iyayi, F., 2002, ‘Of Monsters and Demons in Nigerian University System’, The Scholar, 2 (1),pp. 28-35.
Jinadu, A. L., 1997, ‘Democracy and Intellectual Responsibility: The Case of Political Science in Nigeria’, Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, 10 (2), pp. 169-195.
Jinadu, A. L., 2002, ‘Intellectuals and Transition Politics in Nigeria’, in Onuoha, B. and Fadakinte, M. M., eds., Transition Politics in Nigeria, 1970-1999, Lagos: Malthouse Press Ltd., pp. 177-197.
Montesfiore, A., 1990, ‘The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals’, in Maclean, I. A. et al., eds., The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mustapha, A., 1993, ‘Structural Adjustment and Agrarian Change in Nigeria’, in Olukoshi, A., ed., The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Nigeria, London: James Currey.
Obi, C. I. and Agbu, O., 2002, ‘The State of Postgraduate Research in the Nigerian Social Sciences: Challenges for Capacity Building in a Changing World’, in SSAN, Paths to the Sustainability of Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN, pp. 46-52.
Obikoya, J. O., 2002, ‘University Education Funding Policy in Nigeria’, in SSAN, Paths to the Sustainability of Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN, pp. 120-129.
Odekunle, K. S., 2002, ‘Funding University Education under Democratic Rule in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects’, in SSAN, Paths to the Sustainability of Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN, pp. 112-119.
Olaniyan, O., 2002, ‘Public Finance and Higher Education in Nigeria’, in SSAN, Paths to the Sustainability of Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN, pp. 101-111.
Olukoju, A., 2002, ‘The Crisis of Research and Academic Publishing in Nigerian Universities: The Twentieth Century and Beyond’, Paper for the 28th Annual Spring Symposium,‘African Universities in the Twenty-First Century’, University of Illinois/CODESRIA,Dakar, Senegal, 25-27 April.
Olukoshi, A., ed., 1993, The Politics of Structural Adjustment in Nigeria, London: James Currey.
Omofa, M. N. G., 2005, ‘Beyond Academic Freedom: The Deepening Crisis of University Governance in Nigeria’, Paper presented at a One-Day Seminar organised by ASUU, Kogi State University Chapter, Anyigba, 23 May.
Omotola, J. S., 2006, ‘“Through a Glass Darkly”: Assessing the “New” War against Corruption in Nigeria’, Africa Insight, 36 (3-4),pp.214-229.
Omotola, J. S., 2004, ‘Corruption and the Deepening Crisis of Governance in Nigeria’, Mimeo, Department of Political Science, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria.
Pereira, C., 2004, ‘Sexual Harassment in Nigerian Universities: Exploring Practice, Ethics and Agency’, The Nigerian Social Scientist, 7 (2),pp. 2-12.
Said, G. W., 1994, Representatives of Intellectuals, The Reith Lectures, London: Viking Press.
SSAN, 2001, ‘Editorial Comment: Wanted: An Urgent Overhaul of Nigeria’s (Higher)Educational System’, The Nigerian Social Scientist, 4 (2) p.2.
SSAN, 2002, Paths to the Sustainability of Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN. SSAN, 2004, Ethics in Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN.
Szacki, J., 1990, ‘Intellectuals: Between Politics and Culture’, in Maclean, I. A. et al., eds., The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tenuche, M. and Omotola, J. S., 2004, ‘Journal publications in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects’, in SSAN, Ethics in Higher Education in Nigeria, Abuja: SSAN, pp. 167-178.
Yaqub, N., 2002, ‘Higher Education in Nigeria in Perspective’, in SSAN, Paths to the Abuja: SSAN, pp. 12-20.