3 - Re-imagining South African Cultural Studies
Corresponding Author(s) : Sarah Nuttall
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 3 No. 2 (1999): African Sociological Review
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- Appadurai, A. 1996. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
- Appadurai, A. 1998.
- 'Globalisation and the Research Imagination', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 September 1998.
- Barber, K. ed. 1997. Readings in African Popular Culture, James Currey, Oxford. Berry, I. 1996. living Apart: South Africa under Apartheid, Phaidon, London. Berry, S. 1993. No Condition ls Permanent, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
- Bozzoli, B. 1998. 'Sociology and African Studies; A Discussion on Two Segregated W or Ids ofKnowledge', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 September 1998.
- Cooper, B. and A. Steyn, eds. 1996. Transgressing Boundaries: New Directions in the Study of Culture in Africa, University of Cape Town Press, Cape Town.
- Coplan, D. 1994. ln the Time of Cannibals: The Ward Music of South Africa 's Basotho Migrants, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
- Daymond, M. 1996. 'Contexts for 'Literature': On 'Literary' and 'Cultural' Studies in an English Department Syllabus', Scrutiny 2, vol.1, no's 1-2.
- During, S. 1993. The Cultural Studies Reader, Routledge, London and New York.
- Geschiere, P. 1997. The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Post-Colonial Africa, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville.
- Gevisser, M. 1996. Portraits of Power: Profiles in a Changing South Africa, David Philip, Cape Town.
- Greenstein, R. 1998. 'The Function of Knowledge: Social Research and Political Transformation in South Africa', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, 14-18 September, University of the Witwatersrand, 1998.
- Guyer, J. 1998. An African Niche Economy, International African lnstitute, London.
- Habermas, J. 1979. Moral Development and Ego Identity in Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated and introduced by T. McCarthy, Beacon, Boston.
- Hamilton, C. 1998. Terrifie Majesty: The Powers of Shaka Zulu and the Limits of Historical Invention, David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
- Hamilton, C. 1998. 'Safeguarding and Developing a Space for Reasoned Debate', Sunday Times, July 26.
- Harries, A. 1999. Man/y Pursuits, Bloomsbury, London.
- Kilfoil, W. 1999. 'The Comfort Zone Stops Here: OBE, the NQF and Higher Education', Scrutiny 2, vol.4, no.1.
- Lane, C. ed. 1998. The Psychoanalysis of Race, Columbia University Press, New York. Minckley, G. and C. Rassool. 1998. 'Orality, Memory and Social History in South Africa in Negotiating the Past, eds. S. Nuttall and C.Coetzee, Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
- Morphet, T. 1999. 'Persona! Traits: The Work ofEaton and Biermann in Durban' in blank: Architecture, Apartheid and After, H. Judin and I. Vladislavic, eds., Nai Publishers, Rotterdam and David Philip, Cape Town. Niehaus, I. 1993. 'Witch-hunting and political legitimacy: continuity and change in Green Valley, Lebowa, 1930-1991' in Africa, vol.63, no.4.
- Nixon, R. 1999. Dreambirds: The Natural History of a Fantasy, Doubleday, London and New York.
- Nuttall, S. and C. Coetzee, eds. 1998. Negotiating the Past: The Making of Memory in South Africa, Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
- van Onselen, C. 1996. The Seed is Mine: The Life of Kas Maine, A South African Share cropper, 1894-1985, David Philip, Cape Town.
- Parr, T. 1996. 'Saving Literature', Scrutiny 2, vol.1, no.1-2.
- Ranger, T. 1985. Peasant Consciousness and Guerilla War in Zimbabwe, James Currey, Oxford.
- Sachs, W. 1996. Black Hamlet, introduced by Saul Dubow and Jacqueline Rose, Wits University Press, Johannesburg.
- Shell, R. 1994. Children of Bandage: A Social His tory of the Slave Society at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1838, Wits University Press, Johannesburg.
Appadurai, A. 1996. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
Appadurai, A. 1998.
'Globalisation and the Research Imagination', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 September 1998.
Barber, K. ed. 1997. Readings in African Popular Culture, James Currey, Oxford. Berry, I. 1996. living Apart: South Africa under Apartheid, Phaidon, London. Berry, S. 1993. No Condition ls Permanent, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
Bozzoli, B. 1998. 'Sociology and African Studies; A Discussion on Two Segregated W or Ids ofKnowledge', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 14-18 September 1998.
Cooper, B. and A. Steyn, eds. 1996. Transgressing Boundaries: New Directions in the Study of Culture in Africa, University of Cape Town Press, Cape Town.
Coplan, D. 1994. ln the Time of Cannibals: The Ward Music of South Africa 's Basotho Migrants, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Daymond, M. 1996. 'Contexts for 'Literature': On 'Literary' and 'Cultural' Studies in an English Department Syllabus', Scrutiny 2, vol.1, no's 1-2.
During, S. 1993. The Cultural Studies Reader, Routledge, London and New York.
Geschiere, P. 1997. The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Post-Colonial Africa, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville.
Gevisser, M. 1996. Portraits of Power: Profiles in a Changing South Africa, David Philip, Cape Town.
Greenstein, R. 1998. 'The Function of Knowledge: Social Research and Political Transformation in South Africa', International Symposium on Globalisation and Social Sciences in Africa, 14-18 September, University of the Witwatersrand, 1998.
Guyer, J. 1998. An African Niche Economy, International African lnstitute, London.
Habermas, J. 1979. Moral Development and Ego Identity in Communication and the Evolution of Society, translated and introduced by T. McCarthy, Beacon, Boston.
Hamilton, C. 1998. Terrifie Majesty: The Powers of Shaka Zulu and the Limits of Historical Invention, David Philip, Cape Town and Johannesburg.
Hamilton, C. 1998. 'Safeguarding and Developing a Space for Reasoned Debate', Sunday Times, July 26.
Harries, A. 1999. Man/y Pursuits, Bloomsbury, London.
Kilfoil, W. 1999. 'The Comfort Zone Stops Here: OBE, the NQF and Higher Education', Scrutiny 2, vol.4, no.1.
Lane, C. ed. 1998. The Psychoanalysis of Race, Columbia University Press, New York. Minckley, G. and C. Rassool. 1998. 'Orality, Memory and Social History in South Africa in Negotiating the Past, eds. S. Nuttall and C.Coetzee, Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
Morphet, T. 1999. 'Persona! Traits: The Work ofEaton and Biermann in Durban' in blank: Architecture, Apartheid and After, H. Judin and I. Vladislavic, eds., Nai Publishers, Rotterdam and David Philip, Cape Town. Niehaus, I. 1993. 'Witch-hunting and political legitimacy: continuity and change in Green Valley, Lebowa, 1930-1991' in Africa, vol.63, no.4.
Nixon, R. 1999. Dreambirds: The Natural History of a Fantasy, Doubleday, London and New York.
Nuttall, S. and C. Coetzee, eds. 1998. Negotiating the Past: The Making of Memory in South Africa, Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
van Onselen, C. 1996. The Seed is Mine: The Life of Kas Maine, A South African Share cropper, 1894-1985, David Philip, Cape Town.
Parr, T. 1996. 'Saving Literature', Scrutiny 2, vol.1, no.1-2.
Ranger, T. 1985. Peasant Consciousness and Guerilla War in Zimbabwe, James Currey, Oxford.
Sachs, W. 1996. Black Hamlet, introduced by Saul Dubow and Jacqueline Rose, Wits University Press, Johannesburg.
Shell, R. 1994. Children of Bandage: A Social His tory of the Slave Society at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1838, Wits University Press, Johannesburg.