AD, Volume 27, n° 3 & 4, 2002 - Numéro Complet
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 27 No 3-4 (2002): Afrique et développement: Special Issue on •New Public Sector Management Approaches in Africa'
Introduction. New Public Management: An African Management Reform Paradigm?
Dele Olowu ..........................................1
African Case Studies in New Public Management and Its Main Lessons
Fashion, Learning and Values in Public Management: Reflections on South African and International Experience
Des Gasper ......................................17
Lessons of International and African Perspectives on Public Service Reform: Examples from Five African Countries
Gelase Mutahaba & Kithinji Kiragu .....................48
Managing Multiple Modalities of Delivering Basic Services in Ghanaian Cities
Nicholas Awortwi ...............................76
Beyond Public Management: African Policy and Management in Response to Globalisation
Restructuring the African State for more Effective Management of Globalisation
Moses Ν. Kiggundu .............................106
Enhancing the Competitiveness and Productivity of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Africa: An Analysis of Differential Roles of National Governments Through Improved Support Services
Asmelash Beye ...................................130
Book Reviews
Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed, 2003, Anthropology in the Sudan: Reflections by a Sudanese Anthropologist.
Jay O'Brien .......................................157
Myron Echenberg,2002 Black Death, White Medecine: Bubonic Plague and the Politics Health in Colonial Senegal 1914-1945.
Godwin R. Murunga ..................................160
Mamadou Aly Dieng, Les premiers pas de la Fédération des étudiants d'Afrique noire en France (FEANF) (1950 - 1955) de l'union française à Bandoung.
Thierno Diop .........................................164
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