4 - Challenges for the Opposition and Democratisation in Tanzania: A View from the Opposition
Corresponding Author(s) : Lennart Wohlgemuth
Africa Development,
Vol. 37 No. 2 (2012): Africa Development
In the period after 1990, a massive return to liberalised forms of politics has taken place and has been largely centred around the dismantling of one party- regimes, the termination of a large number of military-led or dominated governments, the embrace of a multiparty political framework, the introduction of an independent media, the restoration of some basic freedoms to the people of the countries concerned and the convening of multi-party elections. This development was so widespread and overwhelming that it was seen by many observers as the beginning of Africa’s second liberation (Olukoshi 1998; Gyimah-Boadi 2004; Mkandawire 2006).
Potential gains to the peoples from the liberalisation of their national political spaces were undermined since the 1980s by the conditions set by outside suppliers of necessary resources, combined with internal challenges in terms of weak institutions, civil society and media as well as lack of a tradition of multi- party democracy and general poverty. Matters appear to have been worsened by the fact that in many African countries the promise which the opposition once represented as the bearer of the hopes and aspirations of the people has substantially faded away. Several factors have contributed to weaken and, in some cases, discredit the opposition in much of Africa’s ongoing experience with multiparty politics.
This is a serious development that begs for further investigation; as the development of a healthy and vigorous opposition is a major part of a democratic framework. In this study, we will see how the situation in Tanzania has evolved over the past 17 years of multi-party development; based on rather unique interviews with Professor Ibrahim Lipumba, leader of one of Tanzania’s major opposition parties.
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Republic of Tanzania, 29 October 2000: The Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group, London: Commonwealth Secretariat, pp. viii, 50 .
Ewald, J., 1996, ‘Tanzania och Sydafrika. Demokratisering på vems villkor?’ Demokratins utmaningar. B. Kaufman: Göteborg, Peace and Development Studies, Göteborg University.
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Ewald, J., 2010, The challenges for the democratisation process in Tanzania. In K. Havnevik & A.C. Isinika (Eds.), Tanzania in transition: from Nyerere to Mkapa (pp. 284 s.). Dar es Salaam, Uppsala: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers; Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Ewald, J., 2011, Challenges for the Consolidation of the Democratisation Process in Tanzania. Moving towards consolidation 50 years after independence?, Göteborg: Göteborg University, Peace and Development Studies. School of Global Studies. (available on internet-id: http://hdl.handle.net/2077/27960)
Gyimah-Boadi, E., ed., 2004, Democratic Reform in Africa. The Quality of Progress. Boulder; London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
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Lumumba-Kasongo, T., ed., 2006, Liberal Democracy and Its Critics in Africa. Political Dysfunction and the Struggle for Social Progress. London: Zed Books.
Mbaku, J.M. and Ihonvbere, J.O., 2006, Multiparty Democracy and Political Change : Constraints to Democratization in Africa. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Melber, H., 2003, Limits to liberation in Southern Africa : The Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation, Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press.
Menocal, R.A., Fritz, V. et al., 2008,. ‘Hybrid Regimes and the Challenges of Deepening and Sustaining Democracy in Developing Countries.’ South African Journal of International Affairs 15(1), pp. 29-40.
Mkandawire, T., 2006,. Disempowering New Democracies and the Persistence of Poverty, Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Devlopment, p 26.
Mmuya, M., 1998, Tanzania Political Reform in Eclipse. Crises and Cleavages in Political Parties. Dar es Salaam: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Mukandala, R., Mushi, S.S. et al., 2005, ‘The Political Economy of Tanzania’, Consultancy Report, Dar es Salaam: World Bank.
Olukoshi, A.O., 1998, The Politics of Opposition in Contemporary Africa. Uppsala: Nordic Africa Institute.
Ottaway, M., 2003, Democracy Challenged: The Rise of Semi-authoritarianism, Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Rakner, L. and van de Walle, N., 2009, ‘Democratization by Elections? Opposition weakness in Africa.’ Journal of Democracy 20(3).
Randall, V. and Svåsand, L., 2002, ‘Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Africa ‘ Democratisation 9(3).
Salih, M.A.M., ed., 2003. African Political Parties: Evolution, Institutionalism and Governance. London: Pluto.
Salih, M.A.M. and Nordlund, P., 2007, Political Parties in Africa: Challenges for Sustained Multiparty Democracy: Africa Regional Report Based on Research and Dialogue with Political Parties,. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).
Tar, U.A., 2009, ‘The Politics of Neoliberal Democracy in Africa : State and Civil Society in Nigeria’, International Library of African Studies ; 22: xvi, pp. 269 s.
Tordoff, W., 2002, Government and Politics in Africa. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Törnquist, O., 2006, ‘Assessing Democracy from Below: A Framework and Indonesian Pilot Study.’ Democratisation 13(2).
Villalón, L.A. and VonDoepp, P., 2005, The Fate of Africa’s Democratic Experiments : Elites and Institutions, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Ware, A., 1996, Political Parties and Party Systems, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Wohlgemuth, L., 2003, ‘Interview with Ibrahim Lipumba.’ News from the Nordic Africa Institute (2).
Zuern, E., 2009, ‘Democratization as Liberation: Competing African Perspectives on Democracy.’ Democratization 16(3), pp 585 - 603.
Interviews with Ibrahim Lipumba, 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2010. One published (Wohlgemuth 2003)