9 - Digital Technologies and Election Management in Zimbabwe: Pseudo-democratic Transition and Contorted Delirium?
Corresponding Author(s) : Torque Mude
Africa Development,
Vol. 47 No. 2 (2022): Africa Development: Special Issue on Digital Technologies and Election Management in Africa’s Democratisation Process
This article examines the extent to which the adoption of biometric voter
registration in election management in Zimbabwe has appeared a phantom
on the horizon regarding democratisation. While the emergence of digitalised
election management brought with it expectations of credible electoral
processes and outcomes in a country with a history of rampant electoral
malpractices in manually managed processes, the phenomenon is yet to
yield positive results regarding democratisation in Zimbabwe. Despite the
shift from manually managed electoral process to a digitalised approach,
the quagmire of irregularities has persisted in Zimbabwean elections. This
is largely attributable to the trajectory of governance in Zimbabwe which
appears to militate against the exploitation of the opportunities presented by
digital technologies in democratising elections in the county. This said, the
conclusion drawn from this article is that the configuration of political power,
particularly issues of the breach of the democratic principles of separation of
power and separation of personnel, are disingenuous to technology-induced
democratic transition to credible elections. Secondary research was used to
obtain data for this article as data were gathered from books, journal articles,
newspaper articles and institutional reports
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- Achen, C. and Bartels, L., 2002, ‘Blind retrospection: electoral responses to drought, flue and shark attacks’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston.
- African Union Election Observation Mission to Zimbabwe Preliminary Statement, 2018, Harmonised Elections, 30 July, pp. 1–8, https://www.veritaszim.net/ node/3345.pdf.
- Akumiah, H., 2010, ‘Democratic Republic of Congo’, in A. Evrensel, ed., Voter Registration in Africa: A Comparative Analysis, Johannesburg: EISA.
- BBC, 2018, ‘Zimbabwe’s MDC alliance says Chamisa beat Mnangagwa’, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-45017383’, accessed 16 July 2019.
- Beardsworth, N., 2018, ‘New rules and ghost voters threaten Zimbabwe’s vote’, Mail and Guardian, 19 July, https://mg.co.zw/article/2018-07-19-new-rules- and-ghost-voters-threaten-zimbabwe’s-vote.
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- Bratton, M. and Masunungure, V., 2018, ‘Public attitudes toward Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections: downbeat yet hopeful?’, Afrobarometer Policy Paper 47: 1–21.
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- European Union Observation Mission Report, 2018, Republic of Zimbabwe Harmonised Elections, 2018,http://www.veritaszim.net/sites/veritas_d/files/EU%20Election%20Observation%20Mission%20Report.html, accessed 18July 2019.
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Achen, C. and Bartels, L., 2002, ‘Blind retrospection: electoral responses to drought, flue and shark attacks’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston.
African Union Election Observation Mission to Zimbabwe Preliminary Statement, 2018, Harmonised Elections, 30 July, pp. 1–8, https://www.veritaszim.net/ node/3345.pdf.
Akumiah, H., 2010, ‘Democratic Republic of Congo’, in A. Evrensel, ed., Voter Registration in Africa: A Comparative Analysis, Johannesburg: EISA.
BBC, 2018, ‘Zimbabwe’s MDC alliance says Chamisa beat Mnangagwa’, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-45017383’, accessed 16 July 2019.
Beardsworth, N., 2018, ‘New rules and ghost voters threaten Zimbabwe’s vote’, Mail and Guardian, 19 July, https://mg.co.zw/article/2018-07-19-new-rules- and-ghost-voters-threaten-zimbabwe’s-vote.
Bratton, M., 2014, Power Politics in Zimbabwe, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Bratton, M. and Masunungure, V., 2018, ‘Public attitudes toward Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections: downbeat yet hopeful?’, Afrobarometer Policy Paper 47: 1–21.
Chamisa v Mnangagwa and 24 Others CCZ 42/18.
Cheeseman, N., Lynch, G. and Willis, J., 2018, ‘Digital dilemma: the unintended consequences of election technology’, Democratisation 25 (8): 1397–418.
Chikerema, A. F. and Chakunda, V., 2014, ‘Political culture and democratic governance in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Power, Governance and Politics 2 (1): 55–66. Election Resource Centre, 2018, Nothing New About the Inadequacies of the Zimbabwe 2018 Elections, http://www.erczim.org/2018/08/17/nothing-new-inadequacies-zim-2018-elections, accessed 17 July 2019.
European Union Observation Mission Report, 2018, Republic of Zimbabwe Harmonised Elections, 2018,http://www.veritaszim.net/sites/veritas_d/files/EU%20Election%20Observation%20Mission%20Report.html, accessed 18July 2019.
Evrensel, A., 2010, ‘Introduction’, in A. Evrensel, ed., Voter Registration in Africa: A Comparative Analysis, Johannesburg: EISA.
Gailmard, S., 2012, ‘Accountability and Principal Agent Models’, in M. Bovens, R.
E. Goodin and T. Schillemaris, eds, Oxford Handbook of Accountability, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gathii, J. T., 2000, ‘Representations of Africa in good governance discourse: policing and containing dissidence to neo-liberalism’, Third World Legal Studies 15 (1): 65–108.
Gelb, A. and Diofasi, A., 2016, ‘Biometric elections in poor countries: wasteful or a worthwhile investment’, Investment Center for Global Development, Working Paper 435.
GENKEY Report, 2016, Delivering Biometric Elections: What We Do? How We Do It? Ginburg, T., 2004, ‘Bounded discretion in international judicial law-making’, Virginia Journal of International Law 45: 631–73.
Healy, A. and Malhotra, N., 2010, ‘Random event, economic losses and retrospective voting: implications for democratic competence’, Quarterly Journal of Political Science 5: 193–208.
Holtved, O., 2011, Biometrics in Elections – Georgia: De-duplication or Voter Register and Verification of Voter Identity Using Biometrics’, International Foundation for Electoral Systems,
https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/biometrics_in_ elections_2011_0.pdf, accessed 15 July
IDEA, 2017, Introducing Biometric Technology in Elections,https://www.idea.int/sites/default/files/publications/introducing-biometric-technology-in-elections- reissue.pdf, 15 July 2019.
Jinadu, L. A., 1997, ‘Matters arising: African elections and the problem of electoral administration’, African Journal of Political Science 2 (1): 1–11.
Magaisa, A., 2017, ‘The challenges, strengths of biometric voter registration’, Zimbabwe Independent, 31 March, https://www.theindependent.co.zw/2017/03/31/challenges-strength-biometric-voter-registration.
Makumbe, J, 2009, The Impact of Democracy in Zimbabwe: Assessing Political, Social and Economic Developments since the Dawn of Democracy, Country Report, Research Report 119, Centre for Policy Studies.
Maromo, J., 2017, ‘Mugabe defeated, but Mugabeism continues to thrive’, IOL News, http://www.iol.co.za/news/special-features/Zimbabwe/mugabe- defeated-12118018.
Matyszak, D., 2017, Back to the Future: Legitimising Zimbabwe’s 2018 Elections, Southern Africa Report 12, Institute for Security Studies, November.
Merloe, P., 2009, ‘Human Rights – The Basis for Inclusiveness, Transparency, Accountability and Public Confidence in Elections’, in J. D. Young, ed., International Election Principles: Democracy and the Rule of Law, Chicago, IL: ABA Publishing.
Mhaka, T., 2018, ‘How did Mnangagwa win Zimbabwe’s landmark July 30 elections?’, Al Jazeera, 6 August, https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/how-did-mnangagwa-win-zimbabwe-landmark-july-30-elections-180806122757502.html. Moyo, P., 2013, ‘Zimbabwe’s ruling party militias spread fear of voting’, Inter Press Service, www.ipnews.net/2013/05/zimbabwe-ruling-party-militias-spread-fear-of-voting.
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S., 2006, ‘The native revolution and Zimbabwe’s development conundrums in Zimbabwe’, Occasional Paper Series 1 (4): 1–40.
Niels, H., 2008, ‘Neo-liberal imperialism and pan-Africa resistance’, Journal of World Systems Research 31 (1): 142–78.
Lenz, G., 2012, Follow the Leader: How Voters Respond to Politicians’ Performance and Policies, Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
Lupia, A. and McCubbins, M., 1998, The Democratic Dilemma: Can Citizens Learn What They Need to Know?, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Pottie, D., 2010, ‘Electoral management and democratic governance in Southern Africa’, Politikon: Southern Africa Journal of Political Studies 28 (2): 133–55.
Pran, V. and Merloe, P., 2007, Monitoring Electronic Technologies in Electoral Processes: An NDI Guide for Political Parties and Civic Organisations, Washington, DC: National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
Russel, M. and Zamfir, L., 2018, Digital Technology in Elections: Efficiency versus Credibility, European Parliamentary Research Service, http://www.europarl. europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2018/625178/EPRS_BRI_2018_EN.pdf, accessed 16 July 2019.
Sanusi, I. B. and Nassuna, R., 2017, ‘Emerging trends in Africa’s electoral process’,South African Institute of International Affairs Policy Briefing 158: 1–5.
Sibanda, M., 2018, ‘BVR not panacea to Zimbabwe’s electoral challenges’, Daily News, 18 July, https://www.dailynews.co.zw/articles/2017/07/18/bvr-not-the- panacea-to-zimbabwe’s-electoral-challenges.
Sithole, M and Makumbe, J., 1997, ‘Elections in Zimbabwe: the ZANU PF hegemony and its incipient decline’, African Journal of Political Science 2 (1): 122–39.
Southall, R., 2017, ‘Bob is out, the croc is in: continuity or change in Zimbabwe?’,Africa Spectrum 52 (23): 81–94.
Southern African Development Community Electoral Observation Mission to the Republic of Zimbabwe, 2018, Preliminary Statement, https://www.sadc.int/. zimbabwe_elections_Preliminary_Statement_August_2018_pdf, accessed 20 July 2019.
Yard, M., 2010, ‘Direct Democracy: Progress and Pitfalls of Election Technology’, in M. Yard International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Arlington, VA: IFES.
Zenda, C., 2018, ‘How a technological solution backfired in Zimbabwe’s elections?’, TRT World, 7 August, https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/how-a-technological-solution--backfired-in-zimbabwe-s-elections.19430.
ZESN Observation Report, 2018, Report on the 30 July 2018 Harmonised Election, https://www.veritaszim.net/sites/veritas_d/files/ZESN-Report-on-the-30-July-2018-Harmonised-Election.pdf.