2 - Food Policy: Managing Drought and the Environment in Botswana
Africa Development,
Vol. 23 No. 2 (1998): Africa Development
Le Botswana est un pays semi-aride, enclin à la sécheresse et enclavé. Il est aussi très pauvre en eau de surface et en potentiel agricole. Cependant, les perspectives sont excellentes pour ce qui est de sa production de viande bovine et de sa faune. Aussi, les politiques sociales relatives à l'agriculture et à la production alimentaire doiveņt-elles prendre en charge les besoins et aspirations du pays en tenant compte des contraintes naturelles et en faisant bonne mesure des préoccupations environnementales, socio- économiques et politiques conflictuelles. Souvent, l'homme, le cheptel et la faune, se disputent les maigres ressources disponibles. Le présent article examine donc la manière dont l'environnement au Botswana influe sur les politiques sociales, en s'attardant sur les politiques alimentaires et programmes connexes. Il lie la politique alimentaire aux phénomènes environnementaux, comme la sécheresse, qui la façonnent.
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- Bojo, J., Mater, K., and Unemo, L., 1991, Environment and Development: An Economie Approach, Dordretcht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Bowlby, S. R. and Mannion, A. M., 1992, 'Perspective and Prospect', in Mannion, A. M. and Bowlby, S. R. (eds), Environmental Issues in the 1990s, New York, John Wiley and Sons.
- Central Statistics Office (CSO), 1986, Country Profile, Government Printers, Gaborone.
- Chipasula, J., and Miti, K., 1989, · Botswana in Southern Africa, Delhi, Ajanta Publications.
- Cooke, H. J., 1983, Environmental Changes in Botswana, Gaborone, Kalahari Conservation Society.
- Duncan, T.; Jefferies, K. and Molutsi, P., 1994, Social Development in Botswana: A Retrospective Analysis, Report to Botswana Government and UNICEF, Gaborone.
- Fako, T. T., and Molamu, L., 1985, 'The Seven-Year Drought, Household Food Security and Vulnerable Groups in Botswana', Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 48-70.
- Government of Botswana, 1976, National Development Plan 4, 1976-1981, Gaborone, Government Printers.
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- Government of Botswana, 1990, Botswana National Policy on Natural Resource Conservation and Development, Government White Paper No. 1 of 1990, approved by parliament on 17/12/1990, Gaborone, Government Printer.
- Government of Botswana, 1991, National Development Plan 7, 1991-1997, Gaborone, Government Printers.
- Granberg, P. and Parkinson, J. R. (eds) 1988, Botswana Country Study nd Norwegian Aid Review, CHR, Michelsen Institut.
- Hoppers, W., 1986, After Training What? Youth Training and Self-Employment in Botswana and Zambia, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Morna, Colleen Lowe, 1989, 'Beyond the Drought', Africa Report, November December, pp. 30-33.
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- Manyeneng, W., N. Tunkaya and G. Maakwe (eds), Report of the Confcrence on Population and
- Development for Members of Parliament and House of Chiefs, Gaborone, Government Printer.
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- Reservoir: The Case of Bechuanaland', Botswana Notes and Records, 15, pp. 49-58.
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- Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 21-47.
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- Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 71-89.
- Osei-Hwedie, K., 1985, 'Povcrty and the Environment: Dimensions of Sustainable Dcvclopment Policy',
- Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 1-20.
- Osci-Hwcdic, K., Mufune, P., and Mwansa, L. K., 1995, Incorporating Gender in
- Food Security Policies in Botswana, London, Commonwealth Sccrctariat Ringrosc, S., and Mathcson,
- W., 1986, 'Dcscrtification in Botswana: Progress
- Towards a Viable Monitoring System', Desertification Control Bulletin
- (UNDP) 13, pp. 6-11.
- Selolwane, O. D.·,
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- Environmental Disaster of Conservation'?, Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2,
- pp. 90-117.
- Scragcldin, 1., 1993, 'Making Devclopment Sustainablc', Finance and Development, Dccembcr,
- pp. 6-10.
- Sigwclc, H., 1993, 'Food Self-Sufficiency Versus Food Security: Which Way Forward', Conference of
- the Botswana. Society on Botswana in the 21st Ccntury, Gaborone, Octobcr 18-20.
- Sigwelc, H., 1994, 'Food Self-Sufficiency Versus Security', in Suc Brothers, Janet Hermans and
- Doreen Ntcta (cds), Botswana in the 21st Century, Gaborone, The Botswana Society, pp. 279-300.
- Somolekac, Gloria, 1992, 'Rcconciling Sustainablc Devclopmcnt and Environmcntal Concerns in
- Botswana', in Ntcta, D. and Hennans, J. (cds), Sustainable Deve/opment, Gaborone, the Botswana
- Society.
- Soussan, J. G., 1992, 'Sustainable Devclopment', in Mannion, A. M. and Bowlby,
- S. R. (cds), Environmental Issues in the 1990s, New York, John Wilcy and Sons.
- Thicscnhausen, W., 1991, 'Implications of the Rural Land Tenure System for EnvironmentaJ Dcbatc:
- Threc Sccnarios', Journal of Developing Areas, 26, pp.1-24.
- UNDP, Government of Botswana/UNICEF, 1993, Children and Women in Botswana: A Situational Analysis,
- Gaborone.
- UNICEF, 1989, Chüdren, Women and Development in Botswana: A Situational Analysis, Gaborone, UNICEF.
- World Bank, 1989, Botswana Population Sector Review, Washington.
- Ycager, R., 1989, 'Democratic Pluralism and Ecological Crisis in Botswana', The Journal of
- Developing Areas, 23, pp. 385-404.
Bojo, J., Mater, K., and Unemo, L., 1991, Environment and Development: An Economie Approach, Dordretcht, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bowlby, S. R. and Mannion, A. M., 1992, 'Perspective and Prospect', in Mannion, A. M. and Bowlby, S. R. (eds), Environmental Issues in the 1990s, New York, John Wiley and Sons.
Central Statistics Office (CSO), 1986, Country Profile, Government Printers, Gaborone.
Chipasula, J., and Miti, K., 1989, · Botswana in Southern Africa, Delhi, Ajanta Publications.
Cooke, H. J., 1983, Environmental Changes in Botswana, Gaborone, Kalahari Conservation Society.
Duncan, T.; Jefferies, K. and Molutsi, P., 1994, Social Development in Botswana: A Retrospective Analysis, Report to Botswana Government and UNICEF, Gaborone.
Fako, T. T., and Molamu, L., 1985, 'The Seven-Year Drought, Household Food Security and Vulnerable Groups in Botswana', Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 48-70.
Government of Botswana, 1976, National Development Plan 4, 1976-1981, Gaborone, Government Printers.
Government of Botswana, 1985, National Development Plan 6, 1985-1991, Gaborone, Government Printers.
Government of Botswana, 1990, Botswana National Policy on Natural Resource Conservation and Development, Government White Paper No. 1 of 1990, approved by parliament on 17/12/1990, Gaborone, Government Printer.
Government of Botswana, 1991, National Development Plan 7, 1991-1997, Gaborone, Government Printers.
Granberg, P. and Parkinson, J. R. (eds) 1988, Botswana Country Study nd Norwegian Aid Review, CHR, Michelsen Institut.
Hoppers, W., 1986, After Training What? Youth Training and Self-Employment in Botswana and Zambia, London, Commonwealth Secretariat.
Morna, Colleen Lowe, 1989, 'Beyond the Drought', Africa Report, November December, pp. 30-33.
Motsemme, G. L., 1986, 'The Population Growth Factor in Food and Agricultural Production', in
Manyeneng, W., N. Tunkaya and G. Maakwe (eds), Report of the Confcrence on Population and
Development for Members of Parliament and House of Chiefs, Gaborone, Government Printer.
Mudzinganyama, N., 1983, 'Articulation of Modes of Production and the Dcvclopment of a Labour
Reservoir: The Case of Bechuanaland', Botswana Notes and Records, 15, pp. 49-58.
Mufune, P., 1995, 'Comparing Land Policy and Resource Dcgradation in Botswana and Zimbabwe', Pula:
Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No.2, pp. 21-47.
Mutanyatta, J., 1995, 'The Nccd to lnstitutionalisc Lifc-Long Environmental Education in Botswana',
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 71-89.
Osei-Hwedie, K., 1985, 'Povcrty and the Environment: Dimensions of Sustainable Dcvclopment Policy',
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 1-20.
Osci-Hwcdic, K., Mufune, P., and Mwansa, L. K., 1995, Incorporating Gender in
Food Security Policies in Botswana, London, Commonwealth Sccrctariat Ringrosc, S., and Mathcson,
W., 1986, 'Dcscrtification in Botswana: Progress
Towards a Viable Monitoring System', Desertification Control Bulletin
(UNDP) 13, pp. 6-11.
Selolwane, O. D.·,
, 'Fencing Botswana's Commonage: A Recipc for
Environmental Disaster of Conservation'?, Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2,
pp. 90-117.
Scragcldin, 1., 1993, 'Making Devclopment Sustainablc', Finance and Development, Dccembcr,
pp. 6-10.
Sigwclc, H., 1993, 'Food Self-Sufficiency Versus Food Security: Which Way Forward', Conference of
the Botswana. Society on Botswana in the 21st Ccntury, Gaborone, Octobcr 18-20.
Sigwelc, H., 1994, 'Food Self-Sufficiency Versus Security', in Suc Brothers, Janet Hermans and
Doreen Ntcta (cds), Botswana in the 21st Century, Gaborone, The Botswana Society, pp. 279-300.
Somolekac, Gloria, 1992, 'Rcconciling Sustainablc Devclopmcnt and Environmcntal Concerns in
Botswana', in Ntcta, D. and Hennans, J. (cds), Sustainable Deve/opment, Gaborone, the Botswana
Soussan, J. G., 1992, 'Sustainable Devclopment', in Mannion, A. M. and Bowlby,
S. R. (cds), Environmental Issues in the 1990s, New York, John Wilcy and Sons.
Thicscnhausen, W., 1991, 'Implications of the Rural Land Tenure System for EnvironmentaJ Dcbatc:
Threc Sccnarios', Journal of Developing Areas, 26, pp.1-24.
UNDP, Government of Botswana/UNICEF, 1993, Children and Women in Botswana: A Situational Analysis,
UNICEF, 1989, Chüdren, Women and Development in Botswana: A Situational Analysis, Gaborone, UNICEF.
World Bank, 1989, Botswana Population Sector Review, Washington.
Ycager, R., 1989, 'Democratic Pluralism and Ecological Crisis in Botswana', The Journal of
Developing Areas, 23, pp. 385-404.