7 - Small-scale Irrigation Devel opment for Sustainable Rural Devel opment: A Case Study of the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme
Corresponding Author(s) : Babalwa Sishuta
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2005): African Sociological Review
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- Backeberg, G. R., et al., 1996, ‘Policy Proposal for Irrigated Agriculture in South Africa: Discussion paper’, Pretoria: Water Research Commission.
- Bembridge, T. J., 2000, ‘Guide lines for Rehabil itation of Small-scale Farmer Irrigation Schemes in South Africa’, Pretoria: Water Research Commission.
- Brand, S., et al., 1992, ‘Agri culture and Redis tri bu tion’, in Schrire, R., (ed.), Wealth or Poverty? Critical Choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Bromberger, N., and Antonie, F., 1993, ‘Black Small Farmers in the Homelands’, in Lipton, M., and Simkins, C., (eds.), State and Market in Post-apartheid South Africa, Johan nesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
- Bromley, D. W., 1982, ‘Improving Irrigated Agriculture: insti tu tional reform and the small farmer’, Washington, DC: World Bank.
- Catling, D., 1996, ‘Current Status of Government Agricul tural Schemes and Projects in the Eastern Cape’, Bisho: Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs.
- Catling, D. and Saaiman, B., 1996, ‘Small Scale Farmers and Growers in the Western Cape: The challenge of providing appro priate extension services’, in Lipton, M., de Klerk, M., and Lipton, M., (eds.), Land, Labour and Liveli hoods in Rural South Africa: Western Cape, Durban: Indicator Press.
- Cloete, G. R., 1987, ‘Co-operatives and Rural Devel op ment’, Devel opment Southern Africa, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 543-552.
- Commission for the Socio-economic Devel opment of the Bantu Areas within the Union of South Africa, Summary of the Report, UG 61/1955, 1955, Pretoria: Government Printer, [Tomlinson Commission].
- Cousins, Cousins and Theron, (1996) Hill, J., 1984, ‘Economic Viability Studies of Three irrigation Schemes in Ciskei’,
- King Williamstown: Ciskei Agricul tural Corpo ration.
- Kassier, E., and Groenewald, J., 1992, ‘Agri culture: an overview’, in Schrire, R., (ed.), Wealth or Poverty?, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Kimemia, P. N., 2001, ‘Credit Acces sibility and rural devel opment in the former Ciskei: An overview of Keiskammahoek’, Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
- Kirsten, J. F., and van Zyl, J., 1998, ‘Defining Small-scale Farmers in the South African Context’, Agrekon, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 560-571.
- Kortenhorst, L. F. et al., 1989, ‘Pros pects and Problems of Irrigation Devel opment in Sahelian and Sub-Saharan Africa’, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Vol. 3, pp.13-45.
- LawGibb Group, 2000, ‘Minutes of the Project Steering Committee Meeting, no.5, held at Ndlambe on 7 December, 2000’.
- LawGibb Group, 2001, ‘Extension of the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme into Ndlambe, Pikoli and Kalikeni’, Bisho: Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry and Dept. of Agriculture and Land Affairs, Eastern Cape Province.
- Lipton, M.,1977, ‘South Africa: two agricul tures?’, in Wilson, F., Kooy, A., & Henrie, D., (eds.), Farm Labour in South Africa, Cape Town: David Philip.
- Loxton, Hunting and Associates, 1977, ‘A Plan for Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme Pilot Project’, TS/124/76, Johan nesburg: Loxton, Hunting and Associates.
- Machete, C. L., and Mollel, N.M., 1999, ‘Extension and Support Services for Small - holder Agricul tural Devel opment in South Africa: Who is the small holder farmer?’ Paper presented at the Land and Agrarian Conference, Pretoria, July 1999.
- Magadlela, D., 1997, ‘Small holder Irrigation Inter vention as a Strategy for Rural Development: Some socio logical obser va tions’, Paper presented at the Institute for Advanced Social Research Seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, August
- Manona, C. W., 1999, ‘De-Agrarianisation and the Urbani sation of the Rural Economy: Melani village in the Eastern Cape’, Grahamstown: ISER, Rhodes University.
- Maritz, P.J. n.d., ‘Irri gation Management Transfer in South Africa: sharing lessons from global experience: comments on overview paper’, South Africa: Department of Agriculture.
- Monde-Gweleta, N.N., et al., 1997, ‘Agri culture and Rural Liveli hoods in North-West Peddie District’, Agrekon, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 616-625.
- Nagel, G. and Spencer, K., 2000, Sustainable Devel opment, London: Holder & Stoughton.
- Rainbow Valley, 2000, ‘Progress Report on the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme’, East London: Rainbow Valley.
- Republic of Ciskei, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 1984, ‘Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme’, Ciskei: Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Republic of South Africa, Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1997, ‘Reha bil i tation of Water Supply Aspects of Irrigation Schemes Run by Parastatal Bodies in Former Transkei and Ciskei’,
- Pretoria: Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
- Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Department of Agriculture, 1996, ‘Towards an Irrigation Policy for South Africa’, Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Department of Agriculture.
- Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1997, White Paper on National Water Policy for South Africa, Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
- Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2001, ‘Proposal for the Estab lishment of the Tyhefu Water User Associ ation’, King Williamstown: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
- Republic of South Africa, Department of Agriculture, 1995, White Paper on Agriculture, Pretoria: Government Printer.
- Republic of South Africa, Ministry for Agriculture and Land Affairs, 2000, ‘Land Redis tri bution for Agricul tural Devel opment: A sub-programme of the land redistribution programme: final draft document’, Pretoria: Ministry for Agriculture and Land Affairs.
- Sam-Amoah, L. K. and Gowing, J.W., 2001, ‘The Experience of Irrigation Management Transfer in Ghana: A case study of Dawhenya irrigation scheme’, Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 15, pp. 21-38.
- Samad, M., and Vermillion, D., 1999, ‘An Assessment of the Impact of Partic i patory Irrigation Management in Sri Lanka’, Water Resources Devel opment, Vol. 15, No 1/2, pp. 219-240.
- Schrire, R., (ed.), 1992, Wealth or Poverty?: Critical choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Van Averbeke, W., et al., 1998, ‘An Inves ti gation into Food Plot Production at Irrigation Schemes in central Eastern Cape’, Alice: Faculty of Agriculture and ARDRI, University of Fort Hare.
- Van Rooyen, C. J., and Nene, S., 1996, ‘What can we Learn from Previous Small Farmer Devel opment Strat egies in South Africa’, Agrekon, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 325-331.
- Vaughan, A., 1992, ‘Options for Rural Restruc turing’, in R. Schrire, (ed.), Wealth or Poverty?: Critical choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
- Vaughan, A., 1997, ‘Irri gation Devel opment: Current realities, new policies and future possi bil ities for positive impacts on rural poverty’, Durban: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Durban-Westville.
- Vermillion, D.L., 1997, ‘Impacts of Irrigation Management Transfer: A review of the evidence’, Sri Lanka: Inter national Irrigation Management Institute.
- Vink, N., 1984, ‘Lifting Physical and Insti tu tional Barriers to Devel opment on a small-scale Irrigation Scheme’, Devel opment Southern Africa, Vol. 1, No. 3/4, pp. 45-67.
- Vink, N., and Kirsten, J., 2000, ‘Dereg u lation of Agricul tural Marketing in South Africa: Lessons learned’, Johan nesburg: Free Market Foundation.
- World Bank, 1994, ‘South African Agriculture: Structure, perfor mance and impli cations for the future’, Washington, DC: World Bank, Southern African Department.
Backeberg, G. R., et al., 1996, ‘Policy Proposal for Irrigated Agriculture in South Africa: Discussion paper’, Pretoria: Water Research Commission.
Bembridge, T. J., 2000, ‘Guide lines for Rehabil itation of Small-scale Farmer Irrigation Schemes in South Africa’, Pretoria: Water Research Commission.
Brand, S., et al., 1992, ‘Agri culture and Redis tri bu tion’, in Schrire, R., (ed.), Wealth or Poverty? Critical Choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Bromberger, N., and Antonie, F., 1993, ‘Black Small Farmers in the Homelands’, in Lipton, M., and Simkins, C., (eds.), State and Market in Post-apartheid South Africa, Johan nesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
Bromley, D. W., 1982, ‘Improving Irrigated Agriculture: insti tu tional reform and the small farmer’, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Catling, D., 1996, ‘Current Status of Government Agricul tural Schemes and Projects in the Eastern Cape’, Bisho: Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs.
Catling, D. and Saaiman, B., 1996, ‘Small Scale Farmers and Growers in the Western Cape: The challenge of providing appro priate extension services’, in Lipton, M., de Klerk, M., and Lipton, M., (eds.), Land, Labour and Liveli hoods in Rural South Africa: Western Cape, Durban: Indicator Press.
Cloete, G. R., 1987, ‘Co-operatives and Rural Devel op ment’, Devel opment Southern Africa, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 543-552.
Commission for the Socio-economic Devel opment of the Bantu Areas within the Union of South Africa, Summary of the Report, UG 61/1955, 1955, Pretoria: Government Printer, [Tomlinson Commission].
Cousins, Cousins and Theron, (1996) Hill, J., 1984, ‘Economic Viability Studies of Three irrigation Schemes in Ciskei’,
King Williamstown: Ciskei Agricul tural Corpo ration.
Kassier, E., and Groenewald, J., 1992, ‘Agri culture: an overview’, in Schrire, R., (ed.), Wealth or Poverty?, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Kimemia, P. N., 2001, ‘Credit Acces sibility and rural devel opment in the former Ciskei: An overview of Keiskammahoek’, Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Kirsten, J. F., and van Zyl, J., 1998, ‘Defining Small-scale Farmers in the South African Context’, Agrekon, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 560-571.
Kortenhorst, L. F. et al., 1989, ‘Pros pects and Problems of Irrigation Devel opment in Sahelian and Sub-Saharan Africa’, Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Vol. 3, pp.13-45.
LawGibb Group, 2000, ‘Minutes of the Project Steering Committee Meeting, no.5, held at Ndlambe on 7 December, 2000’.
LawGibb Group, 2001, ‘Extension of the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme into Ndlambe, Pikoli and Kalikeni’, Bisho: Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry and Dept. of Agriculture and Land Affairs, Eastern Cape Province.
Lipton, M.,1977, ‘South Africa: two agricul tures?’, in Wilson, F., Kooy, A., & Henrie, D., (eds.), Farm Labour in South Africa, Cape Town: David Philip.
Loxton, Hunting and Associates, 1977, ‘A Plan for Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme Pilot Project’, TS/124/76, Johan nesburg: Loxton, Hunting and Associates.
Machete, C. L., and Mollel, N.M., 1999, ‘Extension and Support Services for Small - holder Agricul tural Devel opment in South Africa: Who is the small holder farmer?’ Paper presented at the Land and Agrarian Conference, Pretoria, July 1999.
Magadlela, D., 1997, ‘Small holder Irrigation Inter vention as a Strategy for Rural Development: Some socio logical obser va tions’, Paper presented at the Institute for Advanced Social Research Seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, August
Manona, C. W., 1999, ‘De-Agrarianisation and the Urbani sation of the Rural Economy: Melani village in the Eastern Cape’, Grahamstown: ISER, Rhodes University.
Maritz, P.J. n.d., ‘Irri gation Management Transfer in South Africa: sharing lessons from global experience: comments on overview paper’, South Africa: Department of Agriculture.
Monde-Gweleta, N.N., et al., 1997, ‘Agri culture and Rural Liveli hoods in North-West Peddie District’, Agrekon, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 616-625.
Nagel, G. and Spencer, K., 2000, Sustainable Devel opment, London: Holder & Stoughton.
Rainbow Valley, 2000, ‘Progress Report on the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme’, East London: Rainbow Valley.
Republic of Ciskei, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, 1984, ‘Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme’, Ciskei: Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
Republic of South Africa, Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1997, ‘Reha bil i tation of Water Supply Aspects of Irrigation Schemes Run by Parastatal Bodies in Former Transkei and Ciskei’,
Pretoria: Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs and Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Department of Agriculture, 1996, ‘Towards an Irrigation Policy for South Africa’, Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Department of Agriculture.
Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 1997, White Paper on National Water Policy for South Africa, Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Republic of South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2001, ‘Proposal for the Estab lishment of the Tyhefu Water User Associ ation’, King Williamstown: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
Republic of South Africa, Department of Agriculture, 1995, White Paper on Agriculture, Pretoria: Government Printer.
Republic of South Africa, Ministry for Agriculture and Land Affairs, 2000, ‘Land Redis tri bution for Agricul tural Devel opment: A sub-programme of the land redistribution programme: final draft document’, Pretoria: Ministry for Agriculture and Land Affairs.
Sam-Amoah, L. K. and Gowing, J.W., 2001, ‘The Experience of Irrigation Management Transfer in Ghana: A case study of Dawhenya irrigation scheme’, Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 15, pp. 21-38.
Samad, M., and Vermillion, D., 1999, ‘An Assessment of the Impact of Partic i patory Irrigation Management in Sri Lanka’, Water Resources Devel opment, Vol. 15, No 1/2, pp. 219-240.
Schrire, R., (ed.), 1992, Wealth or Poverty?: Critical choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Van Averbeke, W., et al., 1998, ‘An Inves ti gation into Food Plot Production at Irrigation Schemes in central Eastern Cape’, Alice: Faculty of Agriculture and ARDRI, University of Fort Hare.
Van Rooyen, C. J., and Nene, S., 1996, ‘What can we Learn from Previous Small Farmer Devel opment Strat egies in South Africa’, Agrekon, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 325-331.
Vaughan, A., 1992, ‘Options for Rural Restruc turing’, in R. Schrire, (ed.), Wealth or Poverty?: Critical choices for South Africa, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
Vaughan, A., 1997, ‘Irri gation Devel opment: Current realities, new policies and future possi bil ities for positive impacts on rural poverty’, Durban: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Durban-Westville.
Vermillion, D.L., 1997, ‘Impacts of Irrigation Management Transfer: A review of the evidence’, Sri Lanka: Inter national Irrigation Management Institute.
Vink, N., 1984, ‘Lifting Physical and Insti tu tional Barriers to Devel opment on a small-scale Irrigation Scheme’, Devel opment Southern Africa, Vol. 1, No. 3/4, pp. 45-67.
Vink, N., and Kirsten, J., 2000, ‘Dereg u lation of Agricul tural Marketing in South Africa: Lessons learned’, Johan nesburg: Free Market Foundation.
World Bank, 1994, ‘South African Agriculture: Structure, perfor mance and impli cations for the future’, Washington, DC: World Bank, Southern African Department.