6 - Quality Assurance in Ethiopian Higher Education: Boon or Bandwagon in Light of Quality Improvement?
Corresponding Author(s) : Tefera Tadesse
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2014): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Academic Freedom in Africa
Quality assurance has become a global issue crossing the cultural contexts of many higher education systems. However, questions still remain whether this notion underpins deeper quality improvement in instructional practice and student learning outcomes. In Africa, where there are rapidly growing and diversified higher education systems, the need to assure quality through external examiners, audits, subject reviews or benchmarking is evident, but it is not clear if quality and standards of education are improved as a con- sequence. This study examines whether the process and contents of quality assurance constitute a substantial means by which Ethiopian higher learning institutions improve the quality of teaching and learning. It also outlines the consequences of quality assurance and its associated factors. The study employed an evaluative case study that draws on a critical (emancipatory) paradigm of evaluation and reflective judgement, viewing through Perellon’s (2007) conceptual framework. Results suggest the presence of some misalign- ment and inherent methodological flaws; and these have brought only partial benefits, and some unintended ill-effects. The root causes of these results, as illustrated in this article, are that there is a lack of primary focus and holistic thinking in a sense to effect deeper improvement, and a likelihood of hopping on a quality assurance bandwagon. This article offers a perspective on what must be done to bridge the prevailing gaps in quality assurance functions, and build a culture of quality to improve current practices.
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Goastellec, G., 2008, ‘Changes in Access to Higher Education: From Worldwide Constraints to Common Patterns of Reforms?’ International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 9 , pp. 1-26.
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Harvey, L., and Newton, J., 2004, ‘Transforming Quality Evaluation ‘ Quality in Higher Education, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 149-165.
Harvey, L., and Newton, J., 2007, ‘Transforming Quality Evaluation: Moving On’. In: D. Westerheijden, B. Stensaker, and M. Rosa, eds, Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 225-245.
Harvey, L., and Stensaker, B., 2008, ‘Quality Culture: Understandings, Boundaries and Linkages.’ European Journal of Education, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 427-442.
Harvey, L., and Williams, J., 2010, ‘Impact of Quality Assurance on Student Learning, 1��5–2010’EAIR 32nd Annual Forum, Valencia, Spain, 1 to 4 September.
Hayward, F. 2006, ‘Quality Assurance and Accriditation of Higher Education in Afri- ca’Conference on Higher Education Reform in Francophone Africa: Unders- tanding the Keys of Success, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Hayward, F., 2010, ‘Rethinking Standards for Quality Assurance and Accreditation: Thoughts from the Field’3rd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, 6th - 8th December,
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