8 - ‘Boko Haram is Losing, But so is Food Production’: Conflict and Food Insecurity in Nigeria and Cameroon
Corresponding Author(s) : Henry Kam Kah
Africa Development,
Vol. 42 No. 3 (2017): Africa Development: Special Issue on Security Regimes in Africa – Prospects and Challenges
This article examines the chronic food insecurity in parts of Nigeria and Cameroon as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency. This insurgency became active in 2009 and has decimated whole communities, destroyed food crops, killed cattle and forced farmers to flee to protective camps. Many now rely on food aid from international organizations. As Nigeria and its neighbours try to contain the insurgents, a bigger problem has been created or further compounded: that of food insecurity, which has ramifications beyond national borders. Markets have been closed and custom duties have dwindled. This article assesses the ongoing situation.
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- ACAPS, 2014, Briefing Note, Nigeria: Boko Haram Insurgency.
- ACAPS, 2015, Briefing Note, Cameroon: Displacement in the Far North, 1 June.
- Agbu, O., 2004, Ethnic Militias and the Threat to Democracy in Post-Transition Nigeria, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Research Report No 127.
- Akepe, L.E. and Johnson-Rokosu, S.F., 2016, ‘Terrorism Financing: The Socio-Economic and Political Implications of Boko Haram Insurgency in Lake Chad Basin’, Academic Journal of Economic Studies 2 (1): 25–41.
- Allen, F. and Okeke-Uzodike, U. 2010, ‘Oil, Politics, and Conflict in the Niger Delta: A Non-killing Analysis’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 3 (2): 32–42.
- Alozieuwa, S.H.O., 2010, ‘Beyond the Ethno-religious Theory of the Jos Conflict’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 3 (2): 18–31.
- Amungwa, A.F., 2011, ‘The Evolution of Conflicts Related to Natural Resource Management in Cameroon’, Journal of Human Ecology 35 (1): 53–60.
- Awodola, B. and Oboshi, A., 2015, ‘Terrorism in Northern Nigeria: A Threat to Food Security in Maiduguri’, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (3): 11–17.
- Ayai, C.O., 2009, ‘Causes of the Northern Uganda Armed Conflict: A Probit Analysis’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 2 (2): 72–85.
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- Bere, M., 2011, ‘Managing Intra-State Conflicts: Promises and Failures of Peace Agreements in Côte d’Ivoire’, Africa Conflict and Peace Journal 4 (2): 17–28.
- Blanton, R.T., Mason, D. and Athow, B., 2001, ‘Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict in Africa’, Journal of Peace Research 38 (4): 473–91.
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- Yengoh, G.T., Armah, F.A. and Onumah, E.E., 2010, ‘Paths to Attaining Food Security: The Case of Cameroon’, Challenges 1: 5–26.
Adejumobi, S., 2001, ‘Citizenship, Rights and the Problem of Internal Conflicts and Civil Wars in Africa’, African Journal of Political Science 6 (2): 77–96.
ACAPS, 2014, Briefing Note, Nigeria: Boko Haram Insurgency.
ACAPS, 2015, Briefing Note, Cameroon: Displacement in the Far North, 1 June.
Agbu, O., 2004, Ethnic Militias and the Threat to Democracy in Post-Transition Nigeria, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Research Report No 127.
Akepe, L.E. and Johnson-Rokosu, S.F., 2016, ‘Terrorism Financing: The Socio-Economic and Political Implications of Boko Haram Insurgency in Lake Chad Basin’, Academic Journal of Economic Studies 2 (1): 25–41.
Allen, F. and Okeke-Uzodike, U. 2010, ‘Oil, Politics, and Conflict in the Niger Delta: A Non-killing Analysis’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 3 (2): 32–42.
Alozieuwa, S.H.O., 2010, ‘Beyond the Ethno-religious Theory of the Jos Conflict’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 3 (2): 18–31.
Amungwa, A.F., 2011, ‘The Evolution of Conflicts Related to Natural Resource Management in Cameroon’, Journal of Human Ecology 35 (1): 53–60.
Awodola, B. and Oboshi, A., 2015, ‘Terrorism in Northern Nigeria: A Threat to Food Security in Maiduguri’, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (3): 11–17.
Ayai, C.O., 2009, ‘Causes of the Northern Uganda Armed Conflict: A Probit Analysis’, Africa Peace and Conflict Journal 2 (2): 72–85.
Bamenjo, J.N., 2015, ‘Boko Haram Insurgency Spreads Violence and Food Insecurity in Far North Region of Cameroon’, www.presbyterianmission.org/.../bokoharamspreadsfoodinsecurity/, accessed 13 May 2016.
Bere, M., 2011, ‘Managing Intra-State Conflicts: Promises and Failures of Peace Agreements in Côte d’Ivoire’, Africa Conflict and Peace Journal 4 (2): 17–28.
Blanton, R.T., Mason, D. and Athow, B., 2001, ‘Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict in Africa’, Journal of Peace Research 38 (4): 473–91.
Christakis, T., 2013, ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes? The Secondary Role of African Regional Organisations in Recent Armed Conflicts in Africa’, Proceedings of Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 107: 327–30.
Dubagat, K.K., 2013, ‘Special Report: Food Security Challenges in West Africa: A Focus on Agriculture’, West Africa Insight.
Eme, O.I., Onyishi, A.O., Uche, O.A. and Uche, I.B., 2014, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 4 (1): 1–14.
Epule, E.T., Peng, C., Lepage, L. and Chen, Z., 2012, ‘Poverty and Gender Oriented Vulnerabilities to Food and Water Scarcity in Touroua, Cameroon’, Journal of Human Ecology 38 (2): 81–90.
Ezzine de Blas, M.R. and Vermeulen, C., 2011, ‘Management Conflicts in Cameroonian Community Forests’, Ecology and Society 16 (1): 8.
Gahama, J., 2005–2006, ‘Les causes des violences ethniques contemporaines dans l’Afrique des Grands Lacs: une analyse historique et socio-politique’, Afrika Zamani 13 & 14: 101–15.
Gebre, Y., 2002, ‘Differential Reestablishment of Voluntary and Involuntary Migrants: The Case of Metekel Settlers in Ethiopia’, African Study Monographs 23 (1): 31–46.
Hemen, T., 2013, ‘Can Bio-fortification Revive Food Production in West Africa?’, West Africa Insight.
Ibaba, I.S., 2007, ‘Understanding Oil Company-Community Conflicts in the Niger Delta (Nigeria)’, Peace and Conflict Studies 14 (1): 1–18.
Ibaba, I.S., 2011, ‘Nigeria’s Niger Delta: Militia Violence, Amnesty and Energy Security’, Peace and Conflict Studies 18 (1): 44–78.
Idowu, O.O.W., 1999, ‘Citizenship Status, Statehood Problems and Political Conflict: The Case of Nigeria’, Nordic Journal of African Studies 8 (2): 73–88.
Imaseun, E., 2015, ‘Insurgency and Humanitarian Crises in Northern Nigeria: The Case of Boko Haram’, African Journal of Political Science and International Relations 9 (7): 284–96.
Joint Humanitarian Action Plan, 2014, Humanitarian Needs Overview Nigeria. 2013, Nigeria: Joint Humanitarian Action Plan.
Kah, H.K., 2013, ‘Understanding the Séléka Insurrection of March 24 2013 in the Central African Republic (CAR)’, Conflict Studies Quarterly 5: 47–66.
Marshall, W., 2016, ‘Boko Haram Is Starving in a Food Crisis of its Own Making’, https://munchies.vice.com/en/articles/boko-haram-is-starving-in-a-food-crisis-of-its-own-making, accessed 13 May 2016.
Masciarelli, A., 2016, ‘How Boko Haram Sparked a Food Crisis’, http://wfpusa.org/blog/why-boko-haram-searching-food, accessed 13 May 2016.
Matthews, R.O., 1970, ‘Interstate Conflicts in Africa: An Overview’, International Organisation 24 (2): 335–60.
Mbom, S., 2016, ‘Cameroon: Food Insecurity in the Far North’, http://reliefweb.int/report/cameroon/cameroon-food-insecurity-far-north, accessed 13 May 2016.
Mogoum, A., 2015, ‘The Foretia Foundation Is Interested in the Consequences of Boko Haram Insurgency in the Far North Region of Cameroon’ in Symposium on Media and Development in Cameroon, 1, Denis and Lenora Foundation, Monthly Newsletter No 1.
Moritz, M., 2006, ‘The Politics of Permanent Conflict: Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Northern Cameroon’, Canadian Journal of African Studies 40 (1): 101–26.
Muhammad, M., 2015, ‘Boko Haram Insurgency Gnawing at Nigeria’s Food Supply’, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-01/boko-haram-insurgency-gnawing-at-nigeria-s-food-supply, accessed 13 May 2016.
Mung’ong’o, C.G., 2002, ‘The Right to Food, Land and Democracy: An Analysis from a Grassroots Perspective in Three Semi-Arid Rural Districts in Tanzania’, Nordic Journal of African Studies 11 (1): 75–92.
Ngoh, M. née S.B., Teke, M.G. and Atanga, N.S., 2013, Agricultural Innovations and Adaptations to Climate Change Effects and Food Security in Central Africa: Case of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Central African Republic, African Technology Policy Studies Network ATPS, Working Paper No. 79.
Nforngwa, E.N., 2016, ‘War on Boko Haram Hits Cameroon’s Vegetable Farmers’, http://thestandardtribune.com/2016/04/05/war-on-boko-haram-hits-cameroons-vegetable-farmers/, accessed 11 May 2016.
Obi, C.I., 1999, ‘Globalisation and Environment Conflict in Africa’, African Journal of Political Science 4 (1): 40–62.
Okojie, C., 1991, ‘Achieving Self Reliance in Food Production in Nigeria: Maximising the Contribution of Rural Women’, Journal of Social Development in Africa 6 (2): 33–52.
Onwusiribe, C. Nd., Nwaiwu, B.N. and Okpokiri, C.I., 2015, ‘Assessment of North Insurgency and Performance of Food Dealers in Abia State, Nigeria’, Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development 15 (3): 217–24.
Paarlberg, R.L., 1999, ‘Politics and Food Insecurity in Africa’, Review of Agricultural Economics 21 (2): 499–511.
Pate, A., 2014, ‘Boko Haram: An Assessment of Strengths, Vulnerabilities, and Policy Options’, Report to the Strategic Multilayer Assessment Office, Department of Defense, and the Office of University Programmes, Department of Homeland Security. College Park MD: START, January.
Rwantabagu, H., 2001, ‘Explaining Intra-state Conflicts in Africa: The Case of Burundi’, International Journal on World Peace 18 (2): 41–53.
Salih, S.A., 1994, ‘Food Security in East and Southern Africa’, Nordic Journal of African Studies 13 (1): 3–27.
Uhunmwuangho, S.O., 2011, ‘Challenges and Solutions to Ethno-Religious Conflicts in Nigeria’, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13 (5): 10–24.
Ukiwo, U., 2003, ‘Ethno-Religious Conflicts and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria’, Journal of Modern African Studies 41(1): 11–38.
UN, 2011, The Right to Adequate Food in Cameroon: The Second and Third Periodic Report (art. 1-15) of Cameroon to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (UN Doc. E/C.12/CMR/2-3.
USAID, 2015, Nigeria – Complex Emergency, USAID.
Wood, A.P., 1993, ‘Natural Resource Conflicts in South-west Ethiopia: State, Communities and the Role of the National Conservation Strategy in Search for Sustainable Development’, Nordic Journal of African Studies 2 (2): 83–99.
World Bank, 1986, Poverty and Hunger: Issues and Options in Developing Countries: A World Bank Policy Study, Washington DC: World Bank.
Yengoh, G.T., Armah, F.A. and Onumah, E.E., 2010, ‘Paths to Attaining Food Security: The Case of Cameroon’, Challenges 1: 5–26.