9- The Case for Longitudinal Survey Research in Social Science Analysis in South Africa
Corresponding Author(s) : Charlton Koen
African Sociological Review,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (1999): African Sociological Review
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- Amoateng, A. 1997. 'The structure ofurban black households: new survey evidence from a coloured and an African community on the Cape Plats in the Westem Cape of South Africa', African Sociological Review, l (2).
- CASE. 1994. The Kaiser Health Foundation Survey. Johannesburg.
- Chimere-Dan, O. 1997. 'Recent fertility patterns and population policy in South Africa'. Development Southern Africa. 14 (1).
- Central Statistical Service. 1994, 1995, 1997. October Household Survey. South Afri can Data Archive. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council.
- Clarke, S. 1978. A study of complexfamily households among a sample ofwhitefami lies in Durban. (MA dissertation). Durban. University of Natal.
- Department ofWelfare. 1998. National Population Policy for South Africa.
- Duncan, G. 1994. 'Household panel Studies: Prospects and Problems'. European Sci ence Foundation Working Paper. 54. University of Essex. Colchester. England.
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- Hill, M, Wei-Jun, J.Yeung, Duncan, G. 1996. 'Timing of childhood events and early-adult household formation'. New Directions for Child Development, No 71, Spring.
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- May, J. et al. 1998. Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Report preparedfor the Office of the Executive Deputy President and the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Poverty and Inequality. Pretoria. Govemment Printer.
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- Qabula, A. 1989. A Working Life, Cruel Beyond Belief Johannesburg. National Union ofMetalworkers of South Africa.
- Quillian, L. 1996. 'Group Threat and Regional Changes in Attitudes toward Afri can-Americans'. American Journal of Sociology. 102.
- Russell, M. 1998. 'Black urban households in South Africa'. African Sociological Review, 2 (1).
- SALDRU. 1995. Projectfàr Statistics on Living Standards and Development. Univer sity of Cape Town.
- Simkins, C. 1986. 'Household composition and structure in South Africa'. In: S. Burman and P. Reynolds (eds.), Growing up in a divided society. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
- Spiegel, A., Watson and Wilkinson. 1996. 'Domestic diversity and fluidity among South African households in Greater Cape Town'. Social Dynamics 22 (1).
- Udjo, E. 1997. 'Fertility and mortality trends in South Africa: the evidence from the 1995 October Household Survey, and implications on population projections'. Unpublished monograph.
- Van Onselen, C. 1995. The Seed is Mine. Cape Town. David Philip.
- Webster, E. 1985. Cast in a racial mould. Labour process and trade unionism in the foundries. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
- Yach, D. 1993. 'Birth to Ten - Reportback on initial findings, Part 1'. Urbanisation and Health Newsletter, 17 (June).
- Ziehl, S. 1994. 'Social class variation in household structure - the case of a small South African city'. South African Journal of Sociology,' 25 (1).
Amoateng, A. 1997. 'The structure ofurban black households: new survey evidence from a coloured and an African community on the Cape Plats in the Westem Cape of South Africa', African Sociological Review, l (2).
CASE. 1994. The Kaiser Health Foundation Survey. Johannesburg.
Chimere-Dan, O. 1997. 'Recent fertility patterns and population policy in South Africa'. Development Southern Africa. 14 (1).
Central Statistical Service. 1994, 1995, 1997. October Household Survey. South Afri can Data Archive. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council.
Clarke, S. 1978. A study of complexfamily households among a sample ofwhitefami lies in Durban. (MA dissertation). Durban. University of Natal.
Department ofWelfare. 1998. National Population Policy for South Africa.
Duncan, G. 1994. 'Household panel Studies: Prospects and Problems'. European Sci ence Foundation Working Paper. 54. University of Essex. Colchester. England.
Duncan, G and Kalton, G. 1987. 'Issues of Design and Analysis of Surveys Across Time'. International Statistical Review, 55.
Firebaugh, Gand Davis, K. 1988. 'Trends in AntiblackPrejudice, 1972-1984: Region and Cohort Effects'. American Journal of Sociology. 94.
Firebaugh, G. 1997. Analysing Repeated Surveys. New York. Sage. Hill, M. 1992. The Panel Study oflncome Dynamics. New York. Sage.
Hill, M, Wei-Jun, J.Yeung, Duncan, G. 1996. 'Timing of childhood events and early-adult household formation'. New Directions for Child Development, No 71, Spring.
Janson, C. G. 1981. 'Sorne problems of Longitudinal Research in the Social Sciences' from Schulsinger, F (et al). Longitudinal Research - Methods and Uses in Behav ioural Science, The Hague. Martinus Nijhoff.
May, J. et al. 1998. Poverty and Inequality in South Africa: Report preparedfor the Office of the Executive Deputy President and the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Poverty and Inequality. Pretoria. Govemment Printer.
Menard, S. 1991. Longitudinal Research. New York. Sage.
Morris, M. and Hindson, D. 1997. 'Class and Household restructuring in metropolitan Durban'. Society in Transition, 1 (1-4).
Mostert, W. 1990. 'Recent trends in fertility in South Africa'. In W. Mostert and J. Lotter (eds.), South Africa 's demographic future. Pretoria. Human Sciences Research Council.
Qabula, A. 1989. A Working Life, Cruel Beyond Belief Johannesburg. National Union ofMetalworkers of South Africa.
Quillian, L. 1996. 'Group Threat and Regional Changes in Attitudes toward Afri can-Americans'. American Journal of Sociology. 102.
Russell, M. 1998. 'Black urban households in South Africa'. African Sociological Review, 2 (1).
SALDRU. 1995. Projectfàr Statistics on Living Standards and Development. Univer sity of Cape Town.
Simkins, C. 1986. 'Household composition and structure in South Africa'. In: S. Burman and P. Reynolds (eds.), Growing up in a divided society. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
Spiegel, A., Watson and Wilkinson. 1996. 'Domestic diversity and fluidity among South African households in Greater Cape Town'. Social Dynamics 22 (1).
Udjo, E. 1997. 'Fertility and mortality trends in South Africa: the evidence from the 1995 October Household Survey, and implications on population projections'. Unpublished monograph.
Van Onselen, C. 1995. The Seed is Mine. Cape Town. David Philip.
Webster, E. 1985. Cast in a racial mould. Labour process and trade unionism in the foundries. Johannesburg. Ravan Press.
Yach, D. 1993. 'Birth to Ten - Reportback on initial findings, Part 1'. Urbanisation and Health Newsletter, 17 (June).
Ziehl, S. 1994. 'Social class variation in household structure - the case of a small South African city'. South African Journal of Sociology,' 25 (1).