Guest Editors: Jesse Ribot & Phil René Oyono


Published: March 29, 2006

0 - Prelim

December 6, 2021
Africa Development

1 - Introduction: Decentralisation and Livelihoods in Africa

January 1, 2006
Jesse C. Ribot, Phil René Oyono

2 - Subjecting Nature to Central Authority: The Struggle over Public Goods in the Formation of Citizenship

by Nyangabyaki Bazaara

January 1, 2006
Nyangabyaki Bazaara

3 - From Paternalism to Real Partnership with Local Communities? Experiences from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (Uganda)

January 1, 2006
Agrippinah Namara

4 - Decentralising Natural Resource Management and the Politics of Institutional Resource Management in Uganda’s Forest Sub-Sector

January 1, 2006
Frank Muhereza

5 - A Demand-driven Model of Decentralised Land-use Planning and Natural Resource Management: Experiences from the Chiredzi District of Zimbabwe

January 1, 2006
Alois Mandondo, Witness Kozanayi

6 - Compromised Co-management, Compromised Outcomes: Experiences from a Zimbabwean Forest

January 1, 2006
Everisto Mapedza

7 - Qui représente qui ? Choix organisationnels, identités sociales et formation d’une élite forestière au Cameroun

by Samuel Efoua

October 8, 2021
Phil René Oyono

8 - Au sortir d’une longue « nuit » institutionnelle, nouvelles transactions entre les politiques forestières et les sociétés rurales en RD Congo post-conflit

by Francis Lelo Nzuzi

January 1, 2006
Phil René Oyono

9 - Approches participatives et gestion décentralisée de la Forêt du Samori dans la Commune de Baye, Région de Mopti (Mali)

October 8, 2021
Bréhima Kassibo

10 - Decentralisation as Ethnic Closure, with Special Reference to a Declining Negotiated Access to Natural Resources in Western Ethiopia

January 1, 2006
Dereje Feyissa

Africa Development, Volume 31, n° 2, 2006

December 6, 2021
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