3 - From Paternalism to Real Partnership with Local Communities? Experiences from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)
Corresponding Author(s) : Agrippinah Namara
Africa Development,
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2006): Africa Development: Special Issue Decentralisation and Livelihoods in Africa
Conserving and sustainably managing Uganda’s wildlife and protected areas in partnership with neighbouring communities and other stakeholders for the benefit of the people of Uganda and the global community is the expressed mission of the Uganda Wildlife Authority. This article explores the form that conservation partnerships between the central government, local government and communities are taking in Uganda’s wildlife sector. Are these partnerships paving the way from the paternalistic approach to protected area management to partnerships between the wildlife authorities and local communities that are beneficial to both groups? To what extent are institutions representing the local community able to advance local interests and contribute to decision making on wildlife management within these partnerships? Are we moving towards democratic natural resource management? These are the questions that this article ponders.
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- Adams, W. and Hulme, D., 2001, ‘Conservation and Community. Changing Narratives, Policies and
- Practices in African Conservation’, in D. Hulme and
- M. Murphree, eds., African Wildlife and Livelihoods. The Promise and Performance of Community
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- Agrawal, A. and Ribot, J.C., 1999, ‘Accountability in Decentralisation: A framework with South
- Asian and West African Cases’, Journal of Developing Areas, 33, pp. 473-502.
- Barrow, E., Gichohi, H., and Infield, M., 2000, ‘Summary and Key Lessons from a Comparative Review
- of Community Conservation in East Africa’, Working Paper No. 2, Nairobi, IUCN-EAPO.
- Barrow, E. and Murphree, M., 2001, ‘Community Conservation. From Concept to Practice’, in D.Hulme
- and M. Murphree, eds., African Wildlife and Livelihoods. The Promise and Performance of Community
- Conservation, Oxford, James Currey.
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- Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks, South Western Uganda’, in Natural Resource Conflict Management
- Case Studies: An Analysis of Power, pp 231-50, Rome, FAO Community Forestry Unit.
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- Conservation within the Context of Decentralised Governance’, in Schultz, P. and Noppen, D., eds.,
- The Landscape Approach: Learning from North to South, Copenhagen, Environment and Development
- Blomley, T. and Namara, A., 2003, ‘Devolving Rights or Shedding responsibilities? Community
- Conservation in Uganda over the Last Decade’, Policy Matters, 12, pp. 283-89.
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- Uganda, and Recommendations for its Conservation and Management’, Report to the Government of
- Uganda, New York, Wildlife Conservation International. CARE-Uganda, 1998, ‘An Institutional
- Framework for the Management of Environment and Natural Resources in Kabale, Kisoro and Rukungiri
- Districts
- of South-West Uganda’, Unpublished report, Kampala, CARE-Uganda.
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- National Parks, Uganda’, Parks, 13(1), pp 28-38.
- ITFC (Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation), 2004, ‘Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks in
- Uganda: Has 15 years of ICD Programming Succeeded in Increasing Support for Conservation among
- Local Communities?’, Report of an assessment study of selected Integrated Conservation and
- Development strategies implemented in BINP and MGNP, Kabale, Uganda, ITFC.
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- (3/4), pp.223-42.
- Madden, F., 1998, ‘“The Problem Gorilla”, A report of the East and Central African Workshop on
- problem mountain gorillas using the situation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park as a basis for
- solution development’, Unpublished paper, International Gorilla Conservation Project/CARE-Uganda,
- Kampala. Mandondo A., 2000, ‘Situating Zimbabwe’s Natural Resource Governance Systems in History’,
- CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 32, Bogor, Center for International Forestry Research.
- MTWA (Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry), 1996, ‘Outputs of the Taskforce on Collaborative
- Management for The Uganda Wildlife Authority’, Report, Kampala, MTWA.
- Namara, A., Gray, M. and McNeilage, A., 2001, ‘People and Bwindi Forest. Historical Account as
- Given by Local Community Members’, Unpublished report, Nairobi and Kabale, Uganda, WWF-EARPO and
- Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation.
- Namara, A. and Nsabagasani, X., 2003, ‘Decentralisation and Wildlife Management: Devolving Rights
- or shedding responsibility? Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda’, Working Paper No. 9,
- Environmental Governance in Africa Series, Washington, D.C., World Resources Institute.
- Oyono, P.R., 2004, ‘One step forward, two step back? Paradoxes of natural resource management
- decentralization in Cameroon’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 42(1), pp. 91-111.
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- Protected Area Management’, UNRISD/IIED/WWF-
- International Discussion Paper 57, Geneva, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
- Republic of Uganda, 1994, The Uganda National Environment Policy, Kampala, Ministry of Land, Water
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- Uganda National Parks, 1995, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: Management Plan 1995-1999, Kampala,
- Uganda Wildlife Authority.
- UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority), 1996, ‘Memorandum of Understanding Between Uganda Wildlife
- Authority—Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and The people of Nyamabare Parish, Ikumba Sub-County,
- Kabale District, An agreement concerning Collaborative Beekeeping’ (Forest Resource Use) in The
- Park, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
- UWA, 2000a, Revenue Sharing Around Protected Areas, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
- UWA, 2000b, Uganda Wildlife Authority Collaborative Management Strategy, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
- UWA, 2000c, Community-Protected Area Institution Policy, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
- UWA, 2001, ‘Collaborative Management within Uganda Wildlife Authority’, Report of the Senior Staff
- Retreat held at Ranch on the Lake Hotel, Uganda
- Wildlife Authority, 2nd June 2001, Kampala.
Adams, W. and Hulme, D., 2001, ‘Conservation and Community. Changing Narratives, Policies and
Practices in African Conservation’, in D. Hulme and
M. Murphree, eds., African Wildlife and Livelihoods. The Promise and Performance of Community
Conservation, Oxford, James Currey.
Agrawal, A. and Ribot, J.C., 1999, ‘Accountability in Decentralisation: A framework with South
Asian and West African Cases’, Journal of Developing Areas, 33, pp. 473-502.
Barrow, E., Gichohi, H., and Infield, M., 2000, ‘Summary and Key Lessons from a Comparative Review
of Community Conservation in East Africa’, Working Paper No. 2, Nairobi, IUCN-EAPO.
Barrow, E. and Murphree, M., 2001, ‘Community Conservation. From Concept to Practice’, in D.Hulme
and M. Murphree, eds., African Wildlife and Livelihoods. The Promise and Performance of Community
Conservation, Oxford, James Currey.
Barrow, E. and Fabricius, C., 2002, ‘Do Rural People Really Benefit from Protected Areas-rhetoric
or Reality?’, Parks, 12(2), pp. 67-79.
Bazaara, N., 2006, ‘Subjecting Nature to Central Authority: The Struggle over Public Goods in the
Formation of Citizenship’, Africa Development, Vol. XXXI, No. 2.
Blomley, T., 2003, ‘Natural Resource Conflict Management: The Case of Bwindi Impenetrable and
Mgahinga Gorilla National Parks, South Western Uganda’, in Natural Resource Conflict Management
Case Studies: An Analysis of Power, pp 231-50, Rome, FAO Community Forestry Unit.
Blomley, T., Franks, P. and Kabugenda, A., 2002, ‘Towards “Institutional Landscapes”? Biodiversity
Conservation within the Context of Decentralised Governance’, in Schultz, P. and Noppen, D., eds.,
The Landscape Approach: Learning from North to South, Copenhagen, Environment and Development
Blomley, T. and Namara, A., 2003, ‘Devolving Rights or Shedding responsibilities? Community
Conservation in Uganda over the Last Decade’, Policy Matters, 12, pp. 283-89.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G. and Sandwith, T., 2003, ‘Editorial’, Parks, 13(1), pp 1-5. Butynski, T.M.,
, ‘Ecological Survey of the Impenetrable (Bwindi) Forest,
Uganda, and Recommendations for its Conservation and Management’, Report to the Government of
Uganda, New York, Wildlife Conservation International. CARE-Uganda, 1998, ‘An Institutional
Framework for the Management of Environment and Natural Resources in Kabale, Kisoro and Rukungiri
of South-West Uganda’, Unpublished report, Kampala, CARE-Uganda.
Chhetri, P., A. Mugisha and White, S., 2003, ‘Community Resource Use in Kibale and Mt Elgon
National Parks, Uganda’, Parks, 13(1), pp 28-38.
ITFC (Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation), 2004, ‘Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks in
Uganda: Has 15 years of ICD Programming Succeeded in Increasing Support for Conservation among
Local Communities?’, Report of an assessment study of selected Integrated Conservation and
Development strategies implemented in BINP and MGNP, Kabale, Uganda, ITFC.
Leach, M. and Fairhead, J., 2001, ‘Plural Perspectives and Institutional Dynamics: Challenges for
Local Forest Management’, International Journal of Agriculture, Resources, Governance and Ecology,
(3/4), pp.223-42.
Madden, F., 1998, ‘“The Problem Gorilla”, A report of the East and Central African Workshop on
problem mountain gorillas using the situation in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park as a basis for
solution development’, Unpublished paper, International Gorilla Conservation Project/CARE-Uganda,
Kampala. Mandondo A., 2000, ‘Situating Zimbabwe’s Natural Resource Governance Systems in History’,
CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 32, Bogor, Center for International Forestry Research.
MTWA (Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry), 1996, ‘Outputs of the Taskforce on Collaborative
Management for The Uganda Wildlife Authority’, Report, Kampala, MTWA.
Namara, A., Gray, M. and McNeilage, A., 2001, ‘People and Bwindi Forest. Historical Account as
Given by Local Community Members’, Unpublished report, Nairobi and Kabale, Uganda, WWF-EARPO and
Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation.
Namara, A. and Nsabagasani, X., 2003, ‘Decentralisation and Wildlife Management: Devolving Rights
or shedding responsibility? Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda’, Working Paper No. 9,
Environmental Governance in Africa Series, Washington, D.C., World Resources Institute.
Oyono, P.R., 2004, ‘One step forward, two step back? Paradoxes of natural resource management
decentralization in Cameroon’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 42(1), pp. 91-111.
Pimbert, M.P. and Pretty, J.N., 1995, ‘Parks, people and professionals: Putting Participation into
Protected Area Management’, UNRISD/IIED/WWF-
International Discussion Paper 57, Geneva, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
Republic of Uganda, 1994, The Uganda National Environment Policy, Kampala, Ministry of Land, Water
and Mineral Development.
Republic of Uganda, 1995a, National Environment Statute, Entebbe, Government Printer.
Republic of Uganda, 1995b, The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, Entebbe, Government Printer.
Republic of Uganda, 1995c, The Uganda Wildlife Policy, Kampala, Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry.
Republic of Uganda. 1996, The Uganda Wildlife Statute, Entebbe, Government Printer.
Republic of Uganda, 1997, The Local Government Act, Entebbe, Government Printer.
Republic of Uganda, 1999, The Uganda Wildlife Policy, Kampala, Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry.
Ribot, J.C., 1999, ‘Decentralisation, Participation and Accountability in Sahelian Forestry: Legal
Instruments of Political-Administrative Control’, Africa, 69(1),pp. 23-64.
Ribot, J.C., 2002, ‘African Decentralization: Local Actors, Powers and Accountability’, Democracy,
Governance, and Human Rights, Paper No. 8, Washington D.C., United Nations Research Institute for
Social Development.
Ribot, J.C., 2002, ‘Democratic Decentralization of Natural Resources. Institutionalizing Popular
Participation’, WRI Research Report, Washington, D.C., World Resources Institute.
Sundar, Nandini, 2000, ‘Unpacking the “Joint” in Joint Forest Management’,
Development and Change, 31(1), pp. 255-79.
Uganda National Parks, 1995, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park: Management Plan 1995-1999, Kampala,
Uganda Wildlife Authority.
UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority), 1996, ‘Memorandum of Understanding Between Uganda Wildlife
Authority—Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and The people of Nyamabare Parish, Ikumba Sub-County,
Kabale District, An agreement concerning Collaborative Beekeeping’ (Forest Resource Use) in The
Park, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
UWA, 2000a, Revenue Sharing Around Protected Areas, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
UWA, 2000b, Uganda Wildlife Authority Collaborative Management Strategy, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
UWA, 2000c, Community-Protected Area Institution Policy, Kampala, Uganda Wildlife Authority.
UWA, 2001, ‘Collaborative Management within Uganda Wildlife Authority’, Report of the Senior Staff
Retreat held at Ranch on the Lake Hotel, Uganda
Wildlife Authority, 2nd June 2001, Kampala.