9 - A Recent Echo: African Private Higher Education in an International Perspective
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 5 No. 2-3 (2007): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
Africa is a very recent arrival to the world scene of rapidly growing private higher education but it strongly echoes historical and contemporary patterns elsewhere. This is evident in each major category of analysis that merits our attention. It is evident in causes of growth, forms of growth, types of institutions, finance, gov- ernance, status, and roles played. Of course, such a broad generalization must not obscure significant differences and variation. Regions have their own salient char- acteristics and Africa is no exception. However, one does not adequately under- stand African private higher education without seeing it in a global context. In turn, the understanding of global context is enriched by incorporating Africa in the analysis.
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- Abagi, O., Nzomo, J. & Otieno, W., 2005, Private Higher Education in Kenya. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001444/144444e.pdf
- Altbach, P.G., ed., 1999, Private Prometheus: Private Higher Education and De- velopment in 21st Century, Westport: Greenwood Press.
- Altbach, P. G. & Levy, D. C., eds., 2005, Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution, Boston: Sense Publishers.
- Anugwom, E., 2002, ‘Cogs in the Wheel: Academic Trade Unionism, Govern- ment, and the Crisis in Tertiary Education in Nigeria’, African Studies Review 45(2): 141-155.
- Aspaas, H.R., 2003, review of Women’s Access to Higher Education in Africa: Uganda’s Experience by Joy C. Kwesiga, African Studies Review 46(3): 190- 191.
- Banya, K., 2001, ‘Are Private Universities the Solution to the Higher Education Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa?’ Higher Education Policy 14, pp.161-99.
- Blair, D.D.R., 1998, ‘Financing Higher Education in Africa’, in Shabani, J., ed., Higher Education in Africa: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects, Dakar: UNESCO-Breda.
- Eisemon, T. & Kourouma, M., 1991, ‘Foreign Assistance for University Develop- ment in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia’, paper prepared for World Bank, Semi- nar on Improvement and Innovation in Higher Education in Developing Coun- tries, Kuala Lumpur, July, pp.1-4.
- Fehnel, R., 2003, ‘Corporate Classrooms: Trends and Implications for South Af- rica’ in Kruss, G. & Kraak, A., eds., A Contested Good?: Understanding Pri- vate Higher Education in South Africa, Chestnut Hill: Center for Interna- tional Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, and Program for Research on Private Higher Education (PROPHE), University at Albany, State Univer- sity of New York.
- Ge ger, R.L., 1986, Private Sectors in Higher Education: Structure, Function and Change in Eight Countries, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Gupta, A., Levy, D. C., & Powar, K., eds., in progress, Private Higher Educa- tion: Indian and International Cases, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publica- tions.
- Kasozi, A.B. K., 2002, ‘The Role of the State in Addressing Challenges and Op- portunities Posed by the Rapid Growth of Universities in Uganda Since 1988’, African Studies Review 45(2): 123-139.
- Kerr, D. & Mapanje, J., 2002, ‘Academic Freedom and the University of Malawi’, African Studies Review 45(2): 73-91.
- Kinser, K. & Levy, D. C., 2005, ‘For-profit Higher Education: International Ech- oes of U.S.
- Patterns’, in Forest, J. & Philip A. G., eds., International Encyclo- paedia of Higher Education, New York: Springer Publications.
- Konings, P., 2002, ‘University Students’ Revolt, Ethnic Militia, and Violence dur- ing Political Liberalization in Cameroon’, African Studies Review 45(2): 179- 204.
- Levy, D. C., 1986, Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance, Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press.
- Levy, D. C., 1992, ‘Private Institutions of Higher Education’ in Clark, B & Neave, G., eds., The Encyclopedia of Higher Education, New York: Pergamon Press. Levy, D. C., 2002, ‘Commercial Private Higher Education: South Africa as a Stark Example’, Perspectives in Education 20(4). A longer version, also 2002, appeared as PROPHE Working Paper No. 2, available online at http://www.albany.edu/dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP2.
- Levy, D. C., 2006a, ‘An Introductory Global Overview: The Private Fit to Salient Higher Education Tendencies, PROPHE Working Paper No.7, available online at http://www.albany.edu/dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP7.
- Levy, D.C., 2006b, ‘How Private Higher Education’s Growth Challenges the New Institutionalism’ in Meyer, H-D. & Rowan, B, eds., The New Institutionalism in Education. Albany: SUNY.
- Levy, D.C., 2006c, ‘The Unanticipated Explosion: Private Higher Education’s Global Surge’, Comparative Education Review 50(2): 217-239.
- Levy, D. C., forthcoming, ‘Commonality and Distinctiveness: Indian Private Higher Education in International Perspective’ in Gupta, A., Levy, D.C. & Powar, K., eds., Private Higher Education: India and International Cases, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications.
- Maldonado-Maldonado, A., Cao, Y., Altbach, P. G., Levy, D. C. & Zhu, H., 2004, Private Higher Education: A Bibliography, Boston: Information Age.
- Mabizela, M., 2001, ‘Towards a Contextual Analysis of Structural Patterns of Private–Public Higher Education in South Africa’, unpublished Masters the- sis, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa.
- Mabizela, M. & Otieno, W., forthcoming, Student’s Cross Border Migration to Public and Private Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Kenya and South Africa.
- Obasi, I. N., 2006, ‘The Sustainability Question of Private Universities in Ni- geria: Ownership, Fees and the Market’, paper presented at PROPHE, 20 June. Otieno, W., 2004, ‘Student Loans in Kenya: Past Experiences, Current Hurdles and Opportunities for the Future’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2(2).
- Otieno, W., 2005, ‘The Privatisation of Public Universities in Kenya’ in Altbach, P. G. & Levy, D. C., eds., Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution. Boston: Sense Publishers.
- Otieno, W. & Levy, D., 2007, ‘Public Disorder, Private Boons? Inter-sectoral Dy- namics Illustrated by the Kenyan Case’, PROPHE Working Paper No. 9, available online at http://www.albany.edu /dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP9.
- Rinsum, H. J. van, 2002, ‘Wipe the Blackboard Clean: Academization and Chris- tianization-Siblings in Africa?’, African Studies Review 45(2): 27-48.
- Sawyerr, A., 2004, ‘Challenges Facing African Universities: Selected Issues’, Af- rican Studies Review 47(1): 1-59.
- Slantcheva, S. & Levy, D. C., eds., 2007, Private Higher Education in Post-Com- munist Countries: In Search of Legitimacy, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Teferra, D., 2005, ‘Private Higher Education in Ethiopia: The Current Landscape’, International Higher Education, No. 40, Summer, CIHE, Boston College, from http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/Number40/p9_Tefer-ra.htm
- Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., 2003, ‘Trends and Perspectives in African Higher Education’, in Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., eds., African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Thaver, B., 2003, ‘Private Higher Education in Africa: Six Country Case Stud- ies’. in Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., eds., African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Wesonga, D., Ngome, C., Ouma, D. & Wawire, V., forthcoming, Private Provi- sion of Higher Education in Kenya: An Analysis of Trends and Issues in Four Select Universities, Nairobi: The Ford Foundation.
Abagi, O., Nzomo, J. & Otieno, W., 2005, Private Higher Education in Kenya. Paris: UNESCO/IIEP from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001444/144444e.pdf
Altbach, P.G., ed., 1999, Private Prometheus: Private Higher Education and De- velopment in 21st Century, Westport: Greenwood Press.
Altbach, P. G. & Levy, D. C., eds., 2005, Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution, Boston: Sense Publishers.
Anugwom, E., 2002, ‘Cogs in the Wheel: Academic Trade Unionism, Govern- ment, and the Crisis in Tertiary Education in Nigeria’, African Studies Review 45(2): 141-155.
Aspaas, H.R., 2003, review of Women’s Access to Higher Education in Africa: Uganda’s Experience by Joy C. Kwesiga, African Studies Review 46(3): 190- 191.
Banya, K., 2001, ‘Are Private Universities the Solution to the Higher Education Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa?’ Higher Education Policy 14, pp.161-99.
Blair, D.D.R., 1998, ‘Financing Higher Education in Africa’, in Shabani, J., ed., Higher Education in Africa: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects, Dakar: UNESCO-Breda.
Eisemon, T. & Kourouma, M., 1991, ‘Foreign Assistance for University Develop- ment in Sub Saharan Africa and Asia’, paper prepared for World Bank, Semi- nar on Improvement and Innovation in Higher Education in Developing Coun- tries, Kuala Lumpur, July, pp.1-4.
Fehnel, R., 2003, ‘Corporate Classrooms: Trends and Implications for South Af- rica’ in Kruss, G. & Kraak, A., eds., A Contested Good?: Understanding Pri- vate Higher Education in South Africa, Chestnut Hill: Center for Interna- tional Higher Education (CIHE), Boston College, and Program for Research on Private Higher Education (PROPHE), University at Albany, State Univer- sity of New York.
Ge ger, R.L., 1986, Private Sectors in Higher Education: Structure, Function and Change in Eight Countries, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Gupta, A., Levy, D. C., & Powar, K., eds., in progress, Private Higher Educa- tion: Indian and International Cases, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publica- tions.
Kasozi, A.B. K., 2002, ‘The Role of the State in Addressing Challenges and Op- portunities Posed by the Rapid Growth of Universities in Uganda Since 1988’, African Studies Review 45(2): 123-139.
Kerr, D. & Mapanje, J., 2002, ‘Academic Freedom and the University of Malawi’, African Studies Review 45(2): 73-91.
Kinser, K. & Levy, D. C., 2005, ‘For-profit Higher Education: International Ech- oes of U.S.
Patterns’, in Forest, J. & Philip A. G., eds., International Encyclo- paedia of Higher Education, New York: Springer Publications.
Konings, P., 2002, ‘University Students’ Revolt, Ethnic Militia, and Violence dur- ing Political Liberalization in Cameroon’, African Studies Review 45(2): 179- 204.
Levy, D. C., 1986, Higher Education and the State in Latin America: Private Challenges to Public Dominance, Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press.
Levy, D. C., 1992, ‘Private Institutions of Higher Education’ in Clark, B & Neave, G., eds., The Encyclopedia of Higher Education, New York: Pergamon Press. Levy, D. C., 2002, ‘Commercial Private Higher Education: South Africa as a Stark Example’, Perspectives in Education 20(4). A longer version, also 2002, appeared as PROPHE Working Paper No. 2, available online at http://www.albany.edu/dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP2.
Levy, D. C., 2006a, ‘An Introductory Global Overview: The Private Fit to Salient Higher Education Tendencies, PROPHE Working Paper No.7, available online at http://www.albany.edu/dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP7.
Levy, D.C., 2006b, ‘How Private Higher Education’s Growth Challenges the New Institutionalism’ in Meyer, H-D. & Rowan, B, eds., The New Institutionalism in Education. Albany: SUNY.
Levy, D.C., 2006c, ‘The Unanticipated Explosion: Private Higher Education’s Global Surge’, Comparative Education Review 50(2): 217-239.
Levy, D. C., forthcoming, ‘Commonality and Distinctiveness: Indian Private Higher Education in International Perspective’ in Gupta, A., Levy, D.C. & Powar, K., eds., Private Higher Education: India and International Cases, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications.
Maldonado-Maldonado, A., Cao, Y., Altbach, P. G., Levy, D. C. & Zhu, H., 2004, Private Higher Education: A Bibliography, Boston: Information Age.
Mabizela, M., 2001, ‘Towards a Contextual Analysis of Structural Patterns of Private–Public Higher Education in South Africa’, unpublished Masters the- sis, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa.
Mabizela, M. & Otieno, W., forthcoming, Student’s Cross Border Migration to Public and Private Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Kenya and South Africa.
Obasi, I. N., 2006, ‘The Sustainability Question of Private Universities in Ni- geria: Ownership, Fees and the Market’, paper presented at PROPHE, 20 June. Otieno, W., 2004, ‘Student Loans in Kenya: Past Experiences, Current Hurdles and Opportunities for the Future’, Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2(2).
Otieno, W., 2005, ‘The Privatisation of Public Universities in Kenya’ in Altbach, P. G. & Levy, D. C., eds., Private Higher Education: A Global Revolution. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Otieno, W. & Levy, D., 2007, ‘Public Disorder, Private Boons? Inter-sectoral Dy- namics Illustrated by the Kenyan Case’, PROPHE Working Paper No. 9, available online at http://www.albany.edu /dept/eaps/prophe/publication/paper.html#WP9.
Rinsum, H. J. van, 2002, ‘Wipe the Blackboard Clean: Academization and Chris- tianization-Siblings in Africa?’, African Studies Review 45(2): 27-48.
Sawyerr, A., 2004, ‘Challenges Facing African Universities: Selected Issues’, Af- rican Studies Review 47(1): 1-59.
Slantcheva, S. & Levy, D. C., eds., 2007, Private Higher Education in Post-Com- munist Countries: In Search of Legitimacy, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Teferra, D., 2005, ‘Private Higher Education in Ethiopia: The Current Landscape’, International Higher Education, No. 40, Summer, CIHE, Boston College, from http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/soe/cihe/newsletter/Number40/p9_Tefer-ra.htm
Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., 2003, ‘Trends and Perspectives in African Higher Education’, in Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., eds., African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Thaver, B., 2003, ‘Private Higher Education in Africa: Six Country Case Stud- ies’. in Teferra, D. & Altbach, P. G., eds., African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Wesonga, D., Ngome, C., Ouma, D. & Wawire, V., forthcoming, Private Provi- sion of Higher Education in Kenya: An Analysis of Trends and Issues in Four Select Universities, Nairobi: The Ford Foundation.