1 - The Brain Drain in Africa: An Emerging Challenge to Health Professionals’ Education
Journal of Higher Education in Africa,
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2004): Journal of Higher Education in Africa
A health crisis is facing sub-Saharan Africa. The population has increased mark- edly. In recent decades, communicable diseases and ‘new’ noncommunicable dis- ease epidemics have intensified. HIV/AIDS is perhaps the biggest health chal- lenge. However, the supply of health workers remains low and has been worsened by their migration to developed countries. This paper reviews health professionals’ ‘brain drain’ using data from Ghana and other African countries, with proxy data supplying some information on which direct data do not exist. Not only is retention of health professionals a serious challenge, but training output has also remained limited. There are few studies of how stakeholders, including institutions of ter- tiary education, can moderate the effects of brain drain. Sub-Saharan Africa cannot compete economically with industrialised countries in the same health labour mar- ket. This paper discusses ways in which educational systems and the health sector can collaborate to mitigate the effects of health professionals’ migration and to sustain health services including (a) new modes of selecting candidates for the professions, (b) establishing new and relevant curricula, (c) profiling new cadres that are better retained, and (d) co-ordinating with the health sector on bonding and community service schemes to facilitate retention.
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- African Union, 2003, The Role of the African Diaspora in the Development of Their Countries of Origin, First Ordinary Session of the African Union, Labour and Social Affairs Commission, Conference Report, 10–15 April 2003, Port Louis, Mauritius. (XXVI, LSC/9).
- Awases, M., Gbary, A., Nyoni, J., & Chatora, R., 2003 November, Migration of Health Professionals in Six Countries: A Synthesis Report. Brazzaville, Congo:
- World Health Organization–Africa Regional Office–Department of Health Systems (AFRO DHS).
- Boelen, C., & Heck, J., 1995, Defining and Measuring Social Accountability of Medical Schools, Geneva: World Health Organization. (WHO/HRH/95.7) Buchan, J., & Dovlo, D., 2004 February, International Recruitment of Health Workers to the UK: A Report for DFID. Retrieved on September 19, 2004, from (www.dfidhealthrc.org/Shared/publications/reports/int_rec/int-rec-main.pdf).
- Commonwealth Secretariat and South Africa Department of Health, 2003, Workshop on Attracting and Retaining Health Workers in East, Central and Southern Africa, Johannesburg, 22–22 January 2003.
- Dovlo, D., 1999, ‘Issues Affecting the Mobility and Retention of Health Workers/ Professionals in Commonwealth African States’, Consultancy Report for the Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Unpublished manuscript. Copies available from the author.
- Dovlo, D., 2002, Retention and Deployment of Health Workers and Professionals in Africa, Technical Paper: Consultative Meeting on Collaboration between Health Professions and Governments in Policy Formulation and Implementation of Health Sector Reform.
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28 January–1 February 2002. Copies available from the author.
- Dovlo D., 2003, Strengthening Human Resources Capacity for Effective Health Systems in Africa. Paper presented at the Consultative Workshop on Human Resources for Health (HRH) in East, Central and Southern Africa, 21–25 July 2003, Arusha, Tanzania. Copies available from the Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat for East, Central and Southern Africa, Arusha,Tanzania, or from the author.
- Dovlo, D., & Nyonator, F., 1999, ‘Migration of Graduates of the University of Ghana Medical School: A Preliminary Rapid Appraisal’, Human Resources for Health Development Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 34–37.
- Ghana Ministry of Health, 2003 May, Ghana: Report of the External Review Team: Programme of Work 2002. Copies (electronic and paper) available from the Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate of the Ghana Health
African Union, 2003, The Role of the African Diaspora in the Development of Their Countries of Origin, First Ordinary Session of the African Union, Labour and Social Affairs Commission, Conference Report, 10–15 April 2003, Port Louis, Mauritius. (XXVI, LSC/9).
Awases, M., Gbary, A., Nyoni, J., & Chatora, R., 2003 November, Migration of Health Professionals in Six Countries: A Synthesis Report. Brazzaville, Congo:
World Health Organization–Africa Regional Office–Department of Health Systems (AFRO DHS).
Boelen, C., & Heck, J., 1995, Defining and Measuring Social Accountability of Medical Schools, Geneva: World Health Organization. (WHO/HRH/95.7) Buchan, J., & Dovlo, D., 2004 February, International Recruitment of Health Workers to the UK: A Report for DFID. Retrieved on September 19, 2004, from (www.dfidhealthrc.org/Shared/publications/reports/int_rec/int-rec-main.pdf).
Commonwealth Secretariat and South Africa Department of Health, 2003, Workshop on Attracting and Retaining Health Workers in East, Central and Southern Africa, Johannesburg, 22–22 January 2003.
Dovlo, D., 1999, ‘Issues Affecting the Mobility and Retention of Health Workers/ Professionals in Commonwealth African States’, Consultancy Report for the Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Unpublished manuscript. Copies available from the author.
Dovlo, D., 2002, Retention and Deployment of Health Workers and Professionals in Africa, Technical Paper: Consultative Meeting on Collaboration between Health Professions and Governments in Policy Formulation and Implementation of Health Sector Reform.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 28 January–1 February 2002. Copies available from the author.
Dovlo D., 2003, Strengthening Human Resources Capacity for Effective Health Systems in Africa. Paper presented at the Consultative Workshop on Human Resources for Health (HRH) in East, Central and Southern Africa, 21–25 July 2003, Arusha, Tanzania. Copies available from the Commonwealth Regional Health Community Secretariat for East, Central and Southern Africa, Arusha,Tanzania, or from the author.
Dovlo, D., & Nyonator, F., 1999, ‘Migration of Graduates of the University of Ghana Medical School: A Preliminary Rapid Appraisal’, Human Resources for Health Development Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 34–37.
Ghana Ministry of Health, 2003 May, Ghana: Report of the External Review Team: Programme of Work 2002. Copies (electronic and paper) available from the Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate of the Ghana Health