6 - Towards Better Management of Public Education in Cameroon: The Case for Decentralisation
Corresponding Author(s) : Joseph A. Tamuk
Africa Development,
Vol. 29 No. 2 (2004): Africa Development
This paper conceptualises centralisation and decentralisation and provides evidence that the Cameroon public education system is facing imminent decentralisation. It uses available literature and the author's teaching experience to criticise the centralised education system in Cameroon, especially in resource allocation and management. The author argues that to increase the quantity and quality of education in Cameroon, there is a need to decentralise responsibility for and control of education. He presents the model proposed by government for decentralisation and proposes roles and functions for the various levels of authority in the model.
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- Bray, M., 1985, 'Education and decentralisation in less developed countries: A comment on general trends, issues and problems with particular reference to Papua New Guinea', Comparative Education, No. 21, pp. 183-195. Bray, M., 1999, 'Control of education: issues and tensions in centralisation and decentralisation', in R.F. Amove and C.A. Torres eds., Comparative education: The dialectics of the global and the local, Maryland, Rowman and Littlefield. Bray, M. and Lillis, K. eds., 1988, Community financing of education: Issues and policy implications, London, Pergamon. Cameroon, Republic of, 1996, Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon, Yaounde, Author.
- Africa Development, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, 2004 Cameroon, Republic of, 1998, Law no.98/004 of 14th to lay down guidelines for education in Cameroon, Yaounde, Author. Cameroon, Republic of, 2001, Decree No. 2001/ 041 on the organisation and management of public schools in Cameroon, Yaounde, President Paul Biya. EFA, 2000, 'Assessing Progress Made in Basic Education since 1990', ADEA NEWSLETTER vol 12, no. 3, pp. 8-10. Fiske, E. B., 1996, Decentralisation of Education: Politics and Consensus, Washington DC, World Bank. Florestal, K. and Cooper, R., 1997, Decentralisation of Education: Legal Issues, Washington DC, World Bank. Foster, P., 1975, 'Dilemmas in Educational Development: What We Can Learn from the Past', CER , 19, pp. 375-392. Govinda, R.V., 2003, 'Decentralisig Education: Trends and Issues', HEP Newsletter, vol. xxi, no.2, pp. 5 & 10. Grauwe, A., 2003, 'Decentralisation: A Hard Road to Travel?', HEP Newsletter, vol. xxi, no. 2, pp. 6. Hinchcliffe, K„ 1989, 'Federal Financing of Education: Issues and Evidence', CER, no. 33, pp. 437-449. IIEP, 2002, The HEP Advanced Training Programme in Educational Planning and Management, Paris, Author. James, E., 1986, 'Benefits and Costs of Privatised Public Services: Lessons from the Dutch Education System', CER. No. 28, pp. 605-624. Jimenez, E. and Tan, J. P., 1987, 'Decentralisation and Private Education: The Case of Pakistan', Comparative Education, No. 23, pp. 173-190. Kreitner, R., 1995, Management, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Lauglo, J. and Mclean, M. eds., 1985, The Control of Education: International Perspectives on the Centralization-decentralization Debate, London. University of London Press. ODA, 1995, A guide to social analysis for projects in developing countries, London, HMSO. Orivel, F., 1990, Evolution du financement de l'éducation dans les pays en développement, Paris, Unesco. Patrinos, H. A., 1997, Decentralisation of Education: Demand-side Financing, Washington DC, World Bank. Rahman, A., 2000, 'What Next After Dakar?', CRIN NEWSLETTER, No 13, p. 9. Tamukong, J. A., 2000, 'Towards Quality Education in Sub-Saharan Africa', South south Journal of Culture and Development, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32-44. Tamukong, J. A., 1995, An Analysis of Local Support in Financing Secondary School Education in the North West Province of Cameroon. Ph.D. thesis. University of Jos, Nigeria. Udoh, S.U. and Akpa, G.O., 1990, Management for Quality Education in Nigeria, Jos, NAEP.
- Tamukong: Towards Better Management of Public Education in Cameroon 157 Urwick, J.D., 1992, 'Decentralisation and the Planning of Education: The Nigerian Situation', Paper presented at ICDS Workshop on education financing, held in Jos, Nigeria. USIS, 1986, The United States System of Education,Washington DC, USIS. Williams, J., 1993, 'Reform in Educational Decision-making', The forum of Advancing Basic Education, 2(3), pp. 5-5. World Education Forum, 2000, The Dakar Framework for Action, Dakar, Author. Yannakopulos, P.Z., ed., 1980, Eleven Experiences in Decentralization of Education Administration and Management of Local Resources, Paris, Unesco. Watt, J., 1989, 'Devolution of Power: The Ideological Meaning', Journal of Educational Administration, No. 27, pp. 19-21
Bray, M., 1985, 'Education and decentralisation in less developed countries: A comment on general trends, issues and problems with particular reference to Papua New Guinea', Comparative Education, No. 21, pp. 183-195. Bray, M., 1999, 'Control of education: issues and tensions in centralisation and decentralisation', in R.F. Amove and C.A. Torres eds., Comparative education: The dialectics of the global and the local, Maryland, Rowman and Littlefield. Bray, M. and Lillis, K. eds., 1988, Community financing of education: Issues and policy implications, London, Pergamon. Cameroon, Republic of, 1996, Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon, Yaounde, Author.
Africa Development, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, 2004 Cameroon, Republic of, 1998, Law no.98/004 of 14th to lay down guidelines for education in Cameroon, Yaounde, Author. Cameroon, Republic of, 2001, Decree No. 2001/ 041 on the organisation and management of public schools in Cameroon, Yaounde, President Paul Biya. EFA, 2000, 'Assessing Progress Made in Basic Education since 1990', ADEA NEWSLETTER vol 12, no. 3, pp. 8-10. Fiske, E. B., 1996, Decentralisation of Education: Politics and Consensus, Washington DC, World Bank. Florestal, K. and Cooper, R., 1997, Decentralisation of Education: Legal Issues, Washington DC, World Bank. Foster, P., 1975, 'Dilemmas in Educational Development: What We Can Learn from the Past', CER , 19, pp. 375-392. Govinda, R.V., 2003, 'Decentralisig Education: Trends and Issues', HEP Newsletter, vol. xxi, no.2, pp. 5 & 10. Grauwe, A., 2003, 'Decentralisation: A Hard Road to Travel?', HEP Newsletter, vol. xxi, no. 2, pp. 6. Hinchcliffe, K„ 1989, 'Federal Financing of Education: Issues and Evidence', CER, no. 33, pp. 437-449. IIEP, 2002, The HEP Advanced Training Programme in Educational Planning and Management, Paris, Author. James, E., 1986, 'Benefits and Costs of Privatised Public Services: Lessons from the Dutch Education System', CER. No. 28, pp. 605-624. Jimenez, E. and Tan, J. P., 1987, 'Decentralisation and Private Education: The Case of Pakistan', Comparative Education, No. 23, pp. 173-190. Kreitner, R., 1995, Management, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. Lauglo, J. and Mclean, M. eds., 1985, The Control of Education: International Perspectives on the Centralization-decentralization Debate, London. University of London Press. ODA, 1995, A guide to social analysis for projects in developing countries, London, HMSO. Orivel, F., 1990, Evolution du financement de l'éducation dans les pays en développement, Paris, Unesco. Patrinos, H. A., 1997, Decentralisation of Education: Demand-side Financing, Washington DC, World Bank. Rahman, A., 2000, 'What Next After Dakar?', CRIN NEWSLETTER, No 13, p. 9. Tamukong, J. A., 2000, 'Towards Quality Education in Sub-Saharan Africa', South south Journal of Culture and Development, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32-44. Tamukong, J. A., 1995, An Analysis of Local Support in Financing Secondary School Education in the North West Province of Cameroon. Ph.D. thesis. University of Jos, Nigeria. Udoh, S.U. and Akpa, G.O., 1990, Management for Quality Education in Nigeria, Jos, NAEP.
Tamukong: Towards Better Management of Public Education in Cameroon 157 Urwick, J.D., 1992, 'Decentralisation and the Planning of Education: The Nigerian Situation', Paper presented at ICDS Workshop on education financing, held in Jos, Nigeria. USIS, 1986, The United States System of Education,Washington DC, USIS. Williams, J., 1993, 'Reform in Educational Decision-making', The forum of Advancing Basic Education, 2(3), pp. 5-5. World Education Forum, 2000, The Dakar Framework for Action, Dakar, Author. Yannakopulos, P.Z., ed., 1980, Eleven Experiences in Decentralization of Education Administration and Management of Local Resources, Paris, Unesco. Watt, J., 1989, 'Devolution of Power: The Ideological Meaning', Journal of Educational Administration, No. 27, pp. 19-21