6 - The Airport Geography of Power as Site and Limit of NEPAD’s Transnational African Assemblage
Corresponding Author(s) : Kgomotso Michael Masemola
Africa Development,
Vol. 43 No. 3 (2018): Africa Development
This article mobilises the Deleuzian analytical category of ‘assemblage’ to distinctly bring to view how racial profiling in South African airport spaces operationalises a paradoxical discourse of invidious visibility and invisibility that flies in the face of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) as articulated in the vision embraced by the member states of the African Union, of which South Africa is part. The said discourse, this article argues, runs counter to the spirit of NEPAD as it becomes an inscribing socius in a territorial machine that is geared towards not only processing entries and exits of African migrants into the airport. It recolonises the African airport into a zone of exception, reterritorialising the African assemblage into a space definable by the particularities of race and nation. The airport becomes a veritable zone of exception: no recognition of movement rights for African migrants despite proclamations of priorities of regional integration in Africa. Over South African airports now hover signature meta-narratives that are at variance with NEPAD. Nothing exemplified this more than the unfair detention of Wole Soyinka in a South African airport, especially because the Nobel Laureate was officially invited to give an address in honour of Nelson Mandela.
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Jameson, F., 2003, ‘The end of temporality’, Critical Inquiry 29 (4): 695–718.
Jenkins, M., 1980, The Study of Terrorism: Definitional Problems, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Mandela, Nelson R., 1994, Long Walk to Freedom, Randburg: Macdonald Purnell.
Masemola, M.K. & Chaka, P.M., 2011, ‘(T)races of terrorism beyond ports of entry: a retrospective assessment of the limits of profiling in the regulation of airport passenger traffic during the 2010 FIFA World Cup’, Social Dynamics, 37(1): 178-192.
Masemola, M.K., 2014, ‘The Complicated Memory of Obama’s Middle Ground Rhetoric: The Silent Return of ‘Race’ in the aftermath of Treyvon Martin’s Shooting in the USA’, African Journal of Rhetoric 6: 53-72.
Mayaki, I.A., 2011, ‘Interview with Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD agency’, Trade Negotiations Insights 7 (10): 4–7.
Menkiti, I.A., 1984, ‘Person and Community in African Traditional Thought’, In African Philosophy: An Introduction, edited by Wright, Richard, 171-82. . Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Meyer, W., 2010, ‘Boland Arms Cache Found’, Cape Times, 17 April.
Miller, J., Gounev, P., Pap, A.L., Wagman, D., Balogi, A, Bezlov, T., Bori Simonovits, B. and Vargha L., 2008, ‘Racism and police stops: adapting US and British debates to continental Europe’, European Journal of Criminology 5: 161–89.
Müller, F, van Zoonen, L and de Roode, L., 2007, ‘Accidental racists: experiences and contradictions of racism in local Amsterdam soccer fan culture’, Soccer and Society 8 (2/3): 335–50.
Seekings, J., 2008, ‘The continuing salience of race: discrimination and diversity in South Africa’, Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26 (1): 1–25.
Steyn, M., 2005, ‘White Talk’: White South Africans and the Management of Diasporic Whiteness’, in A.J. Lopez, ed., Postcolonial Whiteness: A Critical Reader on Race and Empire, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Viscusi, W.K. and Zeckhauer, R.J., 2003, ‘Sacrificing civil liberties to reduce terrorism risks’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 6: 99–120.
Vito, G.M. and Holmes, R.M., 1994, Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
White, J.R., 1991, Terrorism: An Introduction, California: Brooks Publishing. Wilkinson, P., 1994, ‘Terrorism’, in Michael Foley, ed. Ideas that Shape Politics, Manchester: Manchester University Press.