6- The impact of regional integration initiatives and investment in a southern African crossborder region: The Maputo Development Corridor
Corresponding Author(s) : Monty J. Roodt
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2008): African Sociological Review
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- Antonio, V., undated, circa 2001, ‘Local government in Mozambique’, Unpublished paper,Ministry of State Administration, Mozambique.
- Carlson, R., 1997, Business Special: Maputo Development Corridor. Bolton Publications: Johannesburg.
- Castel-Branco, C., 2004, ‘What is the experience and Impact of South African Trade and investment of Host Economies – a view from Mozambique’, IESE, Maputo.
- Crush, J and Rogerson, C., 2001, ‘New Industrial Spaces: Evaluating South Africa’s SDI Programme’, South African Geographical Journal 83, 2.
- De Beer, G., Mmtali, R., and Arkwright, D., 2001, ‘Spatial Development Initiatives: Some lessons of experience for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa’, Comesa: Lusaka.
- Development Bank of South Africa, 2000, ‘Creating new wealth: the SDI programme’, DBSA and Martin Schneider and Associates: Midrand.
- Interim Coordinating Committee Technical Team, MDC, 1996, ‘A Development Persepective’, MDC.
- Lefakane, T., 1999, ‘South Africa: SDIs’, US Department of State: file///C/SDI’s in South Africa.htm.
- Maputo Corridor Company, 1998, ‘Development options for the Southern African Borderlands’, Unpublished Paper, Nelspruit.
- Maputo Corridor Trans Kalahari Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 10. April 2004.
- Mbenyane, J., 2000, ‘SDI Report Review of outputs and developments’, Unpublished paper, MDC: Nelspruit.
- Peberdy, S. and Crush, J., 2001, ‘Invisible trade, invisible travellers: the Maputo Corridor SDI and informal cross-border trading’, South African Geographical Journal 83, 2.
- Southern African Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC), 2001, ‘Changing transport for Growth and Integration in Southern Africa’, Vol 1 and 2, 2001, Maputo.
- Schneider, M., 1999/2000, ‘The Mpumalanga and Maputo Corridor Report’: Third quarter 1999, Fourth quarter 1999 (Millennium edition), Second quarter 2000.
- Soderbaum, F. and Taylor, I., 2004, ‘Micro-regionalism in Africa: Competing Region-building in the Maputo Development Corridor’, Paper presented to SGIR Conference, The Hague September
- Soderbaum, F., 2002, ‘The political economy of Regionalism in Southern Africa’, Goterborg: Goteborg University.
- Sunday Times, Business Times, 1996.12.08.
- Weimer, B. and Fandrych, S., 1998, ‘Mozambique: democratic decentralization obstructed’, in Winds of Small Change: civil society
- interaction with the African state, edited by Holland, G. and Ansell, G. Afesis-Corplan, East London and Austrian North-South Institute and Austrian Development Cooperation.
Antonio, V., undated, circa 2001, ‘Local government in Mozambique’, Unpublished paper,Ministry of State Administration, Mozambique.
Carlson, R., 1997, Business Special: Maputo Development Corridor. Bolton Publications: Johannesburg.
Castel-Branco, C., 2004, ‘What is the experience and Impact of South African Trade and investment of Host Economies – a view from Mozambique’, IESE, Maputo.
Crush, J and Rogerson, C., 2001, ‘New Industrial Spaces: Evaluating South Africa’s SDI Programme’, South African Geographical Journal 83, 2.
De Beer, G., Mmtali, R., and Arkwright, D., 2001, ‘Spatial Development Initiatives: Some lessons of experience for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa’, Comesa: Lusaka.
Development Bank of South Africa, 2000, ‘Creating new wealth: the SDI programme’, DBSA and Martin Schneider and Associates: Midrand.
Interim Coordinating Committee Technical Team, MDC, 1996, ‘A Development Persepective’, MDC.
Lefakane, T., 1999, ‘South Africa: SDIs’, US Department of State: file///C/SDI’s in South Africa.htm.
Maputo Corridor Company, 1998, ‘Development options for the Southern African Borderlands’, Unpublished Paper, Nelspruit.
Maputo Corridor Trans Kalahari Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 10. April 2004.
Mbenyane, J., 2000, ‘SDI Report Review of outputs and developments’, Unpublished paper, MDC: Nelspruit.
Peberdy, S. and Crush, J., 2001, ‘Invisible trade, invisible travellers: the Maputo Corridor SDI and informal cross-border trading’, South African Geographical Journal 83, 2.
Southern African Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC), 2001, ‘Changing transport for Growth and Integration in Southern Africa’, Vol 1 and 2, 2001, Maputo.
Schneider, M., 1999/2000, ‘The Mpumalanga and Maputo Corridor Report’: Third quarter 1999, Fourth quarter 1999 (Millennium edition), Second quarter 2000.
Soderbaum, F. and Taylor, I., 2004, ‘Micro-regionalism in Africa: Competing Region-building in the Maputo Development Corridor’, Paper presented to SGIR Conference, The Hague September
Soderbaum, F., 2002, ‘The political economy of Regionalism in Southern Africa’, Goterborg: Goteborg University.
Sunday Times, Business Times, 1996.12.08.
Weimer, B. and Fandrych, S., 1998, ‘Mozambique: democratic decentralization obstructed’, in Winds of Small Change: civil society
interaction with the African state, edited by Holland, G. and Ansell, G. Afesis-Corplan, East London and Austrian North-South Institute and Austrian Development Cooperation.