6 - Politics, Etiquette, and the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Kenya: Negotiating for a Common Front
Corresponding Author(s) : Zachary Arochi Kwena
Africa Development,
Vol. 29 No. 4 (2004): Africa Development
HIV/AIDS is the single most serious socio-economic and health problem af fecting Kenya presently. The rapid spread of the epidemic resulted from the failure of government to recognise it as a problem early enough and institute necessary measures to counter it. Today, there are efforts from various stakeholders to slow down the spread of the epidemic. Some of these efforts have caused much debate and controversy, sometimes taking a political angle. Hardly any agreed steps are accepted by national institutions and even individu als on how to tackle the epidemic. This diversity of views and standpoints may be healthy especially when it comes to finding concrete solutions to the prob lem. However, this is only so if unity in diversity is achieved within a certain time-frame before the problem gets out of hand. This paper tries to assess the efforts and methods suggested in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenya and the resultant controversies, debates and chances for unity in diversity.
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Fiala, C., 1998, 'AIDS in Africa: The Ugandan Example', http:// www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/chrfafrica.htm. 10 October 2002. Hancock, J. Nalo, Aoko, D.S.O., Mutemi, M., Clark, R., and Forsythe, H., 1996, 'The Macro-economic Impact of HIV/AIDS', in Rau, B. and Forsythe S. ed., AIDS in Kenya: Socio-economic and policy implications', pp.111-28. KEMRI, 2001, KEMRI AIDS update, Vol. 3, No. May/June. Kuadey, K., 2001, 'The Politics of AIDS Drugs in Africa', http:// www.aidsandaffica.com/drugs.html. 11 October 2002 NASCOP, 2001, AIDS in Kenya: Background, Projections, Impact and Interventions: Surveillance Report for the year 2000, Nairobi. Nasirumbi, H., 2000, 'Gender Sensitivity and Development in health Policies: A case study of HIV/AIDS policies in Kenya', in Prah, K.K. and Ahmed, A.GM. ed., Africa in transformation, Vol. 2,299-307. Pool, R., 1997, 'Anthropological research on AIDS', in Ngweshemi, J., Boerma, T., Bennett, J. and Schapink, ed., HIV Prevention and AIDS Care in Africa, D. KIT. Amsterdam. Price, J., 2002, 'The Politics of Africa's Pain', http://www.blackaids.org/ news_002.htm. 8 September 2002. Rachier, A.D.O., 1996, 'The Law and HIV/AIDS in Kenya', in Rau, B. and Forsythe S ed., AIDS in Kenya: Socio-economic and policy implications, pp. 147-58. Rau, B., Forsythe S. and Okeyo, T.M., 1996, 'An Introduction to Kenya's Epidemic', in Rau, B. and Forsythe S ed., AIDS in Kenya: Socio-economic and policy implications, pp. 1-10. Schoepf, B.G, 1993, 'The Social Epidemiology of Women and AIDS in Africa', in Berer, M. and Ray, S. ed., Women and HIV/AIDS, Pandora: Pandora Press, pp.51-54. Udo, B. and Aimiemwona, J., 2000, 'HIV/AIDS: The politics of its cure', The Post Express (Lagos), http://www.allafrica.com/stories/200004160048.html. UNDP, 2001, Kenya Human Development Report 2001: Addressing social and economic disparities for human development, Nairobi: UNDP