7 - From an Invocation Space to a Commercial Emporium: The Evolutionary Dynamics of the Ladipo Auto Spare Parts Flea Market in Lagos, Nigeria – the 1950s to 2016
Corresponding Author(s) : Ekanade Olumide
Afrika Zamani,
No. 25 (2017): Afrika Zamani: An Annual Journal of African History
So much has been written about the municipal polities, economy and society in Nigeria with emphasis on Lagos. However, little attention has been given to the peculiar features and dynamics of spaces within Lagos whose constitutive nature and activities have had enormous implications for organization of social existence, politics, trade and inter-ethnic relations in Nigeria, and for (in)formal economies in Africa. One enduring economic space which has emblemized the enterprise of low-end globalization in the informal economy arena in Nigeria is the Ladipo auto spare parts market in Lagos. Ladipo has transformed from an inconspicuous ritual space to a twenty-first-century mega flea market. This article tracks the developmental trajectory of Ladipo and its streets’ spare parts trade in metropolitan Lagos. It interrogates the transformation of a religious space into a market, the spread and organization of trade, the regulatory institutions and associations that have evolved and how Ladipo has become a vote bank and platform for sub-regional economic interaction. It examines the interface between trade, politics and religion. It analyzes the changes and adaptation in the ethnic composition of Mushin, factors responsible and the impact of these dynamics. It concludes that without structural adjustment there may not have been the Ladipo flea market. Without the market, it would not have become a commercial hub for the spare parts’ trade and skill specialisation which would also have diminished Igbo influence in contemporary Lagos politics. It has also helped to create a dynamic trade culture that has helped to improve livelihoods and to blur ethnic and economic boundaries among the different ethnicities that constitute the market space, thus fostering peace among the different ethnicities in Lagos and by extension, Nigeria.
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- Afolayan, A., Ikwuyatum, G.O. and Abejide, O., 2011, Dynamics of Internal and International mobility of traders in Nigeria, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press.
- Agozino Biko and Ike Ayanike, Imu Ahia, Traditional Igbo Business school and global commerce culture. Dialectical Anthropolgy, Springer, Vol 31, No 1/3, 2007, pp233-252.
- Akodu, O., Ngige takes campaign to Ladipo. 25, October, 2013 (http://thenationonlineng.net/new/ngige-takes-campaign-ladipo-market/). Accessed 25 October, 2013.
- Alofetekun, A., A day at Ladipo Market. 19, August 2009 (www.nigeriabestforum.com/generaltopics/a=day-ladipo/market/akin). Retrieved on 11 July 2014.
- Aluko, O., 2010, ‘The Impact of Urbanisation on Housing Development: The Lagos Experience Nigeria’, Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3.
- Amaghionyeodiwe, L.A., 1999, ‘Fiscal federalism, Health Care Spending and National Development: The Nigerian Experience’ in Aigbokhan, B.E. (ed.), Fiscal Federalism and Nigeria’s Economic development, Ibadan: Nigerian Economic Society.
- Awomolo, A.A., 1998, The Political Economy of Market Women in Western Nigeria, PhD thesis, Department of Political Science, Clark Atlanta University, United States of America.
- Awosika, K. et al., 2009, ‘State Report: Lagos State in Gender and Growth Assessment in Nigeria’: Country Report. Department for International Development and Canadian International Development Agency.
- Babajide, A. et al., 2014, ‘Studies and transactions on pollution assessment of the Lagos Lagoon system, Nigeria’ in S. Diop, J.P. Barusseau and C. Descamps (eds.), The Land/ Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone of West and Central Africa, New York: Springer,
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- Barnes, S.T., 1986, Patrons and Power: Creating a political community in metropolitan Lagos, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Bassey, C.O., 2005, ‘Federalism and conflict resolution’, in E. Onwudiwe and R. Suberu (eds.), Nigerian federalism in crisis: Critical perspectives and political options, Ibadan: John Archers, pp. 28-48.
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- Fourchard, L., 2011, ‘Lagos’ in S. Bekker and G. Therborn (eds.), Capital cities in Africa, Power and powerlessness, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp 66-68.
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- Hopkins, A.G., 1968, ‘Economic imperialism in West Africa: Lagos 1890-1892’, Economic History Review, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 580-606.
- Juliana Francis, (We have nowhere to go)- Aged Residents of Odo Aladura» Sunday Telegraph, (Lagos) 3rd January, 2016, p7.
- Keziah Awosika, and Titilope Akosa, Bola Akanji, Bukola Daramola and Godwin Akpokodje, (2009) ‘State Report: Lagos State, in Gender and Growth Assessment in Nigeria’: Country report. Department for International Development and Canadian International Development Agency, p 12.
- https://www.uea.ac.uk/documents/439774/1029130/gender-and-growth-assessment-nigeria-state-reports.pdf/c4086d82-d568-4aae-baa0-1ea3a657205d. Accessed 11 April 2017.
- Lagos State Government of Nigeria, 2012, p32.
- https://www.fmdqotc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/LASG-Programme-2-Bond-Series-1-Shelf-Prospectus.pdf Accessed 11 June 2017.
- Lindell, I., 2010, ‘Introduction: the changing politics of informality - collective organizing, alliances and scales of engagement, in I. Lindell (ed.), Africa’s informal workers. Collective agency, alliances and transnational organizing in Urban Africa, pp. 1-30.
- Mathews, G. and Yang, Y., 2012, ‘How Africans pursue low-end globalisation in Hong Kong and mainland China’, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 95-120.
- Meagher, K., 2009, ‘The informalisation of belonging: Igbo formal enterprise and national cohesion from below’, Africa Development, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, pp. 31-46.
- Muojama, G., 2013, ‘Historicising development policies in Nigeria up to 2010: An anatomy of external occasions for Nigeria’s economic backwardness’, in Sofela. B, Edo.V, and Olaniyi. R, et al., eds., Nigeria at 50: Politics, Society and Development,(Ibadan: John Archers Limited) pp. 575-576.
- Neuwirth, R., 2011, The Global Rise of the Informal Economy; Stealth of Nations, New York: Random House.
- Nnadozie, E., 2002, ‘African Indigenous entrepreneurship determinants of resurgence and growth of Igbo Entrepreneurship during the post-Biafra period’, Journal of African Business, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 49-80.
- Nwoko, K., 2016 ‘Land Ownership versus Development in the Era of Globalisation: A Trajectory of Conflict and Wealth Accumulation in Southern Nigeria’, Journal of African Transformation, Vol 1, No. 2, pp. 77-94.
- Nwoko, K. and Osiki, N., 2016 ‘From the hub of Lagos: Horizontal integration for the southwest region of Nigeria, a developmental imperative’, Afrika Zamani, 24, pp. 111-120.
- Oduwaye, L., 2008, ‘Planning implications of the ethnic structures of residential areas of metropolitan Lagos’, Asian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 129-136.
- Ogboo, A.N., 2011, ‘The geography of automobile spare parts and trade ASPMDA and LADIPO automobile spare parts market, Lagos Nigeria’, MA thesis submitted to the Department of Geography, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
- Ogeah, F.N. and Omofonmwan, S.I., 2013, ‘Urban markets as a source of employment generation in Benin city’, African Journal of Social sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 62-78.
- Ogunleye, R., 2016, Making Lagos the preferred hub of investments. (www.lagoschamber.com/.../LCCI-Presentation-on-Making-Lagos-State-the- preferred-Hub-). Accessed 14 November 2017.
- Okoli, I., Former President of AIITC said this much in the recount of his ordeal with Alhaji Olakojo’s family. (http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/09/my-ordeal-in-prison-says-okoli-ladipo-market-leader/#sthash.HOpO5A2z.dpuf). Accessed 15 March 2015.
- Olaniyi, O., 2013, ‘West African Migrants and Okada (Commercial Motorcycle) Business in Ibadan since the 1990s’, Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies, Vol. 23, pp. 91-113.
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- Olukoju, A., 2005-2006, ‘Actors and Institutions in Urban Politics in Nigeria: Agege (Lagos) since the 1950s’, Afrika Zamani, Nos. 13 & 14, pp. 153-178.
- Oshodi, L, Adetonwa Rafiat and Michael Ogunwale, 2016, ‘Housing Slums and informal settlements’ in Hoelzel, F. (ed.), Urban planning processes in Lagos. (https://ng.boell.org/sites/default/.../160206_urban_planning_processes_digital_new.pdf Accessed on 13/11/17).
- Oyekanmi, D.F., 1987, Housing facilities as an indication of poverty in Lagos, Nigeria, in Makinwa, P.K. and Ozo, O.A. (eds.), The urban poor in Nigeria, Ibadan: Evans Brothers.
- PM News., 2014, ‘Trader killed at Ladipo’, 22 January.
- PM News., 2015, ‘Igbo Candidates win Lagos Reps Seats’, 31 March.
- Templer, T., 2015, ‘The emerging colour of Lagos politics’, The Guardian, (Lagos), 19 April.
- Pettigrew, T.F., and Tropp, L., 2006, ‘A meta analytic test of intergroup contact theory’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 90, No 5, pp. 751-783
- The Guardian, 2014, Mushin partners Ohaneze on peace in markets, 23 April 2014. http://barasolutions.com/mainGuardian/news/metro-news/158886-mushin-partners-ohanaeze-ndigbo-on-peace-in-markets).
- Ukpebor, H., 2012, Exporting of Used Automobile Parts from Finland to Nigeria: A Bachelor´s Thesis. (http://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/52520/Ukpebor_Humphrey.pdf p6). Accessed 11 April 2015.
- Wa son, S. and Studdert, D., 2006, Markets as sites for social interaction, Bristol: Policy Press.
Afolayan, A., Ikwuyatum, G.O. and Abejide, O., 2011, Dynamics of Internal and International mobility of traders in Nigeria, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press.
Agozino Biko and Ike Ayanike, Imu Ahia, Traditional Igbo Business school and global commerce culture. Dialectical Anthropolgy, Springer, Vol 31, No 1/3, 2007, pp233-252.
Akodu, O., Ngige takes campaign to Ladipo. 25, October, 2013 (http://thenationonlineng.net/new/ngige-takes-campaign-ladipo-market/). Accessed 25 October, 2013.
Alofetekun, A., A day at Ladipo Market. 19, August 2009 (www.nigeriabestforum.com/generaltopics/a=day-ladipo/market/akin). Retrieved on 11 July 2014.
Aluko, O., 2010, ‘The Impact of Urbanisation on Housing Development: The Lagos Experience Nigeria’, Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3.
Amaghionyeodiwe, L.A., 1999, ‘Fiscal federalism, Health Care Spending and National Development: The Nigerian Experience’ in Aigbokhan, B.E. (ed.), Fiscal Federalism and Nigeria’s Economic development, Ibadan: Nigerian Economic Society.
Awomolo, A.A., 1998, The Political Economy of Market Women in Western Nigeria, PhD thesis, Department of Political Science, Clark Atlanta University, United States of America.
Awosika, K. et al., 2009, ‘State Report: Lagos State in Gender and Growth Assessment in Nigeria’: Country Report. Department for International Development and Canadian International Development Agency.
Babajide, A. et al., 2014, ‘Studies and transactions on pollution assessment of the Lagos Lagoon system, Nigeria’ in S. Diop, J.P. Barusseau and C. Descamps (eds.), The Land/ Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone of West and Central Africa, New York: Springer,
pp. 65-76.
Baiyewu, T., 2014, ‘The transformation of Aladura Christianity in Nigeria’, PhD thesis, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
Barnes, S.T., 1975, Voluntary associations in a metropolis: The case of Lagos, Nigeria, African Studies Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 75-87.
Barnes, S.T., 1986, Patrons and Power: Creating a political community in metropolitan Lagos, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Bassey, C.O., 2005, ‘Federalism and conflict resolution’, in E. Onwudiwe and R. Suberu (eds.), Nigerian federalism in crisis: Critical perspectives and political options, Ibadan: John Archers, pp. 28-48.
Bello, M. and Muazu, M., 2015, ‘The determinants of market employment capacity of enterprises in Jigawa state of Nigeria’, Asian Economic and financial Review, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 1029-1042.
CBN, 1993, Economic report for the first half of 1993, Lagos: Research Department. Devin Nwachukwu, «Churches send SOS to Marwa over land dispute» Champion Newspaper (Lagos), 3 November 1993. p23
Ekere, N., 2007, ‘Automotive electronics - Opportunities and challenges for Nigeria’s auto sector’, paper delivered at national conference and workshop on automobile electronics, 16 August 2007.
Folarin, S., Ladipo market boils as thugs attack traders. (http://www.punchng.com/metro-plus/ladipo-market-boils-as-thugs-attack-traders/). Accessed 7 April 2015.
Fourchard, L., 2011, ‘Lagos’ in S. Bekker and G. Therborn (eds.), Capital cities in Africa, Power and powerlessness, Dakar: CODESRIA, pp 66-68.
Grossman, S., 2017, ‘The politics of order in informal markets: Evidence from Lagos’, Stanford University, Centre on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law.
Held, K., 2017, Making the Market; Controversy and discourse surrounding a market hall in Berlin. (www.eurozine.com/making-the-market/?pdf). Accessed 13 November 2017.
Hopkins, A.G., 1968, ‘Economic imperialism in West Africa: Lagos 1890-1892’, Economic History Review, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 580-606.
Juliana Francis, (We have nowhere to go)- Aged Residents of Odo Aladura» Sunday Telegraph, (Lagos) 3rd January, 2016, p7.
Keziah Awosika, and Titilope Akosa, Bola Akanji, Bukola Daramola and Godwin Akpokodje, (2009) ‘State Report: Lagos State, in Gender and Growth Assessment in Nigeria’: Country report. Department for International Development and Canadian International Development Agency, p 12.
https://www.uea.ac.uk/documents/439774/1029130/gender-and-growth-assessment-nigeria-state-reports.pdf/c4086d82-d568-4aae-baa0-1ea3a657205d. Accessed 11 April 2017.
Lagos State Government of Nigeria, 2012, p32.
https://www.fmdqotc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/LASG-Programme-2-Bond-Series-1-Shelf-Prospectus.pdf Accessed 11 June 2017.
Lindell, I., 2010, ‘Introduction: the changing politics of informality - collective organizing, alliances and scales of engagement, in I. Lindell (ed.), Africa’s informal workers. Collective agency, alliances and transnational organizing in Urban Africa, pp. 1-30.
Mathews, G. and Yang, Y., 2012, ‘How Africans pursue low-end globalisation in Hong Kong and mainland China’, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 95-120.
Meagher, K., 2009, ‘The informalisation of belonging: Igbo formal enterprise and national cohesion from below’, Africa Development, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, pp. 31-46.
Muojama, G., 2013, ‘Historicising development policies in Nigeria up to 2010: An anatomy of external occasions for Nigeria’s economic backwardness’, in Sofela. B, Edo.V, and Olaniyi. R, et al., eds., Nigeria at 50: Politics, Society and Development,(Ibadan: John Archers Limited) pp. 575-576.
Neuwirth, R., 2011, The Global Rise of the Informal Economy; Stealth of Nations, New York: Random House.
Nnadozie, E., 2002, ‘African Indigenous entrepreneurship determinants of resurgence and growth of Igbo Entrepreneurship during the post-Biafra period’, Journal of African Business, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 49-80.
Nwoko, K., 2016 ‘Land Ownership versus Development in the Era of Globalisation: A Trajectory of Conflict and Wealth Accumulation in Southern Nigeria’, Journal of African Transformation, Vol 1, No. 2, pp. 77-94.
Nwoko, K. and Osiki, N., 2016 ‘From the hub of Lagos: Horizontal integration for the southwest region of Nigeria, a developmental imperative’, Afrika Zamani, 24, pp. 111-120.
Oduwaye, L., 2008, ‘Planning implications of the ethnic structures of residential areas of metropolitan Lagos’, Asian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 129-136.
Ogboo, A.N., 2011, ‘The geography of automobile spare parts and trade ASPMDA and LADIPO automobile spare parts market, Lagos Nigeria’, MA thesis submitted to the Department of Geography, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Ogeah, F.N. and Omofonmwan, S.I., 2013, ‘Urban markets as a source of employment generation in Benin city’, African Journal of Social sciences, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 62-78.
Ogunleye, R., 2016, Making Lagos the preferred hub of investments. (www.lagoschamber.com/.../LCCI-Presentation-on-Making-Lagos-State-the- preferred-Hub-). Accessed 14 November 2017.
Okoli, I., Former President of AIITC said this much in the recount of his ordeal with Alhaji Olakojo’s family. (http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/09/my-ordeal-in-prison-says-okoli-ladipo-market-leader/#sthash.HOpO5A2z.dpuf). Accessed 15 March 2015.
Olaniyi, O., 2013, ‘West African Migrants and Okada (Commercial Motorcycle) Business in Ibadan since the 1990s’, Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies, Vol. 23, pp. 91-113.
Olukoju, A., 2003, Infrastructure development and urban facilities in Lagos, 1861-2000, Ibadan, Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique, 2003.
Olukoju, A., 2005-2006, ‘Actors and Institutions in Urban Politics in Nigeria: Agege (Lagos) since the 1950s’, Afrika Zamani, Nos. 13 & 14, pp. 153-178.
Oshodi, L, Adetonwa Rafiat and Michael Ogunwale, 2016, ‘Housing Slums and informal settlements’ in Hoelzel, F. (ed.), Urban planning processes in Lagos. (https://ng.boell.org/sites/default/.../160206_urban_planning_processes_digital_new.pdf Accessed on 13/11/17).
Oyekanmi, D.F., 1987, Housing facilities as an indication of poverty in Lagos, Nigeria, in Makinwa, P.K. and Ozo, O.A. (eds.), The urban poor in Nigeria, Ibadan: Evans Brothers.
PM News., 2014, ‘Trader killed at Ladipo’, 22 January.
PM News., 2015, ‘Igbo Candidates win Lagos Reps Seats’, 31 March.
Templer, T., 2015, ‘The emerging colour of Lagos politics’, The Guardian, (Lagos), 19 April.
Pettigrew, T.F., and Tropp, L., 2006, ‘A meta analytic test of intergroup contact theory’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 90, No 5, pp. 751-783
The Guardian, 2014, Mushin partners Ohaneze on peace in markets, 23 April 2014. http://barasolutions.com/mainGuardian/news/metro-news/158886-mushin-partners-ohanaeze-ndigbo-on-peace-in-markets).
Ukpebor, H., 2012, Exporting of Used Automobile Parts from Finland to Nigeria: A Bachelor´s Thesis. (http://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/52520/Ukpebor_Humphrey.pdf p6). Accessed 11 April 2015.
Wa son, S. and Studdert, D., 2006, Markets as sites for social interaction, Bristol: Policy Press.