8 - Evolution of Zimbabwe’s Maize Innovation Ecosystems: Building an Institutional Innovation Infrastructure that Supports Food Security
Africa Development,
Vol. 47 No. 3 (2022): Africa Development: Special Issue on Agrarian Change, Food Security, Migration and Sustainable Development in Senegal and Zimbabwe
This article focuses on some of the historical innovation institutional infrastructures in Zimbabwe that supported the genesis of a vibrant maize sector, and analyses institutions for technology, policy, skills, knowledge development and attendant financing mechanisms. We discuss the country’s maize innovation ecosystems, focusing on the technological capabilities in breeding and extension services, the architecture of financial institutions to support agriculture, and bridging institutions that supported technology adoption and innovation diffusion. In the process, we highlight elements of co-evolution, co-specialisation, collaboration and linkages amongst innovation communities for maize over a period spanning the pre- and post-independence eras. Our discussion covers the uneven colonial institutional, technological and financial support availed to white commercial farmers and how the shift in focus of government policy and support post-independence, resulted in the centre of gravity shifting to communal farmers, who now contribute the bulk of maize production. We discuss the critical roles played by Agritex (a technology broker and accelerator) and a state procurement agent (the Grain Marketing Board) as a market creator and signalling tool, as well as how specialised agriculture financing by state and commercial banks supported the rise of maize as a food security crop. Our key argument is that there were focused knowledge and technology flows between government research institutions, the private sector and others, such as the Seed Maize Association, which was involved in seed multiplication and marketing to the white commercial farmers pre-independence. This relationship shifted after independence in order to support small-scale commercial farmers, who were mainly black farmers.
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- Alumira, J., and Rusike, J., 2005, The Green Revolution in Zimbabwe, The Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Vol. 2, pp. 50–66.
- Ayele, S., Duncan, A., Larbi, A. and Khanh, T. T., 2012, Enhancing innovation in livestock value chains through networks: Lessons from fodder innovation case studies in developing countries, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 333–346, https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scs022, https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scs022 Banda, G., 2013, Finance as a ‘forgotten technological capability’ for promoting African local pharmaceutical manufacture, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.117–35, http://oro.open.ac.uk/38594/Burchi, F., Fanzo, J., and Frison, E., 2011, The Role of Food and Nutrition System Approaches in Tackling Hidden Hunger, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 8, pp. 358–73. DOI:10.3390/ijerph8020358.
- Byerlee, D., and Eicher, C., eds, 1997, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution, Boulder,CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Byerlee, D., and Heisey, P. W., 1997, Evolution of the African Maize Economy, in Byerlee, D. and Eicher, C. K., eds, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Charlton, K., 2016, Food Security, Food Systems and Food Sovereignty in the 21st Century: A New Paradigm Required to Meet Sustainable Development Goals, Nutrition & Dietetics, Vol. 73, pp. 3–12, DOI: 10.1111/1747-0080.12264 Chataway, J., Banda, G., Cochrane, G. and Manville, C., 2016, Innovative Procurement for Health and Industrial Development, in Mackintosh, M., Banda, G., Tibandebage, P. and Wamae, W., eds, 2016, Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrialising for Local Health, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-137-54647-0 Chimedza, R., 2006, Rural Financial Markets: Historical Overview 1924–1991, in Rukuni, M., Tawonezvi, P., and Eicher, C., eds, Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution Revisited, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp. 321–338.
- Eicher, C. K., and Kupfuma, B., 1997, Zimbabwe’s Emerging Maize Revolution, in Byerlee, D. and Eicher, C. K., eds, 1997, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution,Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Friis-Hansen, E., 1995, Seeds for African Peasants: Peasants’ needs and agricultural research – the case of Zimbabwe, Uppsala and Copenhagen: The Nordic Institute and Centre for Development Research.
- Banda: Zimbabwe’s Maize Innovation Ecosystems Evolution 193
- Gobble, M. M., 2014, Charting the Innovation Ecosystem, Research Technology Management, DOI: 10.5437/08956398X5704005.
- Granstrand, O., and Holgersson, M., 2020, Innovation Ecosystems: A Conceptual Review And A New Definition, Technovation, Vols. 90–91, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.technovation.2019.102098
- Grant, W., Wolfaardt, A. and Louw, A., 2012, Maize Value Chain in the SADC Region, Technical Report for USAID/Southern Africa, https://saiia.org.za/wp- content/uploads/2016/06/001-Maize-Value-Chain-in-the-SADC-Region.pdf Hanyani-Mlambo, B. T., 2002, Strengthening the Pluralistic Agricultural Extension System: A Zimbabwean Case Study, Harare: Agricultural Research Council (ARC), http://www.fao.org/3/ac913e/ac913e00.htm#Contents Accessed 25 June 2020. Helmsing, A. H. J., 1990, Industrialization in Zimbabwe: A non-replicable model? Africa Focus, Vol. 6, pp. 267–282.
- Herbst, J., 1990, State Politics in Zimbabwe, Berkeley: University of California Press, https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520337947 Kassie, G. T., Abdukai, A., Greene, W. H., Shiferaw, B., Abate, T., Tarekegne, A. and Sutcliffe, C., 2017, Modeling Preference and Willingness to Pay for Drought Tolerance (DT) in Maize in Rural Zimbabwe, World Development, Vol. 94, pp. 465–477.
- Klerkx, L., Van Mierlo, B., and Leeuwis, C., 2012, Evolution of Systems Approaches to Agricultural Innovation, in Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D. and Dedieu, B., eds, Farming Systems Research Into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 457–483, https://link.springer.com/ chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4503-2_20 Masters, W., 1994, Government and Agriculture in Zimbabwe, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
- Mercan, B., and Goktas, D., 2011 Components of Innovation Ecosystems: A Cross-Country Study, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 76, pp 102–112.
- Minde, I. J., Mazvimavi, K., Murendo. C. and Ndlovu, V., 2010, Supply and demand trends for fertilizer in Zimbabwe, 1930 to date: Key drivers and lessons learnt, Contributed paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural
- Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, 19-23 September, Cape Town. https:// ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/96179/ Accessed 1 July 2020.
- Oh, D., Phillips, F., Park, S., and Lee, E., 2016, Innovation Ecosystems: A Critical Examination, Technovation, Vol. 54. DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2016.02.004. Pandey, I. M. and Ramnarayan, S., 1994, Agricultural Finance Corporation, Zimbabwe, Vikalpa, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 47–61, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0256090919940206 Accessed 3 July 2020.
- Pangeti, E. S., 2000, The Economy Under Siege: Sanctions and the Manufacturing Sector, 1965–1979, in Mlambo, A. S., Pangeti, E. S. and Phimister, I., eds, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890–1995, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
- Africa Development, Volume XLVII, No. 3, 2022
- Papaioannou, T., Wield, D., and Chataway, J., 2009, Knowledge Ecologies and Ecosystems? An Empirically Grounded Reflection on Recent Developments in Innovation Systems Theory, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 319–339, https://doi.org/10.1068/c0832 Phimister, I., 1988, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, 1890–1948. London: Longman.
- Phimister, I., 2000, The Origins and Development of Manufacturing in Southern Rhodesia, 1894–1939, in Mlambo, A. S., Pangeti, E. S. and Phimister, I., eds, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890–1995, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
- Poulton, C., Rob Davies, R., Matsheb, I., and Ureya, I., 2002, A review of Zimbabwe’s agricultural economic policies: 1980–2000, Imperial College Wye ADU Working Paper 02/01, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College at Wye, and Department of Economics, University of Zimbabwe.
- Rabelo, R. J., and Bernus P., 2015, A Holistic Model of Building Innovation Ecosystems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 2250–2257.
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- Ritala, P., and Almpanopoulou, A., 2017, In defense of ‘eco’ in innovation ecosystem,Technovation, Vols. 60–61, pp 39–42.
- Rhodesian Farmer, 1970, A look at the proposed Agricultural Finance Corporation. Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe, http://www.cfuzim.com/2018/05/04/ a-look-at-the-proposed-agricultural-finance-corporation/ Accessed 3 July 2020.
- Rogers, E., 1962, Diffusion of Innovations, 1st ed., New York: Free Press. Rogers, E. M., 1983, Diffusion of Innovations, New York: Free Press.
- Roseboom, J., Pardey, P., Beintema, N. and Mudimu, G., 1995, Statistical brief on the national agricultural research system of Zimbabwe, Statistical Brief No. 20, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR).
- Rukuni, M., 1994, The Evolution of Agricultural Policy: 1890–1990, in Rukuni, M. and Eicher, C., Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution., Gweru: University of Zimbabwe Publications Office.
- Rusike, J., 1995, An institutional analysis of the maize seed industry in southern Africa, unpublished PhD dissertation, Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural Economics.
- Rusike, J., Reardon, T. R., Howard, J. and Kelly, V., 1997, Developing Cereal- based Demand for Fertilizer Among Smallholders in Southern Africa: Lessons Learned and Implications for Other African Regions, Policy Synthesis No. 30, Food Security Project, Michigan State University, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c5c0/805408439a55bc0afcd4fb288329607ae491.pdf?_ ga=2.86605723.2017288966.1593704550-221851164.1593704550 Accessed1 July 2020.
- Banda: Zimbabwe’s Maize Innovation Ecosystems Evolution 195
- Spielman, D., and Birner, R., 2008, How innovative is your agriculture? Using innovation indicators and benchmarks to strengthen national agricultural innovation system, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 41, Washington, DC: World Bank, https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documentsreports/documentdetail/696461468316131075/how-innovative-is-your-agriculture-using-innovation-indicators-and-benchmarks-to strengthen-national-agricultural-innovation-systems Accessed 1 July 2020.
- Takavarasha, T., 1995, Small-holder Agricultural Development in Zimbabwe With Particular Reference To The Fertiliser Industry, FSSA Journal, http://www. fertasa.co.za/wpcontent/uploads/2017/03/Takavarasha-Smallholder_agric_ dev_Zimbabwe-fertiliser_industry.pdf Accessed 1 July 2020.
- Tattersfield, R., and Hovazvidi, E., 1994, The development of the seed industry, in Rukuni, M. and Eicher, C., eds, Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
- UNESCO, 2014, Mapping Research and Innovation in the Republic of Zimbabwe, in Lemarchand, G. A. and Schneegans, S., eds, GOSPIN Country Profiles in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Vol. 2, Paris: UNESCO.
- Wang, P., 2009, An integrative framework for understanding the innovation ecosystem, Conference on Advancing the Study of Innovation and Globalization in Organizations, 15 March, Nuremberg.
- Wild, V., 1992, An Outline of African Business History in Colonial Zimbabwe, Zambezia, Vol. XIX, No. i, pp. 19–45.
- Yin, K. Y., 2003, Case Study Research Design and Methods, London, UK: Sage Publications.
- Zerbe, N., 2001, Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Despair: Towards a Political Economy of the Seed Industry in Southern Africa, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.657–673, www.jstor.org/stable/3993361, Accessed 8 June 2020.
Alumira, J., and Rusike, J., 2005, The Green Revolution in Zimbabwe, The Electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics, Vol. 2, pp. 50–66.
Ayele, S., Duncan, A., Larbi, A. and Khanh, T. T., 2012, Enhancing innovation in livestock value chains through networks: Lessons from fodder innovation case studies in developing countries, Science and Public Policy, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 333–346, https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scs022, https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scs022 Banda, G., 2013, Finance as a ‘forgotten technological capability’ for promoting African local pharmaceutical manufacture, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.117–35, http://oro.open.ac.uk/38594/Burchi, F., Fanzo, J., and Frison, E., 2011, The Role of Food and Nutrition System Approaches in Tackling Hidden Hunger, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 8, pp. 358–73. DOI:10.3390/ijerph8020358.
Byerlee, D., and Eicher, C., eds, 1997, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution, Boulder,CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Byerlee, D., and Heisey, P. W., 1997, Evolution of the African Maize Economy, in Byerlee, D. and Eicher, C. K., eds, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Charlton, K., 2016, Food Security, Food Systems and Food Sovereignty in the 21st Century: A New Paradigm Required to Meet Sustainable Development Goals, Nutrition & Dietetics, Vol. 73, pp. 3–12, DOI: 10.1111/1747-0080.12264 Chataway, J., Banda, G., Cochrane, G. and Manville, C., 2016, Innovative Procurement for Health and Industrial Development, in Mackintosh, M., Banda, G., Tibandebage, P. and Wamae, W., eds, 2016, Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrialising for Local Health, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-137-54647-0 Chimedza, R., 2006, Rural Financial Markets: Historical Overview 1924–1991, in Rukuni, M., Tawonezvi, P., and Eicher, C., eds, Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution Revisited, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications, pp. 321–338.
Eicher, C. K., and Kupfuma, B., 1997, Zimbabwe’s Emerging Maize Revolution, in Byerlee, D. and Eicher, C. K., eds, 1997, Africa’s Emerging Maize Revolution,Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Friis-Hansen, E., 1995, Seeds for African Peasants: Peasants’ needs and agricultural research – the case of Zimbabwe, Uppsala and Copenhagen: The Nordic Institute and Centre for Development Research.
Banda: Zimbabwe’s Maize Innovation Ecosystems Evolution 193
Gobble, M. M., 2014, Charting the Innovation Ecosystem, Research Technology Management, DOI: 10.5437/08956398X5704005.
Granstrand, O., and Holgersson, M., 2020, Innovation Ecosystems: A Conceptual Review And A New Definition, Technovation, Vols. 90–91, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.technovation.2019.102098
Grant, W., Wolfaardt, A. and Louw, A., 2012, Maize Value Chain in the SADC Region, Technical Report for USAID/Southern Africa, https://saiia.org.za/wp- content/uploads/2016/06/001-Maize-Value-Chain-in-the-SADC-Region.pdf Hanyani-Mlambo, B. T., 2002, Strengthening the Pluralistic Agricultural Extension System: A Zimbabwean Case Study, Harare: Agricultural Research Council (ARC), http://www.fao.org/3/ac913e/ac913e00.htm#Contents Accessed 25 June 2020. Helmsing, A. H. J., 1990, Industrialization in Zimbabwe: A non-replicable model? Africa Focus, Vol. 6, pp. 267–282.
Herbst, J., 1990, State Politics in Zimbabwe, Berkeley: University of California Press, https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520337947 Kassie, G. T., Abdukai, A., Greene, W. H., Shiferaw, B., Abate, T., Tarekegne, A. and Sutcliffe, C., 2017, Modeling Preference and Willingness to Pay for Drought Tolerance (DT) in Maize in Rural Zimbabwe, World Development, Vol. 94, pp. 465–477.
Klerkx, L., Van Mierlo, B., and Leeuwis, C., 2012, Evolution of Systems Approaches to Agricultural Innovation, in Darnhofer, I., Gibbon, D. and Dedieu, B., eds, Farming Systems Research Into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 457–483, https://link.springer.com/ chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-4503-2_20 Masters, W., 1994, Government and Agriculture in Zimbabwe, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Mercan, B., and Goktas, D., 2011 Components of Innovation Ecosystems: A Cross-Country Study, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 76, pp 102–112.
Minde, I. J., Mazvimavi, K., Murendo. C. and Ndlovu, V., 2010, Supply and demand trends for fertilizer in Zimbabwe, 1930 to date: Key drivers and lessons learnt, Contributed paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural
Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, 19-23 September, Cape Town. https:// ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/96179/ Accessed 1 July 2020.
Oh, D., Phillips, F., Park, S., and Lee, E., 2016, Innovation Ecosystems: A Critical Examination, Technovation, Vol. 54. DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2016.02.004. Pandey, I. M. and Ramnarayan, S., 1994, Agricultural Finance Corporation, Zimbabwe, Vikalpa, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 47–61, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0256090919940206 Accessed 3 July 2020.
Pangeti, E. S., 2000, The Economy Under Siege: Sanctions and the Manufacturing Sector, 1965–1979, in Mlambo, A. S., Pangeti, E. S. and Phimister, I., eds, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890–1995, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
Africa Development, Volume XLVII, No. 3, 2022
Papaioannou, T., Wield, D., and Chataway, J., 2009, Knowledge Ecologies and Ecosystems? An Empirically Grounded Reflection on Recent Developments in Innovation Systems Theory, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 319–339, https://doi.org/10.1068/c0832 Phimister, I., 1988, An Economic and Social History of Zimbabwe, 1890–1948. London: Longman.
Phimister, I., 2000, The Origins and Development of Manufacturing in Southern Rhodesia, 1894–1939, in Mlambo, A. S., Pangeti, E. S. and Phimister, I., eds, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890–1995, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
Poulton, C., Rob Davies, R., Matsheb, I., and Ureya, I., 2002, A review of Zimbabwe’s agricultural economic policies: 1980–2000, Imperial College Wye ADU Working Paper 02/01, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College at Wye, and Department of Economics, University of Zimbabwe.
Rabelo, R. J., and Bernus P., 2015, A Holistic Model of Building Innovation Ecosystems, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 2250–2257.
Riddell, R., 1988, Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Country Case Study – Zimbabwe, London, UK: Overseas Development Institute.
Riddell, R., 1990, Manufacturing Africa: Performance And Prospects Of Seven Countries In Sub-Saharan Africa, London, UK: James Currey.
Ritala, P., and Almpanopoulou, A., 2017, In defense of ‘eco’ in innovation ecosystem,Technovation, Vols. 60–61, pp 39–42.
Rhodesian Farmer, 1970, A look at the proposed Agricultural Finance Corporation. Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe, http://www.cfuzim.com/2018/05/04/ a-look-at-the-proposed-agricultural-finance-corporation/ Accessed 3 July 2020.
Rogers, E., 1962, Diffusion of Innovations, 1st ed., New York: Free Press. Rogers, E. M., 1983, Diffusion of Innovations, New York: Free Press.
Roseboom, J., Pardey, P., Beintema, N. and Mudimu, G., 1995, Statistical brief on the national agricultural research system of Zimbabwe, Statistical Brief No. 20, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR).
Rukuni, M., 1994, The Evolution of Agricultural Policy: 1890–1990, in Rukuni, M. and Eicher, C., Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution., Gweru: University of Zimbabwe Publications Office.
Rusike, J., 1995, An institutional analysis of the maize seed industry in southern Africa, unpublished PhD dissertation, Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Rusike, J., Reardon, T. R., Howard, J. and Kelly, V., 1997, Developing Cereal- based Demand for Fertilizer Among Smallholders in Southern Africa: Lessons Learned and Implications for Other African Regions, Policy Synthesis No. 30, Food Security Project, Michigan State University, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c5c0/805408439a55bc0afcd4fb288329607ae491.pdf?_ ga=2.86605723.2017288966.1593704550-221851164.1593704550 Accessed1 July 2020.
Banda: Zimbabwe’s Maize Innovation Ecosystems Evolution 195
Spielman, D., and Birner, R., 2008, How innovative is your agriculture? Using innovation indicators and benchmarks to strengthen national agricultural innovation system, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper 41, Washington, DC: World Bank, https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documentsreports/documentdetail/696461468316131075/how-innovative-is-your-agriculture-using-innovation-indicators-and-benchmarks-to strengthen-national-agricultural-innovation-systems Accessed 1 July 2020.
Takavarasha, T., 1995, Small-holder Agricultural Development in Zimbabwe With Particular Reference To The Fertiliser Industry, FSSA Journal, http://www. fertasa.co.za/wpcontent/uploads/2017/03/Takavarasha-Smallholder_agric_ dev_Zimbabwe-fertiliser_industry.pdf Accessed 1 July 2020.
Tattersfield, R., and Hovazvidi, E., 1994, The development of the seed industry, in Rukuni, M. and Eicher, C., eds, Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Revolution, Harare: University of Zimbabwe Press.
UNESCO, 2014, Mapping Research and Innovation in the Republic of Zimbabwe, in Lemarchand, G. A. and Schneegans, S., eds, GOSPIN Country Profiles in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Vol. 2, Paris: UNESCO.
Wang, P., 2009, An integrative framework for understanding the innovation ecosystem, Conference on Advancing the Study of Innovation and Globalization in Organizations, 15 March, Nuremberg.
Wild, V., 1992, An Outline of African Business History in Colonial Zimbabwe, Zambezia, Vol. XIX, No. i, pp. 19–45.
Yin, K. Y., 2003, Case Study Research Design and Methods, London, UK: Sage Publications.
Zerbe, N., 2001, Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Despair: Towards a Political Economy of the Seed Industry in Southern Africa, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.657–673, www.jstor.org/stable/3993361, Accessed 8 June 2020.