5 - Seeing the State through Youth Policy Formation: The Case of the State of Jharkhand
Corresponding Author(s) : Kathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff
Africa Development,
Vol. 36 No. 3-4 (2011): Africa Development: Special Issue on ‘The Ideologies of Youth’
This article explores the way in which one of the largest semi-autono- mous states in India, the state of Jharkhand, is developing policies that target the youth. It also looks at ways in which it is providing room for youths to participate in processes of decision making. Studying the state government’s position, ideology and praxis in this regard demon- strates that there is an interesting process of transmission of socio- political power into the hands of the young in such a way that the youth is likely to become a supporter and protector of the state. On the part of the government, a great deal of trust exists with regard to youth involvement in policies beneficial to the pursuit of an ideal welfare package for the people. The state makes sure that certain social and economic benefits flow towards the youth, and this certainly helps in securing their support for its notion of a semi-autonomous state, with the belief inculcated in the youth that the future is in their hands.
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- Gupta, S. P., 2003, Planning Commission’s Report of the Committee on India Vision 2020 and Vision Documents of Some States, New Delhi: Academic Foundation.
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- United Nations, 1999, Youth Policy. Formulation Manual, New York: United Nations Publications.
- Warburton, Jeni and Smith, Jennifer, 2003, ‘Out of the Generosity of Your Heart: Are We Creating Active Citizens through Compulsory Volunteer Programmes for Young People in Australia?’, Social Policy & Administration, vol. 37, no. 7, December, p. 772.
Anderson, David G., 2004, ‘Everything Is Still Before You: The Irony of Youth Discourse in Siberia’, Journal of Siberian Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, April, pp. 14-30.
Armstrong, Derrick, 2004, ‘A Risky Business? Research, Policy, Governmentality and Youth Offending’, Youth Justice, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 100-116.
Austin, Joe, 2005, ‘Youth, Neoliberalism, Ethics: Some Questions’, Rhizomes.10, spring, http://www.rhizomes.net/issue10/austin.htm
Bacchi, Carol Lee, 1999, Women, Policy and Politics, London: Sage.
Bauman, Zygmunt, 2000, Community. Seeking Safety in an Insecure World, Cambridge: Polity.
Baumann, Gerd, 2004, ‘Grammars of Identity/Alterity: A Structural Approach’, in Gerd Baumann and Andre Gingrich, eds, Grammars of Identity/Alterity. A Structural Approach, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 18-51.
Baumann, Gerd and Andre Gingrich, eds, 2004, Grammars of Identity/Alterity. A Structural Approach, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Blom, Hansen, Thomas and Stepputat, Finn, eds, 2001, States of Imagination. Ethnographic Explorations of the Postcolonial State, Durham/London: Duke University Press.
Boholm, Asa, 2003, ‘Situated Risk: An Introduction’, Ethnos, vol. 68, no. 2, June, pp. 157-158.
Boli-Bennett, John and Meyer, John W., 1978, ‘The Ideology of Childhood and the State: Rules Distinguishing Children in National Constitutions 1870-1970’, American Sociological Review, vol. 43, no. 6, December, pp. 797-812.
Bucholtz, Mary, 2002, ‘Youth and Cultural Practice’, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 31, pp. 525-552.
Buckingham, David, 2000, The Making of Citizens. Young People, News and Politics, New York: Routledge.
Chatterji, Roma, Palriwala, Rajni and Thapan, Meenakshi, eds, 2005, ‘Ethnographies of the State. Report of a Workshop’, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. XL, no. 40, October 1-7, pp. 4312-4316.
Corbridge, Stuart, Williams, Glyn, Srivastava, Manoj and Véron, René, 2005, Seeing the State. Governance and Governmentality in India, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Frank, Kathryn, I., 2006, ‘The Potential of Youth Participation in Planning’, in Journal of Planning Literature, vol. 20, no. 40, May, pp. 351-371.
Giddens, Anthony, 1994, Beyond Left and Right, Cambridge: Polity.
Giddens, Anthony, 1998, The Third Way. The Renewal of Social Democracy, Cambridge: Polity.
Giroux, Henry, 2002, ‘The War on the Young: Corporate Culture, Schooling, and the Politics of “Zero Tolerance”’, in Ronald Strickland, ed., Growing Up Postmodern: Neoliberalism and the War on the Young, New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Government of India, Annual Report 1995-1996, Part III, 1996, New Delhi: Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Ministry of Human Resource Development.
Griffin, Christine, 1997 , ‘Representations of the Youth’, in Jeremy Roche and Stanley Tucker, eds, Youth in Society. Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice, London/New Delhi: Thousand Oaks/Sage, pp. 17-26.
Griffin, Christine, 2001, ‘Imagining New Narratives of Youth. Youth Research, the “New Europe” and Global Youth Culture’, Childhood, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 147- 166.
Gupta, Akhil, 1995, ‘Blurred Boundaries: The Discourse of Corruption, the Culture of Politics, and the Imagined State’, American Ethnologist, vol. 22, May, pp. 375-402.
Gupta, S. P., 2003, Planning Commission’s Report of the Committee on India Vision 2020 and Vision Documents of Some States, New Delhi: Academic Foundation.
Jeffs, Tony and Smith, Mark K., 1994, ‘Young People, Youth Work and A New Authoritarianism’, Youth and Policy, vol. 46, pp. 17-32.
Kamens, David H., 1985, ‘Youth and the State. A Cross-National Analysis of the Changing Status of Adolescence’, Comparative Political Studies, vol. 18, no.1, April, pp. 3-36.
Kelly, Peter, 2000, ‘The Dangerousness of Youth-At-Risk: The Possibilities of Surveillance and Intervention in Uncertain Times’, in Journal of Adolescence, vol. 23, pp. 463-476.
Kelly, Peter, 2003, ‘Growing Up as Risky Business? Risks, Surveillance and the Institutionalized Mistrust of Youth’, Journal of Youth Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, June, pp. 165-180.
Kelly, Peter, 2006, ‘The Entrepreneurial Self and ‘Youth at Risk’: Exploring the Horizons of Identity in the Twenty-first Century’, Journal of Youth Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, February, pp. 17-32.
Kerkhoff, Kathinka, R., 1995, Save Ourselves and the Girls! Girlhood in Calcutta under the Raj, Rotterdam: Extravert.
Knopp Biklen, Sari, 2004, ‘Trouble on Memory Lane: Adults and Self-Retrospection in Researching Youth’, Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 715-730.
Migdal, Joel S., 2001, State in Society. Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute one Another, Cambridge/ New York: Cambridge University Press.
Muncie, John, 1999, Youth and Crime. A Critical Introduction, London/New Delhi: Thousand Oaks/Sage.
Nilan, Pam and Feixa, Carles, eds, 2006, Global Youth? Hybrid Identities, Plural Worlds, Abingdon Oxen/New York: Routledge.
Population Foundation of India and Department of Art, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of Jharkhand, 2006, ‘Jharkhand Youth Policy Formulation: An Initial Consultation Meeting’, Held on 21 April 2006, unpublished report.
Riele, Kitty te, 2006, ‘Youth ‘at Risk’: Further Marginalizing The Marginalized’, Journal of Education Policy, vol. 21, no. 2, March, pp. 129-145.
Roche, Jeremy and Tucker, Stanley, eds, 1997, Youth in Society. Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice, London/New Delhi: Thousand Oaks/Sage.
Rose, Nikolas, 1989, Governing the Soul, London: Routledge.
Scott, James, 1998, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, New Haven: Yale University.
Sharland, Elaine, 2005, ‘Young People, Risk Taking and Risk Making: Some Thoughts for Social Work’, British Journal of Social Work, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 247-265.
Singh, Renuka, 2005, Problems of Youth, New Delhi: Serials.
Stephen, Dawn E. and Squires, Peter, 2004, ‘They’re Still Children and Entitled to Be Children: Problematising the Institutionalised Mistrust of Marginalized Youth in Britain’, Journal of Youth Studies, vol 7, no. 3, September, pp. 351- 369.
United Nations, 1999, Youth Policy. Formulation Manual, New York: United Nations Publications.
Warburton, Jeni and Smith, Jennifer, 2003, ‘Out of the Generosity of Your Heart: Are We Creating Active Citizens through Compulsory Volunteer Programmes for Young People in Australia?’, Social Policy & Administration, vol. 37, no. 7, December, p. 772.