5 - Development of Human Capital for Industrialisation: Drawing on the Experiences of Best Performers
Corresponding Author(s) : Theresa Moyo
Africa Development,
Vol. 43 No. 2 (2018): Africa Development
The experience of most industrialised countries indicate that part of their success was achieved through massive investment in developing human capacity, with particular focus on technical skills that are relevant for industry. Although Africa has a clear agenda to achieve the goal of an inclusive and transformative industrialisation, it has not been very successful in building the requisite skills base. To achieve its industrialisation goal as laid out in Agenda 2063, the Action Plan for the Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, a more transformative approach to human capacity development must be a top priority. The continent can also draw lessons from high performers in industrialisation such as Germany, Singapore, Japan and the Republic of Korea. The article therefore examines the strategies that such countries have implemented to achieve success. It draws from the work of Friedrich List which argues that mental power or accumulation of knowledge and experience is the main element of productive power and industrialisation. A qualitative research methodology is applied.
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Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), 2012, Vocational Education and Training. A position paper 8, Berlin: BMZ.
Cloete, N., Maassen, P. and Bailey, T., 2015, Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education. Higher Education Dynamics Series Vol. 1, Cape Town: African Minds.
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Effiom, L. and Udah, E.B., 2014, ‘Industrialization and economic development’, in ‘A Milieu: Lessons for Nigeria’, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 4 (11): 1772–84.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, available at https://www.bmbf.de/en/the- german-vocational-training-system-2129.html, accessed 12 April 2018.
Freeman, C., 1995, ‘The “National System of Innovation” in historical perspective’, Cambridge Journal of Economics 19: 5–24.
Friedrich list. Wp03/2015/de, available at Pascal.iseg.utl.pt/~depeco/wp/wp032015.pdf, accessed on 10 March 2018.
Hanusheck, E.A. The Economic Value of Education and Cognitive Skills. Available at https://hanushek.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/publications/Hanushek%20 2009%20HndbEducPolicyResearch.pdf, Accessed on 27 November 2018.
Hippach-Schneider, U., Schneider,V., Ménard, B. and Tritscher-Archan, S., 2017, ‘The underestimated relevance and value of vocational education in tertiary education – making the invisible visible’, Journal of Vocational Education & Training 69 (1): 28–46.
International Labour Office, 2011, A Skilled Workforce for Strong Sustainable and Balanced Growth. A G 20 Training Strategy, ILO.
Ibata-Arens, K.C., 2012, ‘Race to the future: innovations in gifted and enrichment education in Asia, and implications for the United States’, Administrative Sciences 2: 1–25.
Kuruvilla, S., Erickson, C. and Hwang, A., 2002, ‘An assessment of the Singapore skills development system: does it constitute a viable model for other developing nations?’, World Development 30: 1461–76.
Ministry of Communication and Information, Singapore The Singapore Smart Industry Readiness Index: Catalysing the transformation of manufacturing. Available at https://www.gov.sg/~/sgpcmedia/media_releases/edb/press_ release/P-20171113-1/attachment/The%20Singapore%20Smart%20Industry%20Readiness%20Index%20-%20Whitepaper_final.pdf, accessed 27 November 2018.
Ministry of Economics, Trade, and Industry (or MEXT), available at www.mext.go.jp/en/policy/education/highered/title02/detail02/.../1373900.htm, accessed 16 April 2018.
Open Government Asia, 2018, Available at https://www.opengovasia.com/articles/singapore-edb-to-fund-300-facilitated-smart-industry-readiness-index- assessments, accessed 14 April 2018.
Osman-Gani, A.M., 2004, ‘Human capital development in Singapore: an analysis of national policy perspectives’, Advances in Developing Human Resources 6 (3) 276–87. Romer, P., 1990, ‘Endogenous technological change’, Journal of Political Economy
(5) Part 2: 71–102.
Salazar-Xirinachs, J.M., Nübler, I. and Kozul-Wright, R., 2014, ‘Industrial policy, productive transformation and jobs: theory, history and practice’, in International Labour Organisation (ILO) Transforming Economies. Making industrial Policy Work for Growth, Jobs and Development, Geneva: International Labour Organization.
Squicciarini, M.P. and Voigtländer, N., forthcoming, ‘Human capital and industrialization: evidence from the Age of Enlightenment’, Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Sumida, M., 2013, ‘Emerging trends in Japan in education of the gifted: a focus on science education’, 36 (3) 277–89.
Tan, C., Koh, K. and Choy, W., 2016, ‘The Education System in Singapore’, in S. Juszczyk, ed., The Education System in Singapore: Asian Education Systems, Toruñ: Adam Marszalek Publishing House.
Times Higher Education (THE), 2018, World University Rankings 2018.
Times Higher Education (THE) Japan University Rankings, available at https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/times-higher-education-japan-university-rankings-2017-results, accessed 17 April 2018.
Tsukamoto, K, 2016, Australian Government. Department of Education and Training. Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Japan, March.
Tsuneyoshi, R., 2018, ‘Des modèles de scolarisation à l’ère mondiale : le cas du Japon’, Available at https://journals.openedition.org/ries/3899, Accessed 30 April 2018. Yoshida, K., 2010, ‘Skills and technological development in the early stage of industrialization: implications from Japanese experiences in the Meiji era’, Journal of International Cooperation in Education 13 (2): 31–47.
UNIDO (2015). Industrial Development Report 2016. Vienna: UNIDO. UNIDO (2017) Competitive Industrial Performance Report 2016. Vol 1. Vienna. UNIDO.
UNIDO, 2016, Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries. Boosting growth, creating jobs, promoting inclusiveness and sustainability. A Report to the G20 Development Working Group.
World Economic Forum (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What it means, how to respond. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ 28 November 2018 World Bank, 2014, Improving the Quality of Engineering Education and Training in Africa.