2 - Padvinders, Pandu, Pramuka: Youth and State in the 20th Century Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Pujo Semedi
Africa Development,
Vol. 36 No. 3-4 (2011): Africa Development: Special Issue on ‘The Ideologies of Youth’
This article explores the significance of the large and very influential scouting movement in Indonesia, just before and after independence up till the present time. Here again, the emphasis is on the transmission of a very specific set of values and behavioral patterns that not only the scouting movement itself found important, but which became also very much supported by the Indonesian regime. These values entailed a disciplining of youth, a political ensnarement in the preparation of youth for good Indonesian citizenship, an acceptance of the role of the mili- tary as well as a civilization mission that embraced many bourgeois middle class values concerning dress, style, comportment, the body, responsibility and so on. Above all, patriotism was greatly valued; and as such, the scouting movement was capable of taking away much of the critical, if not revolutionary, power that in colonial times was kept by Islamic youth movements opposing colonial authority.
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- Abbas, M. Amin, 1990, Pedoman Lengkap Gerakan Pramuka, Semarang: Beringin Jaya.
- Abdulmuchni, Gatot Achmad, 1951, Kepanduan Indonesia dari masa ke masa. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
- Anderson, Benedict R. O’G, 1961, Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics under the Japanese Occupation: 1944-1945, Ithaca: Modern Indonesia Project.
- Baden-Powell, Lord RSS 1930, Rovering to Success, London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. Baden-Powell, Lord RSS, 1936, ‘A New Development in the Scout Movement in South Africa’, Journal of the Royal African Society, vol. 35, no. 141.
- Baden-Powell, Lord RSS 2004, Scouting for Boys, edited with an Introduction, and Notes by Elleke Boehmer, Orig. 1908, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bowie, Katherine A., 1997, Rituals of National Loyalty. An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand, New York: Columbia University Press. Djoemairi, M., nd,, Kitab Pemimpin Hizboel Wathan, Djokdjakarta: Centraal Magazijn Hizboel Wathan.
- Feith, Herbert, 1962, The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Furnivall, J. S., 1939, Netherlands India. A Study of Plural Economy, Cambridge: The University Press.
- Hoofdbestuur Muhammadijah, 1927a, Pengadjaran Hizboel Wathan, Djokjakarta: Taman Poestaka Muhammadijah.
- Hoofdbestuur Muhammadijah, 1927b, Qa’idah Moehammadijah Bahagian Hizboel-Wathan Hindia-Timoer, Djokjakarta: Taman Poestaka Muhammadijah. Kahin, George Mc, Turnan, 1952, Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Lombard, Dennys, 1990, Nusa Jawa: Silang Budaya, vol. I, Jakarta: Gramedia. Leembruggen, Peter, 2001, Het levensverhaal van een Indischepadvinder, California, Ventura.
- Lembaga Sedjarah PKI 1960, 40 Tahun PKI. 1920 – 1940, Jakarta: CC PKI. MacDonald, Robert H, 1993, Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Macleod, David, 2001, ‘Act Your Age. Boyhood, Adolescence, and the Rise of the Boy Scouts of America’, Journal of Social History, vol. 16, no. 2.
- Mertoprawiro, H. Soedarsono, 1992, Pembinaan Gerakan Pramuka Dalam Membangun Watak dan Bangsa Indonesia, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
- Muecke, Marjorie A, 1980, ‘The Village Scouts of Thailand’, Asian Survey, vol. 20, no. 4.
- Muhammad, Ibrahim, 1952, Pandu, Jakarta, Kwartir: Besar Pandu Islam Indonesia. De Nederlandsche Padvinders, 1947, Achter Kawat en Gedek, Jakarta: de Nederlandsche Padvinders.
- Padmodiwiryo, Suhario, 1995, Memoar Hario Kecik. Otobiografi Seorang Mahasiswa Prajurit, Jakarta: Pustaka Utan Kayu.
- Pandu Rakjat Indonesia, 1950, 5 Tahun Pandu Rakjat Indonesia, Djakarta: Pengurus Besar PRI.
- Parsons, Timothy H., 2001, ‘No More English than the Postal System: The Kenya Boy Scout Movement and the Transfer of Power’, Africa Today, vol. 51, no. 3. Poeze, Harry A., 1982a, ‘Inleiding’, in Harry A. Poeze, ed., Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indie. Deel I, 1927 – 1928, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Poeze, Harry A., 1982b, ‘Inleiding’, in Harry A. Poeze, ed., Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indie. Deel II, 1929 – 1930, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
- Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1982c, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel I, 1927 – 1928, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1983, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel II, 1929 – 1930, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
- Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1988, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel III, 1931-1934, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
- Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1994a, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel IV, 1935 – 1941, Leiden: KITLV.
- Poeze, Harry A., 1994b, ‘Political intelligence in the Netherlands Indies’, in Robert Cribb, ed., The Late Colonial State in Indonesia, Leiden: KITLV Press.
- Pramuka, 1969, Pramuka. Indonesian Boy Scout & Girl Guide Movement. Jakarta: Japenpa.
- Pryke, Sam, 1998, ‘The Popularity of Nationalism in the Early British Boy Scout Movement’, Social History, vol. 23, no.3.
- Raharjendra, Surti, 1990, Perkembangan dan Peran Hizbul Wathan Yogyakarta dalam Bidang Kepanduan (1918-1961), BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
- Ricklefs, M. C., 1995, Sejarah Indonesia Modern, Jogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
- Rosenthal, Michael, 1986, The Character Factory. Baden-Powell and the origins of the Boy Scout movement, New York: Pantheon Books.
- Salam, Aprinus, 1998, Refleksi Kritis Gerakan Pramuka, Jakarta, Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka.
- Setyantoro, Agung Suryo, 2006, Modernisasi di Tengah Tradisi Kraton: Pasoekan Poeteri J.P.O. (1934-1942), BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
- Soekarno, 1961, ‘Pidato Kepada Para Pemimpin Pandu. March 9 1961’, in Kwartir Nasional Pramuka, Patah Tumbuh Hilang berganti. 75 Tahun Kepanduan dan Kepramukaan, Jakarta: Kwartir Nasional.
- Springhall, John, 1987, ‘Baden-Powell and the Scout Movement before 1920. Citizen Training or Soldiers of the Future?’, in The English Historical Review, vol. 102, no. 405 (Oct., 1987), pp. 934-94.
- Suharini, Theresia Sri, 2000, Javaansche Padvinders Organisatie: Awal Munculnya Kepanduan Indonesia, 1916-1942, BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
- Takijoeddin, Mh, 1968a, Petundjuk Pembina Perindukan Gerakan Pramuka, Bandung: Pelita Masa.
- Takijoeddin, Mh, 1968b, Petundjuk Pembina Pasukan Gerakan Pramuka, Bandung: Pelita Masa.
- Taylor, Larry A., 1995, ‘How Your Tax Dollars Support the Boy Scouts of America’, The Humanist, September/October 1995.
- Warren, Allen, 1986, ‘Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the Scout Movement and Citizen Training in Great Britain, 1900 – 1920’, English Historical Review, vol. 101, no. 399.
- Winarto, 1951, Kenang-kenangan Reguku, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Abbas, M. Amin, 1990, Pedoman Lengkap Gerakan Pramuka, Semarang: Beringin Jaya.
Abdulmuchni, Gatot Achmad, 1951, Kepanduan Indonesia dari masa ke masa. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Anderson, Benedict R. O’G, 1961, Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics under the Japanese Occupation: 1944-1945, Ithaca: Modern Indonesia Project.
Baden-Powell, Lord RSS 1930, Rovering to Success, London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. Baden-Powell, Lord RSS, 1936, ‘A New Development in the Scout Movement in South Africa’, Journal of the Royal African Society, vol. 35, no. 141.
Baden-Powell, Lord RSS 2004, Scouting for Boys, edited with an Introduction, and Notes by Elleke Boehmer, Orig. 1908, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bowie, Katherine A., 1997, Rituals of National Loyalty. An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand, New York: Columbia University Press. Djoemairi, M., nd,, Kitab Pemimpin Hizboel Wathan, Djokdjakarta: Centraal Magazijn Hizboel Wathan.
Feith, Herbert, 1962, The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Furnivall, J. S., 1939, Netherlands India. A Study of Plural Economy, Cambridge: The University Press.
Hoofdbestuur Muhammadijah, 1927a, Pengadjaran Hizboel Wathan, Djokjakarta: Taman Poestaka Muhammadijah.
Hoofdbestuur Muhammadijah, 1927b, Qa’idah Moehammadijah Bahagian Hizboel-Wathan Hindia-Timoer, Djokjakarta: Taman Poestaka Muhammadijah. Kahin, George Mc, Turnan, 1952, Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Lombard, Dennys, 1990, Nusa Jawa: Silang Budaya, vol. I, Jakarta: Gramedia. Leembruggen, Peter, 2001, Het levensverhaal van een Indischepadvinder, California, Ventura.
Lembaga Sedjarah PKI 1960, 40 Tahun PKI. 1920 – 1940, Jakarta: CC PKI. MacDonald, Robert H, 1993, Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Macleod, David, 2001, ‘Act Your Age. Boyhood, Adolescence, and the Rise of the Boy Scouts of America’, Journal of Social History, vol. 16, no. 2.
Mertoprawiro, H. Soedarsono, 1992, Pembinaan Gerakan Pramuka Dalam Membangun Watak dan Bangsa Indonesia, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
Muecke, Marjorie A, 1980, ‘The Village Scouts of Thailand’, Asian Survey, vol. 20, no. 4.
Muhammad, Ibrahim, 1952, Pandu, Jakarta, Kwartir: Besar Pandu Islam Indonesia. De Nederlandsche Padvinders, 1947, Achter Kawat en Gedek, Jakarta: de Nederlandsche Padvinders.
Padmodiwiryo, Suhario, 1995, Memoar Hario Kecik. Otobiografi Seorang Mahasiswa Prajurit, Jakarta: Pustaka Utan Kayu.
Pandu Rakjat Indonesia, 1950, 5 Tahun Pandu Rakjat Indonesia, Djakarta: Pengurus Besar PRI.
Parsons, Timothy H., 2001, ‘No More English than the Postal System: The Kenya Boy Scout Movement and the Transfer of Power’, Africa Today, vol. 51, no. 3. Poeze, Harry A., 1982a, ‘Inleiding’, in Harry A. Poeze, ed., Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indie. Deel I, 1927 – 1928, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Poeze, Harry A., 1982b, ‘Inleiding’, in Harry A. Poeze, ed., Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indie. Deel II, 1929 – 1930, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1982c, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel I, 1927 – 1928, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1983, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel II, 1929 – 1930, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1988, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel III, 1931-1934, Dordrecht: Foris Publication.
Poeze, Harry A., ed., 1994a, Politiek-Politioneele Overzichten van Nederlandsch- Indie. Deel IV, 1935 – 1941, Leiden: KITLV.
Poeze, Harry A., 1994b, ‘Political intelligence in the Netherlands Indies’, in Robert Cribb, ed., The Late Colonial State in Indonesia, Leiden: KITLV Press.
Pramuka, 1969, Pramuka. Indonesian Boy Scout & Girl Guide Movement. Jakarta: Japenpa.
Pryke, Sam, 1998, ‘The Popularity of Nationalism in the Early British Boy Scout Movement’, Social History, vol. 23, no.3.
Raharjendra, Surti, 1990, Perkembangan dan Peran Hizbul Wathan Yogyakarta dalam Bidang Kepanduan (1918-1961), BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
Ricklefs, M. C., 1995, Sejarah Indonesia Modern, Jogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Rosenthal, Michael, 1986, The Character Factory. Baden-Powell and the origins of the Boy Scout movement, New York: Pantheon Books.
Salam, Aprinus, 1998, Refleksi Kritis Gerakan Pramuka, Jakarta, Kwartir Nasional Gerakan Pramuka.
Setyantoro, Agung Suryo, 2006, Modernisasi di Tengah Tradisi Kraton: Pasoekan Poeteri J.P.O. (1934-1942), BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
Soekarno, 1961, ‘Pidato Kepada Para Pemimpin Pandu. March 9 1961’, in Kwartir Nasional Pramuka, Patah Tumbuh Hilang berganti. 75 Tahun Kepanduan dan Kepramukaan, Jakarta: Kwartir Nasional.
Springhall, John, 1987, ‘Baden-Powell and the Scout Movement before 1920. Citizen Training or Soldiers of the Future?’, in The English Historical Review, vol. 102, no. 405 (Oct., 1987), pp. 934-94.
Suharini, Theresia Sri, 2000, Javaansche Padvinders Organisatie: Awal Munculnya Kepanduan Indonesia, 1916-1942, BA thesis, Jogjakarta, Dept. of History, Gadjah Mada University.
Takijoeddin, Mh, 1968a, Petundjuk Pembina Perindukan Gerakan Pramuka, Bandung: Pelita Masa.
Takijoeddin, Mh, 1968b, Petundjuk Pembina Pasukan Gerakan Pramuka, Bandung: Pelita Masa.
Taylor, Larry A., 1995, ‘How Your Tax Dollars Support the Boy Scouts of America’, The Humanist, September/October 1995.
Warren, Allen, 1986, ‘Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the Scout Movement and Citizen Training in Great Britain, 1900 – 1920’, English Historical Review, vol. 101, no. 399.
Winarto, 1951, Kenang-kenangan Reguku, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.