7 - The Role of the Family, Kinship and Rural / Urban Migration in the Processing of Solid Waste in Cairo
Corresponding Author(s) : Shérif Mahmoud Ef-Hakim
Africa Development,
Vol. 2 No. 2 (1977): Africa Development
This paper (I) is directed mainly at issues seldom discussed sociologists but which are current in the recent concern for environment and the formation of social policy strategies. Quite unlike the cities of Europe and North America, Cairo no publicly organised solid waste disposal system. Instead, little cost to the public, the waste from the dwellings of the million people of Cairo is almost entirely digested within the city This paper describes how such economic and ecolqgical efficiency is achieved trough kinship solidarity, migration and cross-relations. In cooperation with a community of migrants originally from the Western Desert ; squatter communities systematically the urban domestic waste into marketable components and raise A steady influx of new migrants absorbs the increasing volume waste due to the expanding city and replaces retiring vertically old migrants. Development strategies and the issue of the costs of the system is discussed in the final section
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- El-Hakim, S. M., and Markoff, J., c Solid Waste Aa::wnulation in Residential Neigh hoods as a
- Socio-Political Process >. A paper presented to the IX lntema1i,mal Congress
- l>or
- of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, U.S.A. August 28, 1973. Now forth coming in
- Aschenbrenner, J., and Collins, L. (cds.) The Proce:ues of Urbanùrfl : a Mlllti disciplinary
- Approach, The Hage : Mouton, 1977.
- Muhich, A. J., KJee, A. J., and Britton, P. W., Pr 1iminary Data A1aaly,;, : t9tll Na rional
- Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices, U.S. Department of Hc.alth, Education ind Welfare,
- Public Heahh Service Publication No. 1867, 1968.
- Michaels, A., c Wbat Good Incineration Means, Part I : History >, ..tmericon Cuy,
- B (5) : 83-86, May 1968.
El-Hakim, S. M., and Markoff, J., c Solid Waste Aa::wnulation in Residential Neigh hoods as a
Socio-Political Process >. A paper presented to the IX lntema1i,mal Congress
of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, U.S.A. August 28, 1973. Now forth coming in
Aschenbrenner, J., and Collins, L. (cds.) The Proce:ues of Urbanùrfl : a Mlllti disciplinary
Approach, The Hage : Mouton, 1977.
Muhich, A. J., KJee, A. J., and Britton, P. W., Pr 1iminary Data A1aaly,;, : t9tll Na rional
Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices, U.S. Department of Hc.alth, Education ind Welfare,
Public Heahh Service Publication No. 1867, 1968.
Michaels, A., c Wbat Good Incineration Means, Part I : History >, ..tmericon Cuy,
B (5) : 83-86, May 1968.