4 - Rethinking the Role of Universities in Africa: Leadership as a Missing Link in Explaining University Performance in Uganda
Corresponding Author(s) : Roberts Kabeba Muriisa
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2014): Journal of Higher Education in Africa: Special Issue on Higher Education Leadership and Management
The subject of this paper is the place of leadership in redefining the role of the university in Africa in general and Uganda in particular. The ‘African University’ today, like any other university, has clear mandates and roles; research, teaching and community service, clearly laid down on paper in many of the universities’ manuals and strategic plans. But, in reality, these roles are not performed at all or are performed in a manner that may not warrant clear roles. Increasingly, it is observed that less quality teaching, less research, and less community service are being done. This situation calls for rethinking what role should universities play. While many expla- nations have been offered for the declining performance of the university, in this paper I contend that leadership plays a significant role not only in influencing escalation of crises but also in averting them, especially in Ugandan universities. The paper answers mainly three research questions: (i) How do changes and transitions taking place in the university sector affect the role of universities in Uganda? (ii) How does leadership respond to the challenges faced by universities? and (iii) What are the challenges faced by leadership and how do these challenges influence their response to university challenges? Using different documents, and basing on the behaviour approaches to study organisations the study makes an analysis of the role of leadership in the functioning of the university. The paper concludes faced with many challenges, universities have changed course and focus and that they need rethinking their roles. It is concluded that the role of leadership has been overlooked yet they occupy a central role in the performance of the university.
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Ajayi, J.F, Ade, LameckGoma, K. H., and Johnson, Ampah G., 1996, The African Experience with Higher Education, Accra: Association of African Universities.
Assie-Lumumba, T. N’Dri, 2006, Higher Education in Africa, Crises, Reforms and Transformation, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Assie-Lumumba, T. N’Dri, 2008, ‘Higher Education as an African Public Sphere and the University as a Site of Resistance and Claim of Ownership for National Project’,Paper Presented at Governing the African Public Sphere, CODESRIA 12th General Assembly, 7-11 December, Yaounde’, Cameroun Brennan, John, 2007, ‘The Academic Profession and Increasing Expectations of Re- levance’, in M. Kogan and U. Teichler, eds, Key Challenges to the Academic Profession, Paris: Incher-Kassel.
Bryman, Allan, 1999, ‘Leadership in Organisations’, in Clegg R. Stewart, Cynthia Hardy and Nord R. Walter, eds, Managing Organisations: Current Issues, London: Sage.
Clark, Burton, 1998, Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organisational Pathways of Transformation, Issues in higher Education, Paris: Pergamon.
Clark, Burton, 2001, ‘The Entrepreneurial University: New Foundations for Colle- giality, Autonomy,and Achievement’, Higher Education Management Vol. 13, No. 2), pp.1-14.
Geiger, L. Roger, 1986,To Advance Knowledge: The Growth of American Research Universities,1900-1940, New York: Oxford University Press.
Halvorsen, Tor, 2010, ‘Introduction’, in Berhanu A. Kassahun, Tor Halvosen and Mary Mwiandi, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 2, Kampala: Fountain. Halvorse, Tor, 2010b, ‘Between Democracy and Dictatorship, Modernity and Tradi- tion: A Contribution to the Debate About the Research University in Africa’, in Berhanu A. Kassahun, Tor Halvosen and Mary Mwiandi, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 2, Kampala: Fountain. Hanson, Kobena and Léautier, Frannie, 2011, ‘Enhancing Institutional Leadership in African Universities: Lessons From ACBF’s Interventions’, World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management And Sustainable Development, Vol. 7, Nos. 2/3/4.
Kassahun, A. Berhanu, Halvosen, Tor, and Mwiandi, Mary, 2010a, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 1, Kampala: Fountain Kassahun, A. Berhanu, Halvosen, Tor, and Mwiandi, Mary, 2010b, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 2, Kampala: Fountain.
Kasozi, A. B. K., 2003,University Education in Uganda: Challenges and Opportunities for Reform, Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
Kasozi, A. B., 2009, Financing Uganda’s Public Universities: An Obstacle to Serving the Public Good. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
Klitgaard, Robert, 2008, ‘Leadership and Universities’ Informal talk to the Claremont Leadership Roundtable, a monthly meeting of the 25-or-so professors from the Claremont Colleges who teach and do research on leadership, October 30, 2008. Available at http://www.cgu.edu/PDFFiles/Presidents%20Office/Lea- dership_and_Universities10-30-08RK.pdf. Accessed on 31/12/2012.
Jones, R., Gareth, George, M. Jennifer, and Hill, W. L. Charles, 1998, Contemporary Management, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Lieberson, Stanley, and O’Connor, F. James, 1980, ‘Leadership and Organizational Performance: A Study of Large Corporations’, in Amitai Etzioni, D. Lehman, and W. Edward, 1980, A Sociological Reader on Complex Organizations, New York: Holt, Rinehart Winston.
Lwakabamba, Silas, 2008, ‘Keynote Speech’, presented to Association of African Universities Leadership Development Workshop (LEDEV), Kigali, Rwanda, 23 April - 2 May.
Olukoshi, Adebayo, and Zeleza, P. Tiyambe, 2004, ‘Introduction: The Struggle for African Universities and Knowledges’. in A. Olukosh and P. Tiyambe Zeleza, eds, African Universities in the Twenty-First Century, Dakar: CODESRIA.
Pfeiffer, J. and Salancik, G. R., 1990, ‘The Design and Management of Externally Controlled Organisations’, in D. S. Pugh, Organisation Theory Selected Rea- dings, Middlesex: Penguin Books.
Mamdani, M., 2007, Scholars in the Market Place: The Dilemmas of Neo-Liberal Reform at Makerere University, 1989-2005, Darkar: CODESRIA.
Mamdani, Mahmood, 2012, ‘Uganda: Beyond the Colonized, Neoliberal University’, The Independent- News Analysis, August 12. Available at www.indepent.co.ug/ news/news-analysis/6259?task=view. Accessed on 29/08/2012.
Mbarara University, 2010, Mbarara University Annual Report 2010, Mbarara: Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
Muriisa, K. Roberts, 2010, ‘It is Not All About Money: Financial Governance and Re- search in Public Universities in Uganda, in Berhanu A. Kassahun, Tor Halvosen and Mary Mwiandi, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 2, Kampala: Fountain.
Muriisa, Kabeba Roberts, 2013, ‘The Quantity-Quality Balance: Reforms in University Education in Uganda’, in P. Chanie and P. B. Mihyo, eds, Thirty Years of Public Sector Reforms in Africa: Selected Country Experiences, Kampala: Fountain.
Mwiandi, C. Mary, 2010, ‘University “Third Mission”’– Service: A Case of University of Nairobi’, in Berhanu A. Kassahun, Tor Halvosen and Mary Mwiandi, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 2, Kampala: Fountain.
National Council For Higher Education (NCHE), 2005, The State of Higher Education and Training in Uganda, Kampala: NCHE.
Obanya, A. I. Paul, 2007, ‘Western Financing Influence on the Quality of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa’ in Hilde Reinertsen, ed., How to Strengthen Institutions of Higher Education in the South, Conference Report, Oslo: SAIH.
Saetersdal, Tore, 2010, ‘Forward’, Berhanu A. Kassahun, Tor Halvosen and Mary Mwiandi, Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries, Book 1, Kampala: Fountain.
Sawyer, Akilagpa, 2004, ‘Challenges Facing African Universities: Selected Issues'African Studies Review, Vol. 47, No.1, pp. 1-59.
Smith, L. Robert, 2007, ‘The Dilemma of the University as a Service Institution and as a Centre of Excellence: A Role for North-South Cooperation’, in Hilde Rei- nertsen, ed., How to Strengthen Institutions of Higher Education in the South, Conference Report, Oslo: SAIH.
Thomas, Allan Berkeley, 2003, Controversies in Management: Issues, Debates and Answers, London and New York: Routledge.
World Bank, 1995, Higher Education: The Lessons of Experience, Washington D.C: World Bank. Zeleza, P. Tiyambe and Olukosh, Adebayo, eds, 2004, African Universities in the Twenty-First Century, Dakar: CODESRIA.