3 - The Moral Economy of Working Class Struggle: Strikers,The community and the State in the 1947 Mombassa General Strike
Corresponding Author(s) : Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Afrique et développement,
Vol. 20 No 3 (1995): Afrique et développement
Cet article examine certains déterminants cruciaux de la résistance sociale des travailleurs, en particulier la grève comme arme, en prenant pour exemple la grève générale de Mombasa de 1947.Tout en battant en brèche l'usage bien établi de concepts tels que l'économie morale et la communauté, l'article tente d'analyser leur importance ainsi que le rôle de l'Etat dans le processus et l'issue de l'action revendicative des travailleurs. II montre que dans la grève générale de Mombasa de 1947, les grévistes autant que le patronat, avaient bénéficié de ressources extérieures. Pour les premiers, c'était le poids moral de la communauté. Pour les seconds, la puissance coercitive de l'Etat.
Télécharger la référence bibliographique
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- Amsden, A., 1971, International Firms and Labour in Kenyq London, Frank Cass.
- Bernian, B.J., 1981, 'Becoming a Developing Nation: The Political Economy of Transition in Kenya, 1954-1969', paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, Halifax, June.
- Bernian, Bruce, 1990, Contrai and Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialectics of Domination, London, James Currey, p. 326.
- Bernard, Jessie, 1973, The Sociology of Community, Glenview, III: Scott, Foresman and Co., p. 8.
- Booker and Devrill, M.D., 1978, Report on the Economie and Social Background of Mombassa Labour Disputes, Nairobi, Govemment Printer.
- Brown, C.A, 1988, 'The Dialectics of Colonial Labour Control: Oass Struggles in Nigerian Coal Industry, 1914-1949', Journal ofAsian and African Studies23, p. 42.
- Clayton, A, and D.C. Savage, 1974, Gavernment and Labour in Kenya: 1895-1963 London, Frank Cass, 1974, pp. 276-283.
- Cooper, F., 1987, 'On the African Waterfront: Urban Disorder and the Transformation of Work in Colonial Mombassa', New Haven, Yale University Press, pp. 78-113.
- Cooper, F., 1990, 'The Senegalese General Strike of 1946 and the Labour Question in Post-War French Africa', Canadian Journal of African Studies24.
- Cooper, Frederick, 1983, 'Urban Space, Industrial Time, and Wage Labour in Africa', in Frederick
- Cooper, ed., Struggle for the City: Migrant IAbour, Capital and the State in Urban Africa, Beverly Hills/London, Sage Publications,p. 35.
- Daily Herald 14.1.1947 de Blij, H.J., 1968, Mombasa: An African City Evanson, III: North-western University Press.
- East African Standard, 14.1.1947.
- East African Standard, 25.1.1947.
- Freund, 1988, The African Worlœr, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, chapter 1.
- Freund, Bill, 'Labour and Labour History in Africa: A Review of the Literature', African Studies Review 27, pp. 1-58.
- Governor Mitchell to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 14.1.1947, in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1.
- Gusfield, J.R., 1975, Community: A Critical Response, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, p.41.
- Gutkind, P. et al., 1978, African IAbour History, Beverly Hills, Sage Publications,pp. 155-174.
- Gutkind, P., Cohen, R, and Copans, · J., eds., 1979, African IAbour History, Beverly Hills/London, Sage Publications.
- Gutkind, P.C.W., 1988, 'Are Socio-Historical Studies of the Labour Process Central to Third World Studies'? Journal ofAsian and African Studies, 23.
- Janmohammed, Karim, 1977, 'A History of Mombassa, c.1895-1939: Sorne Aspects of Economie and Social Life in an East African Port Town During Colonial Rule', Ph.D. Dissertation, North-western
- University.
- Janmohammed, Karim, 1986, 'The Emergence of Mombassa as the Chief Commercial Centres of East Africa: 1885-1914', in G. Liesegang, et.al., eds.·, Figuring African Trade-. 1800-1912, Berlin, D. Riener.
- Kaggia, B., 'Roots of Freedom', 1921-1963, Nairobi, East African Publishing House, chapters 9-1I.
- Macviéar, K.G., 1968 'Twilight of an East African Sium: Pumwani and the Evolution of African
- Settlcment in Nairobi', Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California.
- Mamdani, Mahmood, 1985, A Great Leap Backward: A Review of Goran Hyden's No Shortcuts to Progress,
- UFAHAMU 14, P. 178-194.
- Member of Law and Order in the Legislative Council, 28.1.1947, in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1.
- Moodie, T.D., 1986, 'The Moral Economy of the Black Mincrs' Strike of 1946', Journal of Southern
- African History I3. p. 1-35.
- Newbury, Catherine, 1980, 'Uburuetwa and Thanga&a: Catalysts to Pcasant Political Consciousness in
- Rwanda and Malawi', Canadian Journal of African Studies.
- Poplin, D.E., 1972, Communities: A Survey of Theories and Methods of Research,
- New York, MacMillan, chapter 1.
- Reuter 0025 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 0703 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1443 in
- CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1453 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1519 in CO 533/544
- /b part 1, Reuter 1611 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1917 in CO 533/544 38091/b part l.
- Reuter 1946 in CO 533/544 38091/b part l.
Les références
Amsden, A., 1971, International Firms and Labour in Kenyq London, Frank Cass.
Bernian, B.J., 1981, 'Becoming a Developing Nation: The Political Economy of Transition in Kenya, 1954-1969', paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, Halifax, June.
Bernian, Bruce, 1990, Contrai and Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialectics of Domination, London, James Currey, p. 326.
Bernard, Jessie, 1973, The Sociology of Community, Glenview, III: Scott, Foresman and Co., p. 8.
Booker and Devrill, M.D., 1978, Report on the Economie and Social Background of Mombassa Labour Disputes, Nairobi, Govemment Printer.
Brown, C.A, 1988, 'The Dialectics of Colonial Labour Control: Oass Struggles in Nigerian Coal Industry, 1914-1949', Journal ofAsian and African Studies23, p. 42.
Clayton, A, and D.C. Savage, 1974, Gavernment and Labour in Kenya: 1895-1963 London, Frank Cass, 1974, pp. 276-283.
Cooper, F., 1987, 'On the African Waterfront: Urban Disorder and the Transformation of Work in Colonial Mombassa', New Haven, Yale University Press, pp. 78-113.
Cooper, F., 1990, 'The Senegalese General Strike of 1946 and the Labour Question in Post-War French Africa', Canadian Journal of African Studies24.
Cooper, Frederick, 1983, 'Urban Space, Industrial Time, and Wage Labour in Africa', in Frederick
Cooper, ed., Struggle for the City: Migrant IAbour, Capital and the State in Urban Africa, Beverly Hills/London, Sage Publications,p. 35.
Daily Herald 14.1.1947 de Blij, H.J., 1968, Mombasa: An African City Evanson, III: North-western University Press.
East African Standard, 14.1.1947.
East African Standard, 25.1.1947.
Freund, 1988, The African Worlœr, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, chapter 1.
Freund, Bill, 'Labour and Labour History in Africa: A Review of the Literature', African Studies Review 27, pp. 1-58.
Governor Mitchell to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 14.1.1947, in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1.
Gusfield, J.R., 1975, Community: A Critical Response, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, p.41.
Gutkind, P. et al., 1978, African IAbour History, Beverly Hills, Sage Publications,pp. 155-174.
Gutkind, P., Cohen, R, and Copans, · J., eds., 1979, African IAbour History, Beverly Hills/London, Sage Publications.
Gutkind, P.C.W., 1988, 'Are Socio-Historical Studies of the Labour Process Central to Third World Studies'? Journal ofAsian and African Studies, 23.
Janmohammed, Karim, 1977, 'A History of Mombassa, c.1895-1939: Sorne Aspects of Economie and Social Life in an East African Port Town During Colonial Rule', Ph.D. Dissertation, North-western
Janmohammed, Karim, 1986, 'The Emergence of Mombassa as the Chief Commercial Centres of East Africa: 1885-1914', in G. Liesegang, et.al., eds.·, Figuring African Trade-. 1800-1912, Berlin, D. Riener.
Kaggia, B., 'Roots of Freedom', 1921-1963, Nairobi, East African Publishing House, chapters 9-1I.
Macviéar, K.G., 1968 'Twilight of an East African Sium: Pumwani and the Evolution of African
Settlcment in Nairobi', Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California.
Mamdani, Mahmood, 1985, A Great Leap Backward: A Review of Goran Hyden's No Shortcuts to Progress,
UFAHAMU 14, P. 178-194.
Member of Law and Order in the Legislative Council, 28.1.1947, in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1.
Moodie, T.D., 1986, 'The Moral Economy of the Black Mincrs' Strike of 1946', Journal of Southern
African History I3. p. 1-35.
Newbury, Catherine, 1980, 'Uburuetwa and Thanga&a: Catalysts to Pcasant Political Consciousness in
Rwanda and Malawi', Canadian Journal of African Studies.
Poplin, D.E., 1972, Communities: A Survey of Theories and Methods of Research,
New York, MacMillan, chapter 1.
Reuter 0025 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 0703 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1443 in
CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1453 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1519 in CO 533/544
/b part 1, Reuter 1611 in CO 533/544 38091/b part 1. Reuter 1917 in CO 533/544 38091/b part l.
Reuter 1946 in CO 533/544 38091/b part l.